24 research outputs found

    Exploring the untargeted metabolites of Moringa oleifera Lam seed oil using two-dimensional gas chromatography with time of flight mass spectrometry for therapeutic application

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    Moringa oleifera Lam is an economically and medicinally important plant. However, its essential oil characterization has been limited to one-dimensional gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. This study identified secondary metabolite composition and variation in M. oleifera seed oil through two-dimensional gas chromatography with time of flight mass spectrometry and their associated bioactivity. GC×GC TOF MS analysis of M. oleifera seed oil was performed on an Agilent 7890 Gas chromatograph equipped with Pegasus 2D GC-TOFMS. About 1µl of the sample (dissolved in n-Hexane) was injected into the system, and the carrier gas was Helium. Identification was made using ChromaTOF software with reference to the NIST library. A total of 2000 phytoconstituents were obtained, of which 236 were identified using the NIST mass spectral values. Total constituents were classified into alkanes (64), alkenes (11), aldehydes (7), alcohol (10), acids (18), acid esters (70), Ketones (10), benzenoids (10), Monoterpenoids (1), olefins (6), Phenols (1), an alkaloid (1), triterpenoid (4), diterpenoid (1), sesquiterpenoid (2), tocopherol (2), and Others (18). Based on area percentage, fatty acids and their derivatives were predominant. The major constituents were Erucic acid (9.10%), trans-13-Octadecenoic acid (6.06%), Triethyl citrate (5.15%), Bis-(3,5,5-trimethylhexyl) phthalate (4.94%). This study reports a detailed metabolic profiling of M. oleifera seeds, which opens up the possibility of identifying and decoding specific bioactivities leading to novel drug discovery in the future


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    In this work we present the atomistic computational study of the adsorption properties of Co doped MoS2 adsorbed ammonia (NH3) and methane (CH4). The adsorption distance, adsorption energy (Ead), charge transfer (Qt), bandgap, Density of States (DOS), Projected Density of States (PDOS), transport properties, sensitivity and recovery time have been reported. The diffusion property of the system was calculated using Nudge Elastic Band (NEB) method. The calculated results depict that after suitable doping of Co on MoS2 monolayer decreases the resistivity of the system and makes it more suitable for application as a sensor.  After adsorbing NH3 and CH4, Co doped MoS2 bandgap, DOS and PDOS become more enhanced. The adsorption energy calculated for NH3 and CH4 adsorbed Co doped MoS2 are -0.9 eV and -1.4 eV. The reaction is exothermic and spontaneous. The I-V curve for Co doped MoS2 for CH4 and NH3 adsorption shows a linear increase in current up to 1.4 V and 2 V, respectively, then a rapid decline in current after increasing a few volts. The Co doped MoS2 based sensor has a better relative resistance state, indicating that it can be employed as a sensor. The sensitivity for CH4 and NH3 were 124 % and 360.5 %, respectively, at 2 V. With a recovery time of 0.01s, the NH3 system is the fastest. In a high-temperature condition/environment, the Co doped MoS2 monolayer has the potential to adsorb NH3 and CH4 gas molecules. According to NEB, CH4 gas molecules on Co doped MoS2 has the lowest energy barrier as compared to NH3 gas molecules. Our results indicate that adsorbing NH3 and CH4 molecules in the interlayer is an effective method for producing Co doped MoS2 monolayers for use as spintronics sensor materials

    Comparative morpho-micrometric analysis of some Bauhinia species (Leguminosae) from east coast region of Odisha, India

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    Bauhinia vahlii has been reported for several medicinal properties, such as tyrosinase inhibitory, immunomodulatory and free radical scavenging activities. Bauhinia tomentosa and Bauhinia racemosa also possess anti-diabetic, anticancer, antidiabetic, anti-obesity and antihyperlipidemic activities. Therefore, the correct identification of these plants is critically important. The aim was to investigate the comparative morpho-micrometric analysis of 3 species of Bauhinia belonging to the family Leguminosae (Fabaceae) by using conventional as well as scanning electron microscopy to support species identification. In B. racemosa, epidermal cells are polygonal with anticlinical walls; whereas wavy walled cells are found in B. tomentosa and B. vahlii. Anisocytic stomata are present in B. racemosa, while B. tomentosa shows the presence of paracytic stomata and anomocytic stomata in B. vahlii. Stomatal numbers and stomatal indices were found to be more in B. vahlii than B. tomentosa and B. racemosa. On the other hand, uniseriate, unicellular covering trichomes are found in B. racemosa and B. tomentosa but B. vahlii contains only uniseriate, multicellular covering trichomes. Based on these micromorphological features, a diagnostic key was developed for identification of the particular species which helps a lot in pharmaceutical botany, taxonomy and horticulture, in terms of species identification

    Application of Ensemble Typhoon Method to a Tropical Cyclone in the Bay of Bengal

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    The method of ensemble Typhoon was applied to a strong tropical cyclone in thw Bay of Bengal, Aila, in 2009. An ensemble of 63 members was successfully generated which are used to assess the impact to the society along the Bay of Bengal.The method of ensemble Typhoon was applied to a strong tropical cyclone in thw Bay of Bengal, Aila, in 2009. An ensemble of 63 members was successfully generated which are used to assess the impact to the society along the Bay of Bengal

    An optimization of solid transportation problem with stochastic demand by Lagrangian function and KKT conditions

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    In this paper, a stochastic solid transportation problem (SSTP) is constructed where the demand of the item at the destinations are randomly distributed. Such SSTP is formulated with profit maximization form containing selling revenue, transportation cost and holding/shortage cost of the item. The proposed SSTP is framed as a nonlinear transportation problem which is optimized through Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) conditions of the Lagrangian function. The primary model is bifurcated into three different models for continuous and discrete demand patterns. The concavity of the objective functions is also presented here very carefully. Finally, a numerical example is illustrated to stabilize the models

    The old man with heavy proteinuria: An uncommon case of lupus nephropathy in elderly male

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune systemic disease, particularly affecting women of reproductive age group. Male lupus and associated nephropathy is very uncommon. Elderly male presenting with lupus nephropathy is still a rare finding in literature. We report a case of lupus nephropathy in a 67-year-old male presenting with heavy proteinuria. We also conclude that age and sex of a patient is no bar for lupus, and every physician must consider autoimmune disease even in elderly male patients