25 research outputs found

    Farmer's Housholds Food Security in Sustainable Agriculture Context

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan perbaikan sistem USAhatani dengan simulasiprogramasi linier yang dapat memperbaiki aliran kas bersih (net cash flow) yangmencerminkan kesejahteraan finansial rumahtangga tani sekaligus produksi USAhatani yangberkelanjutan.Simulasi model programasi linier rumahtangga tani yang memenuhi persyaratanketahanan pangan rumahtangga dan pertanian berkelanjutan (model FSSA-LP) digunakanuntuk analisis penelitian. Data primer yang diperoleh dari 100 sampel rumahtangga tani untuksetiap daerah pedesaan di tiga provinsi di Indonesia, yakni Bali, Jawa Timur dan DaerahIstimewa Yogyakarta, digunakan untuk menetapkan parameter model. Penerapan efisiensiteknis yang lebih tinggi dan metode pertanian berkelanjutan dengan input eksternal rendahsekaligus pertanian berkelanjutan dengan informasi ekologi tinggi disimulasikan dalam modelFSSA-LP yang valid.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan secara simultan tingkat efisiensiteknis tertinggi yang menghasilkan output USAhatani optimal dan metode pertanianberkelanjutan dengan input eksternal rendah sekaligus pertanian berkelanjutan denganinformasi ekologi tinggi yang menghasilkan USAhatani lebih lestari pada model FSSA-LPtidak hanya meningkatkan aliran kas bersih rumahtangga tani tetapi juga mengatasi penurunanaliran kas bersih rumahtangga tani akibat Perubahan faktor-faktor eksogen dari model FSSALP,seperti tingkat suku bunga kredit tinggi, harga input USAhatani tinggi, harga output rendah,dan harga pangan tinggi secara simultan

    Strategi Pt.nanda Bangun Nusa untuk Mempertahankan Posisinya sebagai Market Leader dalam Agribisnis Pertamanan pada Hotel Berbintang Lima di Bali

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    PT. Nanda Bangun Nusa is a success company in landscaping agribusiness, its indicatedby increasing of selling and profit of the company continually in the year, and getting thebiggest market share until the company able to get position as Market Leader in landscapingagribusiness, especially in five stars hotel in Bali.This research has aim to analysis marketing strategy of PT.Nanda Bangun Nusa tosustaining market leader position in landscaping agribusiness of five stars hotel in Bali.This research use integrated analysis such as: a. Factor Internal External Matrix, b.Profile Competitive Matrix and Mapping, c. BCG Matrix, d. Internal External Matrix (IEMatrix), e. Space and Vector Line Matrices, f. Marketing Mix-SWOT Combination Matrix,and g. SWOT Matrix.The result of research shows that the company able to apply differentiation focusstrategy to ward off the treatment, impressing of competitor and the other factor external thatis difficult to overcome, to sustain the highest market share and market leader position inindustry landscaping of five stars hotel in Bali. This company is able to apply strong pricestrategy and product superiority, which is always guarded and supported by strongdistribution strategy. However, the weak promotion strategy needs to straighten to sustain thehighest market share and market leader position. To anticipate the condition of dynamicmarket, the company able to use sustainable competitive advantages, such as specialcharacteristic of design traditional Balinese and product qualities, competitive price anddistribution, experience of company in selling and good reputation in service to the customer,as well as high market share to sustain its position as market leader in landscapingagribusiness of five stars hotel in Bali

    Pengaruh Aktiva Tetap, Hutang Jangka Panjang, dan Modal terhadap Laba Bersih Perusahaan Agribisnis Indeks LQ 45 yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    So far, the owners of capital are always keen to invest in the stock market, however not all companies listed on the stock exchange will have a big investor. This is partly due to price fluctuations, investors can also look at the future prospects of the company, does provide a substantial or not. As agribusiness companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Index 45 for LQ is still very slow progress compared to other companies, so investors are less keen to invest in the company, so the performance is rather low. The problem formulated in this study is a variable fixed assets, long-term debt and capital affect net income in the agribusiness firm LQ 45 index listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2007 until the year 2010?. The variable is the most dominant effect on net income in the agribusiness firm LQ 45 index listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2007 until the year 2010?. The purpose of this study was conducted to analyze and to determine the effect of variable fixed assets, long-term debt and equity to net income in the agribusiness firm LQ 45 index listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2007 until 2010. And to determine the most dominant variable effect between fixed assets, long-term debt and equity to net income in the agribusiness firm LQ 45 index listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2007 until 2010. Xi variables jointly influence the variables Y1 at 72.89%, which means that the fluctuations or variations amounted to 72.89% variable Y1 influenced or caused by variable Xi together, and the remaining 27.11% or (1 - R2 = 1-72 , 89%) were caused by other factors or other variables. Partially only 2 independent variables Xi which significantly affect the dependent variable Y1 fixed assets (X1) and capital (X3), and other independent variables Xi (loans) have not significant (p> 0.05) to the dependent variable Y1 free. This means that each additional 1.00 USD fixed assets (X1) will result in a decrease in net income (Y1) significantly by Rp 0.309, and any additional capital to Rp 1.00 (X3) will lead to an increase in net income (Y1) is real Rp 0.528. The independent variable X3 is the most dominant effect on the dependent variable Y1 with a value of 8.864 with a chance F-hitung 0.005 (very real). The two dominant variables are X1 F-hitung value of 47.541 with a chance of 0.000 (very real)

    Pengaruh Karakteristik Situasional dan Komponen Kualitas Layanan Gerai Starbucks terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Ulang

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    Increasing in coffee industries attract investor to invest their funds in this business field. One of investor that attracted in this field industry is Starbucks. Starbucks is known as international coffee shop that has good reputation on service quality. In this time service quality is being important things due to its affect to purchasing decision. Situational variable is another thing that affect to purchase decision. This research is aimed to know the affect of situational variable and service quality to repurchase decision at Starbucks. This research use regression analysis to measuring and knowing the affection of situational variable and service quality to repurchasing decision at Starbucks. The subject of this research is consumer of Starbucks in Bali. Based on Roscoes theory that stated in multivariate research sample size at least 10 times of number variables. This research use 9 variables, so minimal sample for this research is 90, but on its research the sample were added become 150 to make better result. The result of this research was developed two phase of research. In the first phase thirty amount of questionnaire were spread to the consumers to be analyzed for validity and reliability test. From 38 questions, all were stated as a valid question if its Alpha Pearson correlation was bigger than 0,3 (? ? 0,3). Reliability test result standard value r > 0,6. Cronbachs alpha based on standarized items resulted 0,972 (> 0,6). It means the indicators were reliable and coud be spread to the respondent. The second phase, questionnaires were given to the customers and then been analyzed. From this analyzing get some result that service quality dimension variables such as tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy has positive affect to repurchase decision. And for situational variable there are three variable that has positive affect to repurchase decision such as temporal perspective, task definition, and mood. Meanwhile, social surroundings didnt give positive affect to repurchase decision

    Prospek Pembangunan Sub Terminal Agribisnis dalam Rangka Perbaikan Kinerja Pemasaran dan Peningkatan Pendapatan Petani di Wilayah Timur Kabupaten Sikka

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    Sub-terminal agribusiness, marketing agencies or concept as a market that is well managed to increase added value to farmers, in addition to educating farmers improve the quality of its products, as well as change the mindset toward agribusiness and became one of the original sources of income of the region. This research aims to study the development of agribusiness sub-terminal, the factors that affect the role of man, money, machines, methods, market in the construction of sub terminal agribusiness and agribusiness development influence sub terminal of performance marketing and an increase in revenue. This research was conducted in the eastern region of sikka on seven districts (Kewapante, Hewokloang, Bola, Doreng, Waigete, Talibura, Waiblama), which is the producer of crop plantations. Determination of the number of respondents is based on the number of respondents with slovin methods as much as 98 people, retrieval technique using purposif method of sampling respondents. Data collection techniques include: observation, interviews, and documentation, and data analysis using the method of quantitative analysis with test PLS. The results showed that the role of the factor man, money, machines, methods, market development of sub terminal agribusiness is very high, with the highest factor is the role of money and the correlation between a factor and mutually binding is the highest factor method. Construction of the sub-terminal agribusiness is real and positive affect performance marketing, the biggest factor is the factor of influence machines and produc. Construction of the sub-terminal agribusiness is real and positive influence of income with respect to the measurement of each factor is a positive and very real. Machines and creativity factor is the factor that has the most influence is high. Influence directly the sub terminal of agribusiness marketing and income is very real, as are the direct influence of marketing revenue. The suggestions can be put forward: (1) the role of government and private institutions as well as in the repair of chain or a marketing system as long as it does not favour to farmers producing crops of farmer plantations mainly by improving the existing marketing systems and monitoring of market prices, (2) a binding between the joint government and private institutions in strengthening marketing, repair and construction of infra structure: roads, bridges, ports, storage sheds to grow smooth results marketing process, (3) need for cooperation by all parties both from the educational institutions/universities, governments and private institutions to assist farmers in improving usahataninya, and (4) sikka to government as soon as possible to build a sub terminal agribusiness which is one of the marketing agency that coordinated or arranged properly to improve marketing systems that have an impact on increased life and well-being of farmers lives

    Kinerja Keuangan sebagai Dasar Pengambilan Keputusan Investasi di Dhyana Pura Beach Resort Seminyak Kuta Badung

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    The owners of capital who invest in fixed assets, must pay quite a lot of attention to their decisions that they are going to make, not only in connection with buying a fixed asset but also in the next spending which required by fixed assets. The return of investment by the owners of capital can be predicted with the financial performance by using the analysis of ratio. The aims of this research are to find out and analyze the financial performance profiles of Dhyana Pura Beach Resort Seminyak Kuta Badung and the Department of Food and Beverage Dhyana Pura Beach Resort Seminyak Kuta Badung from 2006 to 2010, the appropriateness of investment decision that has been taking by Dhyana Pura Beach Resort Seminyak Kuta Badung, and also to find out the steps in making investment decision. Analysis methods used in this research is the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data. The investment decision that took by Dhyana Pura Beach Resort Seminyak Kuta Badung to invest was right, it can be seen from the result of calculation of payback period where this investment will return in a quite short time, which is in 1 year, 0.24 months, 7 days. On the other hand, based on the calculation of ne present value this investment gave positive value, which is Rp 342,689,038,985.00, with the assumptions of occupancy rates and index prices in normality. These decisions could be taken because of the financial performance of Dhyana Pura Beach Resort Seminyak Kuta Badung from 2006 to 2010 had a good performance, and also the performance of the Department of Food and Beverage Dhyana Pura Beach Resort Seminyak Kuta Badung from 2006 to 2010 showed that the ability of fulfilment all of the obligations either in a short term or in a long term

    Analisis Tingkat Kebangkrutan Model Altman dan Foster pada Perusahaan Agribisnis di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    Bankruptcy Level of Altman and Foster\u27s Model Analysis in Plantation Companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange The purpose of bankruptcy level using Altman and Foster\u27s model analysis at plantation companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange is to anticipate and to predict how bankruptcy may occur in a plantation company. The object of this research is the financial reportsofall 16plantation companies that are registered in the Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2013 - 2014. Data were obtained from the Indonesia Stock Exchange\u27s website. The result of Altman model in 2013 showed that four companies were categorized to “bankruptcy” level and the same result occurred using the Foster model. The result of Altman model in 2014 showed that eight companies were included into “no bankruptcy\u27 level meanwhile the Foster model indicated 12 companies.The result of Altman model for financial reports 2013-2014 indicated that four companies were included into “prone to bankrupt” level while there are no companies in this category for the Foster model. However, the results of t-test showed that there isno significant difference of bancruptcy level either using Altman and Foster model

    Faktor-Faktor yang Menentukan Permintaan Buah Lokal pada Hotel Berbintang di Kota Denpasar dan Kabupaten Badung

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    Bali is one of the tourist destinations in Indonesia, where there are three priority factors on Bali development. They are agriculture, tourism with its culture and Hindu religion and home industry to support agriculture and tourism sector. The rapid development in tourism sector is expected that the holticulture product especially local fruits could be accommodated by tourism industry especially the big or star hotels which most of them located at Badung Regency. But in this free trade globalization, imported fruits products spreading in Bali are as a tight competitors in order to be able market segment especially to the star hotels in Bali. The title of this research, the dominand factors for the demand of local fruits at star hotels in Badung Regency. The choice of this location is done by using purposive sampling. The purpose of this research are : (1) To identify the fruits needed at star hotels in Badung Regency. (2) To know the factors for demand of local fruits at star hotels in Badung Regency, and (3) To know the deminand factor for the demand of local fruits at star hotels in Badung Regency. The samples taken are 96 hotels by using the Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling Technique. The data are collected by using (1) observation, (2) interview, (3) questionnaire and (4) documented method. There are 18 fixed variable indicators and they are analized by using inductive statistic. It is factor of analizes. The result this research shows that : (1) There 10 kinds of fruits needed by the star hotels in Badung Regency such as : watermelon, melon, pineapple, papaya (popo), king banana, snakeskin fruit, kapok banana, gold banana, red apple and avocado. (2) There are 5 factors for local fruits demand at star hotels in Badung Regency. They are : the quality of the fruit, the price, hotel policy, continuation and government policy. (3) From those 5 factors available, exactly the quality of the fruits is as dominant factors to influence the demand of local fruits at the star hotels in Badung Regency. From the result of this research could be suggested for : (1) Farmers. They should develop their knowledge and skill for planting local fruit plantations by joining agriculture information through both newspaper and electronically. (2) The supplier should have commitment to local fruits by doing more marketing to the star hotels in Bali especially in Badung Regency. (3) The government should give more agricultural information to the farmers and also to provide superior quality of the seed which are needed by the farmers and more tight policy for the imported fruits