29 research outputs found

    Utjecaj troškova održavanja nekretnina na potencijalno preseljenje starijih osoba: slučaj Slovenije

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    The article focuses on the question how maintenance costs impact the potential resettlement of elderly people into suitable accommodation units. In Slovenia, more than 80 percent of households own their own homes, and among these more than 60 percent of owners are over 65 years of age. The main instrument used to measure their opinions was a questionnaire which 471 participants over 65 years of age were asked to complete. The main conclusion is that despite high maintenance costs, Slovenian participants would not sell their property under any circumstances, not even in return for a better-quality living environment. Their attachment to the environment in which they live is extremely high. They prefer to solve problems related to maintaining rather than moving to a more suitable home or environment. We explain this to be due to their strong social affiliation to the micro-environment, strong intergenerational attachment, and the reluctance of Slovenians to migrate.Članak razmatra kako troškovi održavanja utječu na potencijalno preseljenje starijih osoba u odgovarajuće smještajne jedinice. U Sloveniji više od 80 posto kućanstava vlasnici su svojih domova, a više od 60 posto vlasnika starije je od 65 godina. Glavni instrument kojim su se mjerila njihova mišljenja bio je upitnik, a uzorak se sastojao od 471 sudionika starijeg od 65 godina. Temeljni je zaključak da, unatoč visokim troškovima održavanja, slovenski sudionici istraživanja ne bi prodali svoje vlasništvo ni pod kojim uvjetima, čak ni u zamjenu za kvalitetnije životno okruženje. Njihova privrženost okruženju u kojem žive vrlo je jaka te radije rješavaju probleme održavanja nego da se sele u prikladniji dom ili okruženje. Objašnjavamo to njihovom snažnom društvenom pripadnošću mikrookruženju, jakom međugeneracijskom privrženošću i nesklonosti Slovenaca prema selidbi

    Elemental Mercury Exposure and Sleep Disorder

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    Social integration of children with visual impairment: A developmental model

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    Personality Traits in Miners with Past Occupational Elemental Mercury Exposure

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    In this study, we evaluated the impact of long-term occupational exposure to elemental mercury vapor (Hg(0)) on the personality traits of ex-mercury miners. Study groups included 53 ex-miners previously exposed to Hg(0) and 53 age-matched controls. Miners and controls completed the self-reporting Eysenck Personality Questionnaire and the Emotional States Questionnaire. The relationship between the indices of past occupational exposure and the observed personality traits was evaluated using Pearson’s correlation coefficient and on a subgroup level by machine learning methods (regression trees). The ex-mercury miners were intermittently exposed to Hg(0) for a period of 7–31 years. The means of exposure-cycle urine mercury (U-Hg) concentrations ranged from 20 to 120 μg/L. The results obtained indicate that ex-miners tend to be more introverted and sincere, more depressive, more rigid in expressing their emotions and are likely to have more negative self-concepts than controls, but no correlations were found with the indices of past occupational exposure. Despite certain limitations, results obtained by the regression tree suggest that higher alcohol consumption per se and long-term intermittent, moderate exposure to Hg(0) (exposure cycle mean U-Hg concentrations > 38.7 < 53.5 μg/L) in interaction with alcohol remain a plausible explanation for the depression associated with negative self-concept found in subgroups of ex-mercury miners. This could be one of the reason for the higher risk of suicide among miners of the Idrija Mercury Mine in the last 45 years

    Kadilska omama večine ne zapelje

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    Multivariantno raziskovanje kot osnova za postavitev hipoteze o strukturnem modelu samopodobe I. del

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    Besedilo obravnava nedavno opravljeno multivariantno raziskavo o notranji strukturi nekaterih spremenljivk, ki utegnejo sodelovati pri oblikovanju hipotetičnega modela samopodobe. V uvodnem delu članek na kratko opredeli izraz samopodoba in se dotika nekaterih koncepcij ameriških, kanadskih in avstralskih psihologov o strukturi samopodobe. V nadaljevanju prikazuje metodološki pristop raziskave, ki zajema 169 srednješolcev treh ljubljanskih gimnazij, ki so v času preizkušanja obiskovali tretji razred. Preizkušanci so ocenjevali trditve na Offerjevem vprašalniku samopodobe za adolescente OSIQ, Marshovem in O\u27Neilovem vprašalniku samopodobe SDQ III, Rosenbergovi lestvici samospoštovanja, Spielbergerjevem vprašalniku testne anksioznosti, Hararyevem vprašalniku osebnostnega profila ter izpolnili splošni vprašalnik, ki se je nanašal na področje neodvisnih in kontrolnih spremenljivk (spol, starost itd.). Na podlagi zbranih podatkov smo ugotavljali posamezne korelacije med spremenljivkami in izvedli faktorsko analizo, ki je izločila 11 faktorjev. Ti faktorji so osnova za oblikovanje hipotetičnega modela samopodobe, ki bo prikazan v prihodnjem prispevku.The article deals with a recent multivariate research of internal structure of some variables which could be associated with the formation of hypothetical model of self-concept and touches on some conceptions of American, Canadian and Australian psychologists of the structure of self-concept. There follows a methodological part of the study, which comprised 169 high school students from three classical colleges in Ljubljana. The Offer Self-Image Questionnaire OSIQ, Marsh and O\u27Neill Self-Description Questionnaire SDQ III, Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale, Spielberger Test Anxiety Questionnaire, Harary Personality Profile OBOP and a general questionnaire were administered to all participants. We were interested in particular correlations among the variables and the factor analysis was carried out. 11 factor solution of the variables is the basis of the hypothetical model of self-concept which will be presented in next paper

    Urban Resilience and Sustainability in the Perspective of Global Consequences of COVID-19 Pandemic and War in Ukraine: A Systematic Review

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    The study of urban resilience (UR) in the context of sustainable development (SD) is a relatively new chapter, so we give it our full attention in this article. We seek to link UR and SD by understanding the complexity of current anthropogenic hazards—more precisely, global consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and war in Ukraine. In our study, we go a step further and create a hypothetical model based on hazards that links the key factors of UR and SD. We set the following two objectives: whether and how research incorporates newly perceived conceptual hazards (pandemic, war) and whether all groups of factors are explored equally and simultaneously. As these two hazards have only recently emerged and research on the subject is still well underway, we have opted for a systematic review method. We focused on articles from 2019 to 2022. The study showed that newly perceived conceptual tensions (pandemic, war) related to UR and SD have not been adequately explored. The study confirmed the lack of existing research in the broader context of understanding resilience of the built environment, and thus the lack of studies that provide a foundation and perspective for SD of the built environment. Therefore, we believe that further research should specifically focus on the plurality of approaches to understand the complex interactions, their impacts, and feedbacks in the context of multidimensional urbanization to understand UR as a perspective for SD