35 research outputs found

    Anatomska istraživanja endemičnih vrsta Centaurea rupestris L. i C. fritschii Hayek (Asteraceae)

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    The paper deals with the anatomy of the shoot and the root of the species Centaurea rupestris L. and C. fritschii Hayek, endemic in the Balkans. The species show great correspondence in the internal structure indicating their close interrelationship. Some anatomical phenomena not described so far were established in the course of these studies. These are: the presence of a bundle sheat in medullary bundles, formation of stem pith hollow by lysigeny, and occurrence of inulin crystals in living plants.Endemične vrste roda Centaurea balkanske regije u anatomskom su i kemijskom pogledu gotovo potpuno neistražene. Anatomska istraživanja ilirsko-jadranske endemične vrste C. rupestris i balkanskog endema C. fritschii poduzeta su kao uvod fitokemijskim istraživanjima i obuhvaćaju analizu anatomije izdanka i korijena navedenih vrsta. Rezultati tih istraživanja pružaju cjelovitu sliku o unutarnjoj građi istraživanih vrsta, ukazujući na njezinu gotovo potpunu podudarnost, što predstavlja još jednu potvrdu srodnosti dviju navedenih vrsta. Malobrojne razlike u pogledu anatomske građe između vrste C. rupestris i vrste C. fritschii odraz su različitih ekoloških uvjeta u područjima u kojima te biljke imaju areal svog rasprostranjenja. Pri ovim istraživanjima utvrđene su i neke anatomske strukture i pojave koje dosad nisu zabilježene u literaturi, pa stoga predstavljaju doprinos i anatomiji bilja u cjelini. To su: pojava mehaničkog žilnog ovoja kod medularnih žila, postanak centralne šupljine u srčiki stabljike na lizigeni način te pojava kristala inulina u živim biljkama

    The Essential Oil and Glycosidically Bound Volatile Compounds of Calamintha nepeta (L.) Savi

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    Results of the investigation of the essential oil and glycosidically bound volatile compounds of Calamintha nepeta (L.) Savi are presented in the paper. The essential oil was isolated by hydrodistillation and glycosides were extracted with ethyl acetate. The yield of essential oil was W = 0.91%. The essential oil was fractionated on a microcolumn with solvents of different polarity. One fraction of terpene hydrocarbons and four fractions of oxygenated terpene compounds were obtained. All fractions were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) on two columns with different polarity of the stationary phases. The purpose of the fractionation was to obtain a more completely analysis. In this way, sixtyfive compounds were identified. In contrast, only twenty-four compounds were identified in the essential oil without fractionation. The main components were piperitone oxide, piperitenone oxide, limonene, caryophyllene, thymol, linalool, 3-octanol and other compounds in smaller amounts. After isolation, final purification of the glycosides by »flash« chromatography on silicagel column and enzymatic hydrolysis, the liberated aglycones were analyzed in the same way as the essential oil fractions. The content of volatile aglycones was W = 0.00081% or 8.1 mg kg-1 of the plant material. Eighteen compounds were identified. The main aglycones were eugenol, carveol, 3-octanol, 3-hexene-1-ol, 2-butanol, 2-phenylethanol, methyl salicylate, benzyl alcohol, acetophenone derivates, and others. Some of the aglycones were the same or structurally similar to the essential oil components. Glycosidically bound volatiles in this plant have not been investigated so far

    The Essential Oil and Glycosidically Bound Volatile Compounds of Calamintha nepeta (L.) Savi

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    Results of the investigation of the essential oil and glycosidically bound volatile compounds of Calamintha nepeta (L.) Savi are presented in the paper. The essential oil was isolated by hydrodistillation and glycosides were extracted with ethyl acetate. The yield of essential oil was W = 0.91%. The essential oil was fractionated on a microcolumn with solvents of different polarity. One fraction of terpene hydrocarbons and four fractions of oxygenated terpene compounds were obtained. All fractions were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) on two columns with different polarity of the stationary phases. The purpose of the fractionation was to obtain a more completely analysis. In this way, sixtyfive compounds were identified. In contrast, only twenty-four compounds were identified in the essential oil without fractionation. The main components were piperitone oxide, piperitenone oxide, limonene, caryophyllene, thymol, linalool, 3-octanol and other compounds in smaller amounts. After isolation, final purification of the glycosides by »flash« chromatography on silicagel column and enzymatic hydrolysis, the liberated aglycones were analyzed in the same way as the essential oil fractions. The content of volatile aglycones was W = 0.00081% or 8.1 mg kg-1 of the plant material. Eighteen compounds were identified. The main aglycones were eugenol, carveol, 3-octanol, 3-hexene-1-ol, 2-butanol, 2-phenylethanol, methyl salicylate, benzyl alcohol, acetophenone derivates, and others. Some of the aglycones were the same or structurally similar to the essential oil components. Glycosidically bound volatiles in this plant have not been investigated so far

    Antimikotsko djelovanje tekućeg ekstrakta i eteričnog ulja iz plodova aniša (Pimpinella anisum L., Apiaceae)

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    Antifungal activities of fluid extract and essential oil obtained from anise fruits Pimpinella anisum L. (Apiaceae) were tested in vitro on clinical isolates of seven species of yeasts and four species of dermatophytes. Diffusion method with cylinders and the broth dilution method were used for antifungal activity testing. Anise fluid extract showed antimycotic activity against Candida albicans, C. parapsilosis, C. tropicalis, C. pseudotropicalis and C. krusei with MIC values between 17 and 20% (V/V). No activity was noticed against C. glabrata, and anis fruits extracts showed growth promotion activity on Geotrichum spp. Anise fruits extract inhibited the growth of dermatophyte species (Trichophyton rubrum, T. mentagrophytes, Microsporum canis and M. gypseum) with MIC values between 1.5 and 9% (V/V). Anise essential oil showed strong antifungal activity against yeasts with MIC lower than 1.56% (V/V) and dermatophytes with MIC lower than 0.78% (V/V). Significant differences in antifungal activities were found between anise fluid extract and anise essential oil (p < 0.01). Anise essential oil exhibited stronger antifungal activities against yeasts and dermatophytes with MIC values between 0.10 and 1.56% (V/V), respectively.Ispitana je antimikotsko djelovanje tekućeg ekstrakta i eteričnog ulja iz plodova aniša (Pimpinella anisum L., Apiaceae) na kliničke izolate sedam vrsta kvascima sličnih gljivica i četiri vrste dermatofita. Za ispitivanje antifungalne aktivnosti upotrebljene su metode difuzije cilindrima i metode razrjeđivanja u tekućem hranilištu. Tekući ekstrakt aniša pokazuje antifungalnu aktivnost na vrste Candida albicans, C. parapsilosis, C. tropicalis, C. pseudotropicalis i C. krusei s vrijednostima minimalne inhibitorne koncentracije (MIK) između 17 i 20% (V/V). Vrsta C. glabrata je rezistentna na djelovanje esktrakta, a uočeno je promotivno djelovanje ekstrakta na rast Geotrichum sp. Esktrakt aniša pokazuje inhibiciju rasta dermatofita (Trichophyton rubrum, T. mentagrophytes, Microsporum canis i M. gypseum) s MIK vrijednostima između 1,5 i 9,0% (V/V). Eterično ulje aniša pokazuje jaku antifungalnu aktivnost na kvascima slične gljivice s vrijednostima MIK-a nižima od 1,56% (V/V), a na dermatofite s vrijednostima MIK-a nižima od 0.78% (V/V). Utvrđena je značajna razlika (p < 0,01) između MIK-a tekućeg ekstrakta aniša i aniševog eteričnog ulja. Eterično ulje aniša pokazuje jaču antifungalnu aktivnost na kvascima slične gljivice i dermatofite s vrijednostima MIK-a između 0,10 i 1,56% (V/V)

    Free and Glycosidically Bound Volatiles of Mentha citrata Ehrh.

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    Free and glycosidically bound volatiles of surficial parts of Mentha citrata were investigated. Free volatile compounds were isolated from dried plant material by two methods: hydrodistillation and extraction with pentane used as control. Free volatile compounds as well as the aglycones obtained after enzymatic hydrolysis of gly-cosides were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). A significant difference in qualitative and quantitative composition of volatile compounds of the essential oil and pentane extract was found. The major components of the essential oil and pentane extract were linalyl acetate (21.46%; 42.02%), linalool (13.68%; 22.66%), 1,8-cineole (12.51%; 6.40%), &beta;-myrcene (8.10%; 2.87%), &alpha;-terpineol (7.38%; 0.73%) and geranyl acetate (8.66%; 1.76%). The major components of the volatile aglycones were 1-octen-3-ol (40.28%), eugenol (12.29%), 3-octanol (7.09%), linalool (4.59%), benzyl alcohol (3.71%), 2-phenylethanol (3.67%), 3-hexene-1-ol (2.87%) and 1-heptene-3-ol (2.88%). Compared with free volatile compounds (essential oil: 1.56%; pentane extract: 1.64% ), the glycosidically bound volatiles were present in a lower concentration, about 0.0068%

    Essential Oil and Glycosidically Bound Volatile Compounds from the Needles of Common Juniper (Juniperus communis L.)

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    The essential oil was isolated by hydrodistillation and glycosides were extracted with ethyl acetate from the needles of common juniper. The obtained essential oil was fractionated on microcolumn with solvents of different polarity. Ali fractions were analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) on two columns with different polarity of the stationary phases. Sixty-three compounds were identified. The main components of juniper needle oil were: &alpha;-pinene (16.9%), sabinene (12.1%), terpinene-4-ol (7.7%), &beta;-phellandrene (7.3%), widdrene (6.4%), &gamma;-terpinene (5.9%), &beta;-terpinene (4.3%), &alpha;-terpinene (3.8%), and other compounds in smaller quantities. After isolation, final purification of the glycosides and enzymatic hydrolysis, the liberated aglycones were analysed in the same way as fractions of the essential oil. Twenty-two aglycones were identified. The main aglycones were: 3-phenyl-2-propen-1-ol, (32.8%), 2-phenylpropanol (6.0%), thymoquinone (4.6%), 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzaldehyde (4.3%), 3-methyl-2-buten-1-ol (2.8%), 2-phenylethanol (2.8%), 3-phenyl-2-propenal, (2.7%), methyl-3-hydroxybenzoate (2.6%), and p-cymen-8-ol, o-methoxybenzyl alcohol, methyl salycilate, &alpha;-methyl-benzyl alcohol, 1-octen-3-ol, and other compounds

    Tamjan - Olibanum Boswellia sacra

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    The family Burseraceae with 20 genera and about 600 species is represented in North- East Africa, Arabia, India and tropical America. Oleoresin canals are found in the phloem and, in some species of Boswellia, in the pith. Frankincense or olibanum is an oleo-gum-resin obtained by incision from the bark of species of Boswellia. Boswellia sacra Roxb., B. carteri Birdw. and B. papyrifera Hochst are small trees indigenous to Arabia and North-Eastern Africa. Of medicinal irfterest is Boswellia serrata Roxb. ex Colebr., growing in India (Indian Olibanum or Salaiguggal). The drug occurs in more or less ovoid tears. The surface is dusty and of a yellowish or greenish colour. Odour is characteristic, especially when burned. Taste is slightly bitter. Olibanum contains 5-9% volatile oil, about 60-70% of resin and 27-35% of gum. The drug is used in incense and fumigating preparations. Today its medicinal effects again increase attention. Of all the various medicinal applications in the past the antiarthritic and antirheumatic, analgesic and sedative effects have been confirmed by modem medicine. The pharmacologically most important constituents are derivatives of boswellic acid, which are contained in the Indian, the Somalian and the Arabian Boswellia species. The Boswellia serrata extract H 15 was used for the treatment of active Crohn's disease

    Mira - Myrrha - Commiphora molmol Engler

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    Myrrh is an oleo-gum resin , obtained from the stem of Comothiphora molmol and other species of Commiphora (Burse race ae), growing in North-East Africa (Somali Myrrh), and on the Arabian peninsula (Arabian or Yemen Myrrh). The plants are small trees that sometimes attain a high of 10 meters. The oleo-gum- resin exudes naturally or from incisions made in the bark. It is at first a yellowish color, but soon hardens in the intense heat of these countries, becomes darker, and is then collected. The drug is chiefly collected in Somaliland and sent to Aden. There are numerous references to myrrh in the Old Testament. Myrrh was an ingredient of the embalming material of the Egyptians. Its use in incense and perfumes in ceremonial religious life since the days of remote antiquity is well known. Myrrh contains 2.5-8% (7-17%) a yellow or yellowish green volatile oil; 25-40% of resin, 50-60% of gum, and some 3 -4% of impurities. The ether-soluble portion contains a-, P- and y-commiphoric acids, the esters another resin acid and two phenolic resins. Commiphora molmol is of medicinal interest. Myrrh is chiefly employed as a stomatologic in the form of a mouth wash. Like many other resins it has local stimulant and antiseptic properties. It is used in incense and perfumes

    Suhi ekstrakt plodova sikavice (Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn.) - terapeutik jetre

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    The milk thistle, Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. (= Carduus marianus L.) belongs to the Asteraceae family. The history of this medicinal plant is going back to· the time of the birth of Christ. It's fruits, Fructus Cardui Mariae, commonly known as seeds, were formerly employed as a herbal remedy, while nowdays they or their products in effective dosage are recognized as a therapeutic agent. Wagner et al. (1968) were found in fruits of the milk thistle a group of flavonoid compounds. These compounds were given the name silymarin. Further studies showed that silymarin consists of three isomeric compounds: silibinin, silidianin and silicristin (molecular formula: C,){,.0,., MW 482.45) The positive effect of silymarin on elevated serum enzyme levels - an indication of parenchymal damage in patients with chronic liver diseases -has been clearly apparent in various nonblind controlled trials. Indicatons of silymarin: toxic liver damage, for supportive treatment in chronic inflammatory liver diseases and cirrhosis