1,917 research outputs found

    Erosive Burning and its Applications for Performance Prediction

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    A modified method for prediction of performance of large motors based on erosion constant obtained by partial burning technique is discussed. Erosion constants for two different double base compositions have been determined by partial burning technique. These constraints have been used to predict the performance of the large scale motors developed for Defence applications. The predicted performance compares well with the experimental values

    Generating multimedia briefings: coordinating language and illustration

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    AbstractCommunication can be more effective when several media (such as text, speech, or graphics) are integrated and coordinated to present information. This changes the nature of media-specific generation (e.g., language or graphics generation), which must take into account the multimedia context in which it occurs. This paper presents work on coordinating and integrating speech, text, static and animated three-dimensional graphics, and stored images, as part of several systems we have developed at Columbia University. A particular focus of our work has been on the generation of presentations that brief a user on information of interes

    Dynamic Pricing with a Prior on Market Response

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    We study a problem of dynamic pricing faced by a vendor with limited inventory, uncertain about demand, aiming to maximize expected discounted revenue over an infinite time horizon. The vendor learns from purchase data, so his strategy must take into account the impact of price on both revenue and future observations. We focus on a model in which customers arrive according to a Poisson process of uncertain rate, each with an independent, identically distributed reservation price. Upon arrival, a customer purchases a unit of inventory if and only if his reservation price equals or exceeds the vendor’s prevailing price.Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (MSOM society)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant IIS- 0428868

    A New Survey for Giant Arcs

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    We report on the first results of an imaging survey to detect strong gravitational lensing targeting the richest clusters selected from the photometric data of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) with follow-up deep imaging observations from the Wisconsin Indiana Yale NOAO (WIYN) 3.5m telescope and the University of Hawaii 88-inch telescope (UH88). The clusters are selected from an area of 8000 deg^2 using the Red Cluster Sequence technique and span the redshift range 0.1 < z < 0.6, corresponding to a comoving cosmological volume of ~ 2 Gpc^3. Our imaging survey thus targets a volume more than an order of magnitude larger than any previous search. A total of 240 clusters were imaged of which 141 had sub-arcsecond image quality. Our survey has uncovered16 new lensing clusters with definite giant arcs, an additional 12 systems for which the lensing interpretation is very likely, and 9 possible lenses which contain shorter arclets or candidate arcs which are less certain and will require further observations to confirm their lensing origin. The number of new cluster lenses detected in this survey is likely > 30. Among these new systems are several of the most dramatic examples of strong gravitational lensing ever discovered with multiple bright arcs at large angular separation. These will likely become 'poster-child' gravitational lenses similar to Abell 1689 and CL0024+1654. The new lenses discovered in this survey will enable future sysetmatic studies of the statistics of strong lensing and its implications for cosmology and our structure formation paradigm.Comment: 19 pages, 7 pages of Figures, submitted to AJ. Fixed Typo

    Definitive spectroscopic determination of the transverse interactions responsible for the magnetic quantum tunneling in Mn12-acetate

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    We present detailed angle-dependent single crystal electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) data for field rotations in the hard plane of the S=10 single molecule magnet Mn12-acetate. A clear four-fold variation in the resonance positions may be attributed to an intrinsic fourth order transverse anisotropy (O44). Meanwhile, a four-fold variation of the EPR lineshapes confirms a recently proposed model wherein disorder associated with the acetic acid of crystallization induces a locally varying quadratic (rhombic) transverse anisotropy (O22). These findings explain most aspects of the magnetic quantum tunneling observed in Mn12-acetate.Comment: 7 pages, including figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Self-Lensing Models of the LMC

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    All of the proposed explanations for the microlensing events observed towards the LMC have difficulties. One of these proposed explanations, LMC self-lensing, which invokes ordinary LMC stars as the long sought-after lenses, has recently gained considerable popularity as a possible solution to the microlensing conundrum. In this paper, we carefully examine the set of LMC self-lensing models. In particular, we review the pertinent observations made of the LMC, and show how these observations place limits on such self-lensing models. We find that, given current observational constraints, no purely LMC disk models are capable of producing optical depths as large as that reported in the MACHO collaboration 2-year analysis. Besides pure disk, we also consider alternate geometries, and present a framework which encompasses the previous studies of LMC self-lensing. We discuss which model parameters need to be pushed in order for such models to succeed. For example, like previous workers, we find that an LMC halo geometry may be able to explain the observed events. However, since all known LMC tracer stellar populations exhibit disk-like kinematics, such models will have difficulty being reconciled with observations. For SMC self-lensing, we find predicted optical depths differing from previous results, but more than sufficient to explain all observed SMC microlensing. In contrast, for the LMC we find a self-lensing optical depth contribution between 0.47e-8 and 7.84e-8, with 2.44e-8 being the value for the set of LMC parameters most consistent with current observations.Comment: 20 pages, Latex, 14 figures, submitted to Ap

    AC susceptibility and 51^{51}V NMR study of MnV2_2O4_4

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    We report 51^{51}V zero-field NMR of manganese vanadate spinel of MnV2_2O4_4, together with both ac and dc magnetization measurements. The field and temperature dependence of ac susceptibilities show a reentrant-spin-glass-like behavior below the ferrimagnetic(FEM) ordering temperature. The zero-field NMR spectrum consists of multiple lines ranging from 240 MHz to 320 MHz. Its temperature dependence reveals that the ground state is given by the simultaneous formation of a long-range FEM order and a short-range order component. We attribute the spin-glass-like anomalies to freezing and fluctuations of the short-range ordered state caused by the competition between spin and orbital ordering of the V site
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