353 research outputs found

    Caracterização morfologica e agronomica de algumas cultivares de capim-elefante.

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    Mapping of major QTLs associated with witches broom resistance in cocoa.

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    Edição dos resumos do 46Âș Congresso Nacional de GenĂ©tica, Águas de LindĂłia, SP, 2000

    Selecting elephant grass families and progenies to produce bioenergy through mixed models (REML/BLUP).

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    Abstract Brazil has great potential to produce bioenergy since it is located in a tropical region that receives high incidence of solar energy and presents favorable climatic conditions for such purpose. However, the use of bioenergy in the country is below its productivity potential. The aim of the current study was to select full-sib progenies and families of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum S.) to optimize phenotypes relevant to bioenergy production through mixed models (REML/BLUP). The circulating diallel-based crossing of ten elephant grass genotypes was performed. An experimental design using the randomized block methodology, with three repetitions, was set to assess both the hybrids and the parents. Each plot comprised 14-m rows, 1.40 m spacing between rows, and 1.40 m spacing between plants. The number of tillers, plant height, culm diameter, fresh biomass production, dry biomass rate, and the dry biomass production were assessed. Genetic-statistical analyses were performed through mixed models (REML/BLUP). The genetic variance in the assessed families was explained through additive genetic effects and dominance genetic effects; the dominance variance was prevalent. Families such as Capim Cana D'África x Guaçu/I.Z.2, Cameroon x Cuba-115, CPAC x Cuba-115, Cameroon x Guaçu/I.Z.2, and IAC-Campinas x CPAC showed the highest dry biomass production. The family derived from the crossing between Cana D'África and Guaçu/I.Z.2 showed the largest number of potential individuals for traits such as plant height, culm diameter, fresh biomass production, dry biomass production, and dry biomass rate. The individual 5 in the family Cana D'África x Guaçu/I.Z.2, planted in blocks 1 and 2, showed the highest dry biomass production

    Combining ability in elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) for energy biomass production.

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    The objective of this study was to estimate and evaluate the general and specific combining abilities of hybrid combinations for energy biomass production, adopting the methodology of Griffing as adapted by Geraldi and Miranda Filho in evaluation cuts referring to two periods, the wet and dry seasons, and in relation to total dry matter yield (TDMY). The experiment was conducted at Pesagro Rio, located in Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, Brazil, in a randomized block design with three replicates. Crosses were performed in a partial diallel system. Treatments consisted of 10 parents, 25 hybrid combinations, and 1 control. Three evaluation cuts were made: two in the wet season and one in the dry season. The following traits were evaluated: plant height, stem diameter, leaf width, number of tillers, percentage of dry matter, dry matter yield, and TDMY. Regarding the general combining ability effects, the parents “Cameroon-Piracicaba” and “Mercker” showed outstanding positive values. Of the hybrid combinations, “Cubano Pinda”?“Mercker”, “Cameroon-Piracicaba”?“TrĂȘs Rios”, “Cameroon-Piracicaba”?“Mercker 86-MĂ©xico”, “IAC-Campinas”?“TrĂȘs Rios”, “IAC-Campinas”?“Mercker 86-MĂ©xico”, and “Guaçu IZ.2”?“Roxo” showed superior productive performance. Hybrids can be obtained with superior energy biomass production to that of the currently available elephant grass cultivars

    Prediction of genetic gains by selection indices using mixed models in elephant grass for energy purposes.

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    Genetically improved cultivars of elephant grass need to be adapted to different ecosystems with a faster growth speed and lower seasonality of biomass production over the year. This study aimed to use selection indices using mixed models (REML/BLUP) for selecting families and progenies within full-sib families of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) for biomass production. One hundred and twenty full-sib progenies were assessed from 2014 to 2015 in a randomized block design with three replications. During this period, the traits dry matter production, the number of tillers, plant height, stem diameter, and neutral detergent fiber were assessed. Families 3 and 1were the best classified, being the most indicated for selection effect. Progenies 40, 45, 46, and 49 got the first positions in the three indices assessed in the first cut. The gain for individual 40 was 161.76% using Mulamba and Mock index. The use of selection indices using mixed models is advantageous in elephant grass since they provide high gains with the selection, which are distributed among all the assessed traits in the most appropriate situation to breeding programs

    Discursive Objects

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    17-25 October 2015, 11h – 18h Gagelstraat 44, 5616RR, EIndhoven Aldo Bakker, Maarten Baas, David Bernstein, Martin John Callanan, Chmara Rosinke, Sarah Daher & guests, The Grantchester Pottery, Richard Healy, Anton Hjertstedt, Vincent Knopper, Pieteke Korte, Nynke Koster, Pottery Yacht Club, Corinne Mynatt, n-o-m-a-n, Studio Minale Maeda, Superstudio The first exhibition for Work at Home situates art, design, and transdisciplinary practices in the home space. In what might be a likely setting for ‘design’, outside of the white cube it presents an alternate context for how we experience contemporary art today. The presentation of ‘art’ and ‘design’ suggests a mutual inclusion of both devices which we use to frame human experience. Beyond ‘home exhibition’ histories, the structure of the visitor experience is as a lived-in space, and presents potentials of what a contemporary collection of art and design might look like today. Presenting in the home creates a new paradigm that explores the evolving publicisation of our private space
