2 research outputs found

    Sığırcılık İşletmelerinde Döl verimini Etkileyen Reprodüktif Parametreler

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    Reproductive success is the most important component of a profitable cattle livestock enterprise. The most important aim in dairy or beef cattle is the reproductive success. The profitability of business in dairy cattle breeding is measured by the milk yield and in beef cattle breeding; it is measured by the speed of live weight gain. For both cases it is essential for cattle to give birth once in a year. This can only be achieved with a proper reproduction management. Therefore, these parameters are utilized to measure the reproductive performance of cattle. In this review, the effect on fertility of reproductive parameters, which hold and important place in the management of the cattle enterprise, is discussed.Reprodüktif başarı karlı bir sığır işletmesinin en önemli bileşenidir. Süt ya da et sığırı yetiştiriciliğinde en önemli hedef ise reprodüktif başarıdır. İşletmenin karlılığı, süt sığırı yetiştiriciliğinde süt verimi ile et sığırı yetiştiriciliğinde hızlı canlı ağırlık kazanımı ile ölçülmektedir. Her iki durum için de yetiştirilen ineklerin yılda bir kez yavru vermesi şarttır. Yılda bir yavru almak ise ancak iyi bir reprodüktif yönetim ile sağlanabilir. Bu yüzden sığırların reprodüktif performanslarının ölçülmesinde bu parametrelerden faydalanılır. Bu derlemede, sığırcılık işletmelerinin yönetiminde önemli yer tutan reprodüktif parametrelerin dölverimi üzerine olan etkisi ele alınmıştır

    Evaluation of Spermatological Parameters of Frozen Bull Semen with Conventional and CASA (Computer-Aided Sperm Analysis) Method

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    The aim of this study was to compare the assessments made by the CASA system and subjective method (by using phase-contrast microscope) for spermatological examinations of imported and locally produced semen. Frozen semen (imported and local production) belonging to 20 different bulls was examined by phase contrast light microscope method (conventional method) and method supported by computer (CASA method) for evaluating the principle semen characteristics. For imported semen, considering the average values of samples examined by the two methods, significant differences (P<0.05) were observed in the values of motility and concentration as well as the rates of abnormal and dead spermatozoa. For domestic semen, significant differences (P<0.05) were observed for the concentration of samples by the conventional evaluations and for the assessment of motility and concentration by the CASA method. It was observed that there were significantly (P<0.05) higher data only for the concentration assessed by both methods, while no such differences between the values of motility as well as the rates of abnormal and dead spermatozoa were found when considering the general average rates. By using the two methods, findings from the examination of pre-determined parameters were compared and their reliabilities were displayed herei