9 research outputs found

    Supersymmetric Model with Grassmann-odd Lagrangian

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    A supersymmetric D=1,N=1D = 1, N =1 model with a Grassmann-odd Lagrangian is proposed which, in contrast to the model with an even Lagrangian, contains not only a kinetic term but also an interaction term for the coordinates entering into one real scalar Grassmann-even (bosonic) superfield.Comment: 6 pages, LATEX 2e. The talk given at the International Conference "Supersymmetries and Quantum Field Theory" (SSQFT'2000, NSC KIPT, Kharkov, Ukraine, 25-29 July, 2000). To be published in the Proceedings of this Conference. Corrections of misprint

    Exterior Differentials in Superspace and Poisson Brackets

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    It is shown that two definitions for an exterior differential in superspace, giving the same exterior calculus, yet lead to different results when applied to the Poisson bracket. A prescription for the transition with the help of these exterior differentials from the given Poisson bracket of definite Grassmann parity to another bracket is introduced. It is also indicated that the resulting bracket leads to generalization of the Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket for the cases of superspace and brackets of diverse Grassmann parities. It is shown that in the case of the Grassmann-odd exterior differential the resulting bracket is the bracket given on exterior forms. The above-mentioned transition with the use of the odd exterior differential applied to the linear even/odd Poisson brackets, that correspond to semi-simple Lie groups, results, respectively, in also linear odd/even brackets which are naturally connected with the Lie superalgebra. The latter contains the BRST and anti-BRST charges and can be used for calculation of the BRST operator cohomology.Comment: 12 pages, LATEX 2e, JHEP format. Correction of misprints. The titles for some references are adde

    NSC KIPT Linux cluster for computing within the CMS physics program

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    The architecture of the NSC KIPT specialized Linux cluster constructed for carrying out work on CMS physics simulations and data processing is described. The configuration of the portable batch system (PBS) on the cluster is outlined. Capabilities of the cluster in its current configuration to perform CMS physics simulations are pointed out

    Deformations of Maxwell algebra and their Dynamical Realizations

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    We study all possible deformations of the Maxwell algebra. In D=d+1\neq 3 dimensions there is only one-parameter deformation. The deformed algebra is isomorphic to so(d+1,1)\oplus so(d,1) or to so(d,2)\oplus so(d,1) depending on the signs of the deformation parameter. We construct in the dS(AdS) space a model of massive particle interacting with Abelian vector field via non-local Lorentz force. In D=2+1 the deformations depend on two parameters b and k. We construct a phase diagram, with two parts of the (b,k) plane with so(3,1)\oplus so(2,1) and so(2,2)\oplus so(2,1) algebras separated by a critical curve along which the algebra is isomorphic to Iso(2,1)\oplus so(2,1). We introduce in D=2+1 the Volkov-Akulov type model for a Abelian Goldstone-Nambu vector field described by a non-linear action containing as its bilinear term the free Chern-Simons Lagrangean.Comment: 29 pages 1 figur

    Remark concerning integrable Hamilton systems

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    On the possibility to observe a heavy Higgs via H⁰ →Z⁰Z⁰ →llνν decays at CMS

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    A possibility to observe with the CMS a heavy (MH 200 GeV/c²) Higgs decaying via H⁰ → Z⁰Z⁰ → llνν is studied. It is suggested that for Higgs masses close to threshold of H⁰ decay to the Z⁰Z⁰ pair. The “irreducible” background due to non-resonance production of weak boson pairs can be eliminated by a proper choice of event selection criteria leading to signature “l⁺ l⁻ + ET miss+ jets”. This observation is illustrated by PYTHIA/CMSJET simulations. For suppression of the Z+jets and tt contributions to the background, two sets of kinematics cuts are considered.Досліджено можливість знаходження важкого бозона Хіггса через розпади H⁰ → Z⁰Z⁰ → llνν. Припускалося, що маса частки Хіггса близька до порогу розпаду на ZZ. Неприводимий фон пов’язаний з нерезонансним народженням векторних бозонів може бути подавлений завдяки вибору критеріїв відбору подій, що ведуть до сигнатури сигналу “l⁺l⁻ + ETmiss+ jets”. Цей результат проілюстровано за допомогою PYTHIA/CMSJET моделювання. Розглянуто два набори критеріїв відбору подій для подавленя tt та Z+jets компонент фону.Изучена возможность обнаружения тяжелого бозона Хиггса посредством H⁰ → Z⁰Z⁰ → llνν распадов. Предполагалось, что масса частицы Хиггса близка к порогу распада на ZZ. Неприводимый фон, связанный с нерезонансным рождением векторных бозонов может быть подавлен путем выбора критериев отбора событий, которые приводят к сигнатуре сигнала “l⁺l⁻ + ETmiss+ jets”. Этот результат был проиллюстрирован с помощью PYTHIA/CMSJET моделирования. Рассмотрено два набора критериев отбора событий для подавления tt и Z+jets составляющих фона