1 research outputs found

    Infinite Dimensional Geometry and Quantum Field Theory of Strings. I. Infinite Dimensional Geometry of Second Quantized Free String

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    There are investigated several objects of an INFINITE DIMENSIONAL GEOMETRY appearing from the second quantization of a free string. The paper contains 2 chapters: 1st is devoted to the infinite dimensional geometry of flag, fundamental and Π\Pi-spaces for Virasoro-Bott group and its nonassociative deformation defined by Gelfand-Fuchs 3-cocycle (Gelfand-Fuchs loop) as well as of infinite-dimensional non-Euclidean symplectic grassmannian, to the constructions of Verma modules, their models and skladens over Virasoro algebra; an infinite dimensional geometry of the configuration space for the second quantized free string in flat and curved backgrounds as well as author version of Bowick- Rajeev formalism of the separation of internal and external degrees of freedom of a closed string are described in 2nd chapter. In the 1st chapter the main objects are infinite dimensional Lie algebras, groups and loops, homogeneous, K\"ahler, Finsler, contact and symmetric spaces, complex, real and CR-manifolds, determinant sheaves, manifolds with subsymmetries, polarizations and Fock spaces, bibundles and objects of integral geometry, nonholonomic spaces, deformations of geometric structures and moduli spaces. In the 2nd chapter they are gauge fields, Faddeev-Popov ghosts, Gauss-Manin connections, Kostant-Blattner-Sternberg pairings, BRST-operators.Comment: 20 pages. It is a version of the text published by the independent Editor Prof.J.L\^ohmus (Institute of Physics,Estonian Academy of Sciences,Tartu) in "Algebras,Groups Geom." 11(1994)145-179. It has no any relation to the rest Editorial Board and its Editorial Policy as well as to current publication