238 research outputs found

    Levels of total mercury in predatory fish sold in Canada in 2005

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    Total mercury was analysed in 188 samples of predatory fish purchased at the retail level in Canada in 2005. The average concentrations (ng g−1, range) were: sea bass 329 (38–1367), red snapper 148 (36–431), orange roughy 543 (279–974), fresh water trout 55 (20–430), grouper 360 (8–1060), black cod 284 (71–651), Arctic char 37 (28–54), king fish 440 (42–923), tilefish 601 (79–1164) and marlin 854 (125–2346). The Canadian standard for maximum total mercury allowed in the edible portions of fish sold at the retail level is 1000 ng g−1 for shark, swordfish, marlin, orange roughy, escolar and both fresh and frozen tuna. The standard is 500 ng g−1 for all other types of fish. In this study, despite the small number of samples of each species, the 1000 ng g–1 maximum was exceeded in five samples of marlin (28%). The 500 ng g−1 maximum was exceeded by six samples of sea bass (20%), four of tilefish (50%), five of grouper (24%), six of king fish (40%) and one of black cod (13%)

    Random antiferromagnetic quantum spin chains: Exact results from scaling of rare regions

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    We study XY and dimerized XX spin-1/2 chains with random exchange couplings by analytical and numerical methods and scaling considerations. We extend previous investigations to dynamical properties, to surface quantities and operator profiles, and give a detailed analysis of the Griffiths phase. We present a phenomenological scaling theory of average quantities based on the scaling properties of rare regions, in which the distribution of the couplings follows a surviving random walk character. Using this theory we have obtained the complete set of critical decay exponents of the random XY and XX models, both in the volume and at the surface. The scaling results are confronted with numerical calculations based on a mapping to free fermions, which then lead to an exact correspondence with directed walks. The numerically calculated critical operator profiles on large finite systems (L<=512) are found to follow conformal predictions with the decay exponents of the phenomenological scaling theory. Dynamical correlations in the critical state are in average logarithmically slow and their distribution show multi-scaling character. In the Griffiths phase, which is an extended part of the off-critical region average autocorrelations have a power-law form with a non-universal decay exponent, which is analytically calculated. We note on extensions of our work to the random antiferromagnetic XXZ chain and to higher dimensions.Comment: 19 pages RevTeX, eps-figures include

    Ising spins coupled to a four-dimensional discrete Regge skeleton

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    Regge calculus is a powerful method to approximate a continuous manifold by a simplicial lattice, keeping the connectivities of the underlying lattice fixed and taking the edge lengths as degrees of freedom. The discrete Regge model employed in this work limits the choice of the link lengths to a finite number. To get more precise insight into the behavior of the four-dimensional discrete Regge model, we coupled spins to the fluctuating manifolds. We examined the phase transition of the spin system and the associated critical exponents. The results are obtained from finite-size scaling analyses of Monte Carlo simulations. We find consistency with the mean-field theory of the Ising model on a static four-dimensional lattice.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    One Dimensional Chain with Long Range Hopping

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    The one-dimensional (1D) tight binding model with random nearest neighbor hopping is known to have a singularity of the density of states and of the localization length at the band center. We study numerically the effects of random long range (power-law) hopping with an ensemble averaged magnitude \expectation{|t_{ij}|} \propto |i-j|^{-\sigma} in the 1D chain, while maintaining the particle-hole symmetry present in the nearest neighbor model. We find, in agreement with results of position space renormalization group techniques applied to the random XY spin chain with power-law interactions, that there is a change of behavior when the power-law exponent σ\sigma becomes smaller than 2

    High frequency sound in superfluid 3He-B

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    We present measurements of the absolute phase velocity of transverse and longitudinal sound in superfluid 3He-B at low temperature, extending from the imaginary squashing mode to near pair-breaking. Changes in the transverse phase velocity near pair-breaking have been explained in terms of an order parameter collective mode that arises from f-wave pairing interactions, the so-called J=4- mode. Using these measurements, we establish lower bounds on the energy gap in the B-phase. Measurement of attenuation of longitudinal sound at low temperature and energies far above the pair-breaking threshold, are in agreement with the lower bounds set on pair-breaking. Finally, we discuss our estimations for the strength of the f-wave pairing interactions and the Fermi liquid parameter, F4s.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, accepted to J. Low Temp. Phy

    Metal-insulator transition and charge ordering in the extended Hubbard model at one-quarter filling

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    We study with exact diagonalization the zero temperature properties of the quarter-filled extended Hubbard model on a square lattice. We find that increasing the ratio of the intersite Coulomb repulsion, VV, to the band width drives the system from a metal to a charge ordered insulator. The evolution of the optical conductivity spectrum with increasing VV is compared to the observed optical conductivity of several layered molecular crystals with the theta and beta'' crystal structures.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Self-avoiding walks and connective constants in small-world networks

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    Long-distance characteristics of small-world networks have been studied by means of self-avoiding walks (SAW's). We consider networks generated by rewiring links in one- and two-dimensional regular lattices. The number of SAW's unu_n was obtained from numerical simulations as a function of the number of steps nn on the considered networks. The so-called connective constant, μ=limnun/un1\mu = \lim_{n \to \infty} u_n/u_{n-1}, which characterizes the long-distance behavior of the walks, increases continuously with disorder strength (or rewiring probability, pp). For small pp, one has a linear relation μ=μ0+ap\mu = \mu_0 + a p, μ0\mu_0 and aa being constants dependent on the underlying lattice. Close to p=1p = 1 one finds the behavior expected for random graphs. An analytical approach is given to account for the results derived from numerical simulations. Both methods yield results agreeing with each other for small pp, and differ for pp close to 1, because of the different connectivity distributions resulting in both cases.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Dynamic Scaling in Diluted Systems Phase Transitions: Deactivation trough Thermal Dilution

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    Activated scaling is confirmed to hold in transverse field induced phase transitions of randomly diluted Ising systems. Quantum Monte Carlo calculations have been made not just at the percolation threshold but well bellow and above it including the Griffiths-McCoy phase. A novel deactivation phenomena in the Griffiths-McCoy phase is observed using a thermal (in contrast to random) dilution of the system.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, RevTe

    A Simple Model for the DNA Denaturation Transition

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    We study pairs of interacting self-avoiding walks on the 3d simple cubic lattice. They have a common origin and are allowed to overlap only at the same monomer position along the chain. The latter overlaps are indeed favored by an energetic gain. This is inspired by a model introduced long ago by Poland and Sheraga [J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 45}, 1464 (1966)] for the denaturation transition in DNA where, however, self avoidance was not fully taken into account. For both models, there exists a temperature T_m above which the entropic advantage to open up overcomes the energy gained by forming tightly bound two-stranded structures. Numerical simulations of our model indicate that the transition is of first order (the energy density is discontinuous), but the analog of the surface tension vanishes and the scaling laws near the transition point are exactly those of a second order transition with crossover exponent \phi=1. Numerical and exact analytic results show that the transition is second order in modified models where the self-avoidance is partially or completely neglected.Comment: 29 pages, LaTeX, 20 postscript figure