18 research outputs found

    The Martian daytime convective boundary layer: Results from radio occultation measurements and a mesoscale model

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    We investigate the behavior of the Martian daytime convective boundary layer (CBL) through a combination of data analysis and modeling. This study relies on two subsets of Mars Express radio occultation (RO) measurements that sounded the atmosphere in north- ern spring of successive Mars years. Only the first year of observations has been examined previously (Hinson et al., 2008); the second year provides complementary spatial coverage and greatly increases the total number of observations. Analysis of the RO profiles yields basic characteristics of the CBL, such as its depth D and the average potential temperature of the mixed layer θm. We also combine RO retrievals of surface pressure with surface tem- peratures from infrared sounding to characterize the surface forcing, expressing the result as a potential temperature θs. These observations are at local times in early afternoon for θs and late afternoon for θm and D, when each parameter is near its diurnal maximum. We use measurements at mid-to-low latitudes, which sample a wide range of θs (227–294 K), to determine the response of the lower atmosphere to spatial variations in surface forcing. The depth of the CBL ranges from less than 3 km in the midlatitude topographic basins to more than 9 km above elevated terrain in the tropics. The dependence of θm on θs is linear, with a characteristic slope of about 0.7 in both years. We gain further insight by performing a simulation with the Oregon State University Mars Mesoscale Model in a region centered on Isidis Planitia, which includes two potential landing sites for the Mars 2020 Rover. As expected from previous modeling of much smaller craters, the arc of steep to- pography along the western and southern margins of Isidis produces a distinctive, diurnally varying, mesoscale circulation. The simulation captures key features of the observations, such as the wide variations in θm and D — by 34 K and 9 km, respectively — that occur within this region. The model also accounts for peculiar features of RO profiles on the rim of Isidis, where the wind field strongly influences the depth and diurnal evolution of the CBL. Detailed comparisons with the observations validate the general performance of the model and confirm several aspects of the simulated wind field

    Orbital Observations of Dust Lofted by Daytime Convective Turbulence

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    Over the past several decades, orbital observations of lofted dust have revealed the importance of mineral aerosols as a climate forcing mechanism on both Earth and Mars. Increasingly detailed and diverse data sets have provided an ever-improving understanding of dust sources, transport pathways, and sinks on both planets, but the role of dust in modulating atmospheric processes is complex and not always well understood. We present a review of orbital observations of entrained dust on Earth and Mars, particularly that produced by the dust-laden structures produced by daytime convective turbulence called “dust devils”. On Earth, dust devils are thought to contribute only a small fraction of the atmospheric dust budget; accordingly, there are not yet any published accounts of their occurrence from orbit. In contrast, dust devils on Mars are thought to account for several tens of percent of the planet’s atmospheric dust budget; the literature regarding martian dust devils is quite rich. Because terrestrial dust devils may temporarily contribute significantly to local dust loading and lowered air quality, we suggest that martian dust devil studies may inform future studies of convectively-lofted dust on Earth

    Assessment of environments for Mars Science Laboratory entry, descent, and surface operations

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    The Mars Science Laboratory mission aims to land a car-sized rover on Mars’surface and operate it for at least one Mars year in order to assess whether its field area was ever capable of supporting microbial life. Here we describe the approach used to identify, characterize, and assess environmental risks to the landing and rover surface operations. Novel entry, descent, and landing approaches will be used to accurately deliver the 900-kg rover, including the ability to sense and “fly out” deviations from a best-estimate atmospheric state. A joint engineering and science team developed methods to estimate the range of potential atmospheric states at the time of arrival and to quantitatively assess the spacecraft’s performance and risk given its particular sensitivities to atmospheric conditions. Numerical models are used to calculate the atmospheric parameters, with observations used to define model cases, tune model parameters, and validate results. This joint program has resulted in a spacecraft capable of accessing, with minimal risk, the four finalist sites chosen for their scientific merit. The capability to operate the landed rover over the latitude range of candidate landing sites, and for all seasons, was verified against an analysis of surface environmental conditions described here. These results, from orbital and model data sets, also drive engineering simulations of the rover’s thermal state that are used to plan surface operations

    The MAVEN Radio Occultation Science Experiment (ROSE)

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