117 research outputs found

    Search for High-Spin Stretched States in 206-Pb

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY-931478

    High Spin States in the (p,t) Reaction

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY-931478

    Spin-charge separation in the single hole doped Mott antiferromagnet

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    The motion of a single hole in a Mott antiferromagnet is investigated based on the t-J model. An exact expression of the energy spectrum is obtained, in which the irreparable phase string effect [Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 5102 (1996)] is explicitly present. By identifying the phase string effect with spin backflow, we point out that spin-charge separation must exist in such a system: the doped hole has to decay into a neutral spinon and a spinless holon, together with the phase string. We show that while the spinon remains coherent, the holon motion is deterred by the phase string, resulting in its localization in space. We calculate the electron spectral function which explains the line shape of the spectral function as well as the ``quasiparticle'' spectrum observed in angle-resolved photoemission experiments. Other analytic and numerical approaches are discussed based on the present framework.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures; references updated; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Age‐related changes in the biophysical and morphological characteristics of mouse cochlear outer hair cells

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    Outer hair cells (OHCs) are electromotile sensory receptors that provide sound amplification within the mammalian cochlea. Although OHCs appear susceptible to ageing, the progression of the pathophysiological changes in these cells is still poorly understood. By using mouse strains with a different progression of hearing loss (C57BL/6J, C57BL/6NTac, C57BL/6NTacCdh23+ , C3H/HeJ), we have identified morphological, physiological and molecular changes in ageing OHCs (9–12 kHz cochlear region). We show that by 6 months of age, OHCs from all strains underwent a reduction in surface area, which was not a sign of degeneration. Although the ageing OHCs retained a normal basolateral membrane protein profile, they showed a reduction in the size of the K+ current and non‐linear capacitance, a readout of prestin‐dependent electromotility. Despite these changes, OHCs have a normal V m and retain the ability to amplify sound, as distortion product otoacoustic emission thresholds were not affected in aged, good‐hearing mice (C3H/HeJ, C57BL/6NTacCdh23+ ). The loss of afferent synapses was present in all strains at 15 months. The number of efferent synapses per OHCs, defined as postsynaptic SK2 puncta, was reduced in aged OHCs of all strains apart from C3H mice. Several of the identified changes occurred in aged OHCs from all mouse strains, thus representing a general trait in the pathophysiological progression of age‐related hearing loss, possibly aimed at preserving functionality. We have also shown that the mechanoelectrical transduction (MET) current from OHCs of mice harbouring the Cdh23ahl allele is reduced with age, highlighting the possibility that changes in the MET apparatus could play a role in cochlear ageing

    Classical Logical versus Quantum Conceptual Thought: Examples in Economics, Decision theory and Concept Theory

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    Inspired by a quantum mechanical formalism to model concepts and their disjunctions and conjunctions, we put forward in this paper a specific hypothesis. Namely that within human thought two superposed layers can be distinguished: (i) a layer given form by an underlying classical deterministic process, incorporating essentially logical thought and its indeterministic version modeled by classical probability theory; (ii) a layer given form under influence of the totality of the surrounding conceptual landscape, where the different concepts figure as individual entities rather than (logical) combinations of others, with measurable quantities such as 'typicality', 'membership', 'representativeness', 'similarity', 'applicability', 'preference' or 'utility' carrying the influences. We call the process in this second layer 'quantum conceptual thought', which is indeterministic in essence, and contains holistic aspects, but is equally well, although very differently, organized than logical thought. A substantial part of the 'quantum conceptual thought process' can be modeled by quantum mechanical probabilistic and mathematical structures. We consider examples of three specific domains of research where the effects of the presence of quantum conceptual thought and its deviations from classical logical thought have been noticed and studied, i.e. economics, decision theory, and concept theories and which provide experimental evidence for our hypothesis.Comment: 14 page

    Spectral functions, Fermi surface and pseudogap in the t-J model

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    Spectral functions within the generalized t-J model as relevant to cuprates are analyzed using the method of equations of motion for projected fermion operators. In the evaluation of the self energy the decoupling of spin and single-particle fluctuations is performed. It is shown that in an undoped antiferromagnet (AFM) the method reproduces the selfconsistent Born approximation. For finite doping with short range AFM order the approximation evolves into a paramagnon contribution which retains large incoherent contribution in the hole part of the spectral function as well as the hole-pocket-like Fermi surface at low doping. On the other hand, the contribution of (longitudinal) spin fluctuations, with the coupling mostly determined predominantly by J and next-neighbor hopping t', is essential for the emergence of the pseudogap. The latter shows at low doping in the effective truncation of the large Fermi surface, reduced electron density of states and at the same time quasiparticle density of states at the Fermi level.Comment: RevTex, 13 pages, 11 figures (5 color

    Electronic localization at mesoscopic length scales: different definitions of localization and contact effects in a heuristic DNA model

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    In this work we investigate the electronic transport along model DNA molecules using an effective tight-binding approach that includes the backbone on site energies. The localization length and participation number are examined as a function of system size, energy dependence, and the contact coupling between the leads and the DNA molecule. On one hand, the transition from an diffusive regime to a localized regime for short systems is identified, suggesting the necessity of a further length scale revealing the system borders sensibility. On the other hand, we show that the lenght localization and participation number, do not depended of system size and contact coupling in the thermodynamic limit. Finally we discuss possible length dependent origins for the large discrepancies among experimental results for the electronic transport in DNA sample

    Spin polaron damping in the spin-fermion model for cuprate superconductors

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    A self-consistent, spin rotational invariant Green's function procedure has been developed to calculate the spectral function of carrier excitations in the spin-fermion model for the CuO2 plane. We start from the mean field description of a spin polaron in the Mori-Zwanzig projection method. In order to determine the spin polaron lifetime in the self-consistent Born approximation, the self-energy is expressed by an irreducible Green's function. Both, spin polaron and bare hole spectral functions are calculated. The numerical results show a well pronounced quasiparticle peak near the bottom of the dispersion at (pi/2,pi/2), the absence of the quasiparticle at the Gamma-point, a rather large damping away from the minimum and an asymmetry of the spectral function with respect to the antiferromagnetic Brillouin zone. These findings are in qualitative agreement with photoemission data for undoped cuprates. The direct oxygen-oxygen hopping is responsible for a more isotropic minimum at (pi/2,pi/2).Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure

    Spectral and transport properties of doped Mott-Hubbard systems with incommensurate magnetic order

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    We present spectral and optical properties of the Hubbard model on a two-dimensional square lattice using a generalization of dynamical mean-field theory to magnetic states in finite dimension. The self-energy includes the effect of spin fluctuations and screening of the Coulomb interaction due to particle-particle scattering. At half-filling the quasiparticles reduce the width of the Mott-Hubbard `gap' and have dispersions and spectral weights that agree remarkably well with quantum Monte Carlo and exact diagonalization calculations. Away from half-filling we consider incommensurate magnetic order with a varying local spin direction, and derive the photoemission and optical spectra. The incommensurate magnetic order leads to a pseudogap which opens at the Fermi energy and coexists with a large Mott-Hubbard gap. The quasiparticle states survive in the doped systems, but their dispersion is modified with the doping and a rigid band picture does not apply. Spectral weight in the optical conductivity is transferred to lower energies and the Drude weight increases linearly with increasing doping. We show that incommensurate magnetic order leads also to mid-gap states in the optical spectra and to decreased scattering rates in the transport processes, in qualitative agreement with the experimental observations in doped systems. The gradual disappearence of the spiral magnetic order and the vanishing pseudogap with increasing temperature is found to be responsible for the linear resistivity. We discuss the possible reasons why these results may only partially explain the features observed in the optical spectra of high temperature superconductors.Comment: 22 pages, 18 figure

    Common Genetic Polymorphisms Influence Blood Biomarker Measurements in COPD

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    Implementing precision medicine for complex diseases such as chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) will require extensive use of biomarkers and an in-depth understanding of how genetic, epigenetic, and environmental variations contribute to phenotypic diversity and disease progression. A meta-analysis from two large cohorts of current and former smokers with and without COPD [SPIROMICS (N = 750); COPDGene (N = 590)] was used to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with measurement of 88 blood proteins (protein quantitative trait loci; pQTLs). PQTLs consistently replicated between the two cohorts. Features of pQTLs were compared to previously reported expression QTLs (eQTLs). Inference of causal relations of pQTL genotypes, biomarker measurements, and four clinical COPD phenotypes (airflow obstruction, emphysema, exacerbation history, and chronic bronchitis) were explored using conditional independence tests. We identified 527 highly significant (p 10% of measured variation in 13 protein biomarkers, with a single SNP (rs7041; p = 10−392) explaining 71%-75% of the measured variation in vitamin D binding protein (gene = GC). Some of these pQTLs [e.g., pQTLs for VDBP, sRAGE (gene = AGER), surfactant protein D (gene = SFTPD), and TNFRSF10C] have been previously associated with COPD phenotypes. Most pQTLs were local (cis), but distant (trans) pQTL SNPs in the ABO blood group locus were the top pQTL SNPs for five proteins. The inclusion of pQTL SNPs improved the clinical predictive value for the established association of sRAGE and emphysema, and the explanation of variance (R2) for emphysema improved from 0.3 to 0.4 when the pQTL SNP was included in the model along with clinical covariates. Causal modeling provided insight into specific pQTL-disease relationships for airflow obstruction and emphysema. In conclusion, given the frequency of highly significant local pQTLs, the large amount of variance potentially explained by pQTL, and the differences observed between pQTLs and eQTLs SNPs, we recommend that protein biomarker-disease association studies take into account the potential effect of common local SNPs and that pQTLs be integrated along with eQTLs to uncover disease mechanisms. Large-scale blood biomarker studies would also benefit from close attention to the ABO blood group