47 research outputs found

    The Non-Gaussianity of Racetrack Inflation Models

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    In this paper, we use the result in [7] to calculate the non-Gaussianity of the racetrack models in [3, 5]. The two models give different non- Gaussianities. Both of them are reasonable.Comment: 8 pages, no figures; PACS and Keywords are added; mistake is correcte

    Curvatons in Supersymmetric Models

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    We study the curvaton scenario in supersymmetric framework paying particular attention to the fact that scalar fields are inevitably complex in supersymmetric theories. If there are more than one scalar fields associated with the curvaton mechanism, isocurvature (entropy) fluctuations between those fields in general arise, which may significantly affect the properties of the cosmic density fluctuations. We examine several candidates for the curvaton in the supersymmetric framework, such as moduli fields, Affleck-Dine field, FF- and DD-flat directions, and right-handed sneutrino. We estimate how the isocurvature fluctuations generated in each case affect the cosmic microwave background angular power spectrum. With the use of the recent observational result of the WMAP, stringent constraints on the models are derived and, in particular, it is seen that large fraction of the parameter space is excluded if the Affleck-Dine field plays the role of the curvaton field. Natural and well-motivated candidates of the curvaton are also listed.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figure

    π+\pi^+ and π0\pi^0 Polarizabilities from {γγππ\gamma\gamma\rightarrow\pi\pi} Data on the Base of S-Matrix Approach

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    We suggest the most model-independent and simple description of the γγππ\gamma\gamma\rightarrow\pi\pi process near threshold in framework of S-matrix approach. The amplitudes contain the pion polarizabilities and rather restricted information about ππ\pi \pi interaction. Application of these formulae for description of MARK-II \cite{M2} and Crystal Ball \cite{CB} data gives: (αβ)C=(6.0±1.2)1042cm3(\alpha-\beta)^{C}=(6.0\pm 1.2)\cdot 10^{-42} {\rm cm}^{3}, (αβ)N=(1.4±2.1)1042cm3(\alpha-\beta)^{N}=(-1.4\pm 2.1)\cdot 10^{-42} cm^3 (in units system e2=4παe^2 = 4 \pi \alpha) at the experimental values of ππ\pi \pi scattering lengths. Both values are compartible with current algebra predictions.Comment: LaTeX, 14 pages plus 6 figures (not included, available upon request) , ISU-IAP.Th93-03, Irkuts

    WMAP constraint on the P-term inflationary model

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    In light of WMAP results, we examine the observational constraint on the P-term inflation. With the tunable parameter ff, P-term inflation contains richer physics than D-term and F-term inflationary models. We find the logarithmic derivative spectral index with n>1n>1 on large scales and n<1n<1 on small scales in agreement to observation. We obtained a reasonable range for the choice of the gauge coupling constant gg in order to meet the requirements of WMAP observation and the expected number of the e-foldings. Although tuning ff and gg we can have larger values for the logarithmic derivative of the spectral index, it is not possible to satisfy all observational requirements for both, the spectral index and its logarithmic derivative at the same time.Comment: 6 pages, double column, 13 figures included. Version appearing in the Physical Review

    Old Inflation in String Theory

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    We propose a stringy version of the old inflation scenario which does not require any slow-roll inflaton potential and is based on a specific example of string compatification with warped metric. Our set-up admits the presence of anti-D3-branes in the deep infrared region of the metric and a false vacuum state with positive vacuum energy density. The latter is responsible for the accelerated period of inflation. The false vacuum exists only if the number of anti-D3-branes is smaller than a critical number and the graceful exit from inflation is attained if a number of anti-D3-branes travels from the ultraviolet towards the infrared region. The cosmological curvature perturbation is generated through the curvaton mechanism.Comment: 31 pages, 3 figures; typos corrected and reference adde

    Non-Gaussianities in models with a varying inflaton decay rate

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    We consider the expected level of primordial non-Gaussianities in models in which density perturbations are produced by spatial fluctuations in the decay rate of the inflaton. We consider both the non-Gaussianities resulting from the self-couplings of the field that controls the decay rate as well as from the non-linear relation between field and curvature perturbations. We show that in these scenario non-Gaussianities are of the "local" form, that is well described be the ansatz R =Rg + f_{NL} (Rg^2 - ). This is a consequence of the fact that they were created when modes were already outside the horizon. We show that f_{NL} is naturally of order a few in these models, much larger than what is expected in the standard one field models of inflation (f_{NL}\sim 10^{-2}) and possibly accessible to observations

    Signatures of Relativistic Neutrinos in CMB Anisotropy and Matter Clustering

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    We present a detailed analytical study of ultra-relativistic neutrinos in cosmological perturbation theory and of the observable signatures of inhomogeneities in the cosmic neutrino background. We note that a modification of perturbation variables that removes all the time derivatives of scalar gravitational potentials from the dynamical equations simplifies their solution notably. The used perturbations of particle number per coordinate, not proper, volume are generally constant on superhorizon scales. In real space an analytical analysis can be extended beyond fluids to neutrinos. The faster cosmological expansion due to the neutrino background changes the acoustic and damping angular scales of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). But we find that equivalent changes can be produced by varying other standard parameters, including the primordial helium abundance. The low-l integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect is also not sensitive to neutrinos. However, the gravity of neutrino perturbations suppresses the CMB acoustic peaks for the multipoles with l>~200 while it enhances the amplitude of matter fluctuations on these scales. In addition, the perturbations of relativistic neutrinos generate a *unique phase shift* of the CMB acoustic oscillations that for adiabatic initial conditions cannot be caused by any other standard physics. The origin of the shift is traced to neutrino free-streaming velocity exceeding the sound speed of the photon-baryon plasma. We find that from a high resolution, low noise instrument such as CMBPOL the effective number of light neutrino species can be determined with an accuracy of sigma(N_nu) = 0.05 to 0.09, depending on the constraints on the helium abundance.Comment: 38 pages, 7 figures. Version accepted for publication in PR

    Inflation and Brane Gases

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    We investigate a new way of realizing a period of cosmological inflation in the context of brane gas cosmology. It is argued that a gas of co-dimension one branes, out of thermal equilibrium with the rest of the matter, has an equation of state which can - after stabilization of the dilaton - lead to power-law inflation of the bulk. The most promising implementation of this mechanism might be in Type IIB superstring theory, with inflation of the three large spatial dimensions triggered by ``stabilized embedded 2-branes''. Possible applications and problems with this proposal are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, uses REVTeX, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Large-scale magnetic fields from inflation in dilaton electromagnetism

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    The generation of large-scale magnetic fields is studied in dilaton electromagnetism in inflationary cosmology, taking into account the dilaton's evolution throughout inflation and reheating until it is stabilized with possible entropy production. It is shown that large-scale magnetic fields with observationally interesting strength at the present time could be generated if the conformal invariance of the Maxwell theory is broken through the coupling between the dilaton and electromagnetic fields in such a way that the resultant quantum fluctuations in the magnetic field has a nearly scale-invariant spectrum. If this condition is met, the amplitude of the generated magnetic field could be sufficiently large even in the case huge amount of entropy is produced with the dilution factor 1024\sim 10^{24} as the dilaton decays.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures, the version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D; some references are adde

    Leptogenesis from a sneutrino condensate revisited

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    We re--examine leptogenesis from a right--handed sneutrino condensate, paying special attention to the BB-term associated with the see--saw Majorana mass. This term generates a lepton asymmetry in the condensate whose time average vanishes. However, a net asymmetry will result if the sneutrino lifetime is not much longer than the period of oscillations. Supersymmetry breaking by thermal effects then yields a lepton asymmetry in the standard model sector after the condensate decays. We explore different possibilities by taking account of both the low--energy and Hubble BB-terms. It will be shown that the desired baryon asymmetry of the Universe can be obtained for a wide range of Majorana mass.Comment: 17 revtex pages, 3 figures, 1 table. Slightly modified and references added. Final version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.