71 research outputs found

    The impact of CoRoT on close binary research

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    The space experiment CoRoT will provide continuous monitoring and high accuracy light curves of about sixty thousand stars. Selected binary systems will be observed in the Additional Program frame as targets of long and continuous pointed observations. Moreover, thousands of new binaries will certainly be detected and hundreds of them will have extremely accurate light curves. This will allow studies of fine effects on the light curves, monitoring of stellar activity and, in combination with ground-based observations, will provide exquisite determination of stellar parameters. Among the new discoveries of interesting systems of special value will be those of low mass binaries.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, contribution to "Colse binaries in the 21th century", Syros (Greece), June 2005. To be published by Ap&S

    Disentangling effective temperatures of individual eclipsing binary components by means of color-index constraining

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    Eclipsing binary stars are gratifying objects because of their unique geometrical properties upon which all important physical parameters such as masses, radii, temperatures, luminosities and distance may be obtained in absolute scale. This poses strict demand on the model to be free of systematic effects that would influence the results later used for calibrations, catalogs and evolution theory. We present an objective scheme of obtaining individual temperatures of both binary system components by means of color-index constraining, with the only requirement that the observational data-set is acquired in a standard photometric system. We show that for a modest case of two similar main-sequence components the erroneous approach of assuming the temperature of the primary star from the color index yields temperatures which are systematically wrong by ~100K.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; to appear in proceedings of the Close Binaries in the 21st Century conference in Syros, Greec

    Eclipsing Binaries in Open Clusters

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    Detached eclipsing binaries are very useful objects for calibrating theoretical stellar models and checking their predictions. Detached eclipsing binaries in open clusters are particularly important because of the additional constraints on their age and chemical composition from their membership of the cluster. I compile a list containing absolute parameters of well-studied eclipsing binaries in open clusters, and present new observational data on the B-type systems V1481 Cyg and V2263 Cyg which are members of the young open cluster NGC 7128.Comment: 4 pages, 2 colour figures. Poster presentation for IAUS 240 (Binary Stars as Critical Tools and Tests in Contemporary Astrophysics), Prague, August 2006. The poster itself can be dowloaded in ppt and pdf versions from http://www.astro.keele.ac.uk/~jkt/pubs.htm

    Photometric Observation And Period Study of GO Cygni

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    Photometric observations of GO Cyg were performed during the July-October 2002, in B and V bands of Johnson system. Based on Wilson's model, the light curve analysis were carried out to find the photometric elements of the system. The O-C diagram which is based on new observed times of minima suggests a negative rate of period variation (dP/dt<0) for the system.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables, submitted to Ap&S

    Freedom in Nature

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    The paper starts with the proposal that the cause of the apparent insolubility of the free-will problem are several popular but strongly metaphysical notions and hypotheses. To reduce the metaphysics, some ideas are borrowed from physics. A concept of event causality is discussed. The importance of Hume's Principle of Causality is stressed and his Principle of Causation is weakened. The key concept of the paper, the so-called relative freedom, is also suggested by physics. It is a kind of freedom that can be observed everywhere in nature. Turning to biology, incomplete knowledge is defined for all organisms. They cope with the problem by Popper's trial and error processes. One source of their success is the relative freedom of choice from the basic option ranges: mutations, motions and neural connections. Finally, the conjecture is adopted that communicability can be used as a criterion of consciousness and free will is defined as a conscious version of relative freedom. The resulting notion is logically self-consistent and it describes an observable phenomenon that agrees with our experience.Comment: Changes: Improved formulation, three references added; 22 pages, no figure. Comments are welcom

    Reanalysis of two eclipsing binaries: EE Aqr and Z Vul

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    We study the radial-velocity and light curves of the two eclipsing binaries EE Aqr and Z Vul. Using the latest version of the Wilson & Van Hamme (2003) model, absolute parameters for the systems are determined. We find that EE Aqr and Z Vul are near-contact and semi-detached systems, respectively. The primary component of EE Aqr fills about 96% of its 'Roche lobe', while its secondary one appears close to completely filling this limiting volume. In a similar way, we find fill-out proportions of about 72 and 100% of these volumes for the primary and secondary components of Z Vul respectively. We compare our results with those of previous authors.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, 10 table

    Masses and Radii of Low-Mass Stars: Theory versus Observations

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    Eclipsing binaries with M-type components are still rare objects. Strong observational biases have made that today only a few eclipsing binaries with component masses below 0.6 Msun and well-determined fundamental properties are known. However, even in these small numbers the detailed comparison of the observed masses and radii with theoretical predictions has revealed large disagreements. Current models seem to predict radii of stars in the 0.4-0.8 Msun range to be some 5-15% smaller than observed. Given the high accuracy of the empirical measurements (a few percent in both mass and radius), these differences are highly significant. I review all the observational evidence on the properties of M-type stars and discuss a possible scenario based on stellar activity to explain the observed discrepancies.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, proceedings of the meeting "Close Binaries in the 21st Century

    Biology and Life Cycle of Siganus vermiculatus (Siganidae, Pisces)

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    The herbivorou s fish Siganus vermiculatus (Valenciennes) (Siganidae; Pisces), a mangrove swamp dweller, was studied in the field and in captivity in Fiji. The fish has a lunar spawning cycle, benthic sticky eggs, and pelagic larvae. Metamorphosis occurs between 23 and 27 days after hatching. The fry live in small schools in brackish or fresh water among mangrove roots. The young and adults are found mainly in shallow, murky water of mangrove swamps where they move in and out with the tides . The adults are sometimes seen in clear water near coral reefs or over sandy bottoms. Feeding takes place during the day and at night and consists mainly of grazing on algae and mangrove roots. A tolerance of extreme fluctuations in physicochemical parameters (temperature 19 to 38°C; salinity 2 to 55 ppt; dissolved oxygen 1.2ppm; pH 6.2 to 8.4) permits the species to live in mangrove swamps

    Accurate masses and radii of normal stars

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