4 research outputs found

    Nuclear localization of cytokeratin 8 and the O-linked N -acetylglucosamine-containing Epitope H in epithelial cells of infiltrating ductal breast carcinomas: A combination of immunogold and EDTA regressive staining methods

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    In a previous study, the authors have shown cytokeratin 8 (CK8) and epitope H ultrastructural localization in breast cancer cell nuclei. Epitope H contains an O-linked N -acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) residue in a specific conformation and/or environment recognized by monoclonal antibody H. In this study, double immunogold labeling of CK8 and epitope H combined with the EDTA regressive staining method was applied in biopsy material from infiltrating ductal breast carcinomas and fibroadenomas, to localize both antigens in correlation to RNPs distribution in the nuclear subcompartments of cancer cells. CK8 and epitope H were localized mostly over condensed chromatin, whereas staining was weaker over interchromatin granule clusters and perichromatin fibers. These results revealed, the distribution of CK8 in the nucleus as MAR-binding protein, contributing in the organization of the nuclear DNA in the neoplastic cell, as well as the distribution of O-GlcNAc glycosylated polypeptides bearing the epitope H. The latter finding indicates that these polypeptides might play a significant role in the neoplastic behavior of breast cancer cells because they colocalize in the same nuclear subcompartments with proteins modified by O-GlcNAc, such as hnRNPs G and A1, RNA polymerase II, its transcription factors, and the oncogene product of c-myc. These proteins are known to participate in coordinated transcription/RNA processing events, contributing in the neoplastic behavior of breast cancer cells. Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC