901 research outputs found

    Coupled-mode equations and gap solitons in a two-dimensional nonlinear elliptic problem with a separable periodic potential

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    We address a two-dimensional nonlinear elliptic problem with a finite-amplitude periodic potential. For a class of separable symmetric potentials, we study the bifurcation of the first band gap in the spectrum of the linear Schr\"{o}dinger operator and the relevant coupled-mode equations to describe this bifurcation. The coupled-mode equations are derived by the rigorous analysis based on the Fourier--Bloch decomposition and the Implicit Function Theorem in the space of bounded continuous functions vanishing at infinity. Persistence of reversible localized solutions, called gap solitons, beyond the coupled-mode equations is proved under a non-degeneracy assumption on the kernel of the linearization operator. Various branches of reversible localized solutions are classified numerically in the framework of the coupled-mode equations and convergence of the approximation error is verified. Error estimates on the time-dependent solutions of the Gross--Pitaevskii equation and the coupled-mode equations are obtained for a finite-time interval.Comment: 32 pages, 16 figure

    On the inner Double-Resonance Raman scattering process in bilayer graphene

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    The dispersion of phonons and the electronic structure of graphene systems can be obtained experimentally from the double-resonance (DR) Raman features by varying the excitation laser energy. In a previous resonance Raman investigation of graphene, the electronic structure was analyzed in the framework of the Slonczewski-Weiss-McClure (SWM) model, considering the outer DR process. In this work we analyze the data considering the inner DR process, and obtain SWM parameters that are in better agreement with those obtained from other experimental techniques. This result possibly shows that there is still a fundamental open question concerning the double resonance process in graphene systems.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Dark soliton states of Bose-Einstein condensates in anisotropic traps

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    Dark soliton states of Bose-Einstein condensates in harmonic traps are studied both analytically and computationally by the direct solution of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation in three dimensions. The ground and self-consistent excited states are found numerically by relaxation in imaginary time. The energy of a stationary soliton in a harmonic trap is shown to be independent of density and geometry for large numbers of atoms. Large amplitude field modulation at a frequency resonant with the energy of a dark soliton is found to give rise to a state with multiple vortices. The Bogoliubov excitation spectrum of the soliton state contains complex frequencies, which disappear for sufficiently small numbers of atoms or large transverse confinement. The relationship between these complex modes and the snake instability is investigated numerically by propagation in real time.Comment: 11 pages, 8 embedded figures (two in color

    Counting the Faces of Randomly-Projected Hypercubes and Orthants, with Applications

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    Abstract. Let A be an n by N real-valued matrix with n < N; we count the number of k-faces fk(AQ) when Q is either the standard N-dimensional hypercube IN or else the positive orthant RN +. To state results simply, consider a proportional-growth asymptotic, where for fixed δ, ρ in (0, 1), we have a sequence of matrices An,Nn and of integers kn with n/Nn → δ, kn/n → ρ as n → ∞. If each matrix An,Nn has its columns in general position, then fk(AIN)/fk(I N) tends to zero or one depending on whether ρ> min(0, 2 − δ−1) or ρ < min(0, 2 − δ−1). Also, if each An,Nn is a random draw from a distribution which is invariant under right multiplication by signed permutations, then fk(ARN +)/fk(RN +) tends almost surely to zero or one depending on whether ρ> min(0, 2 − δ−1) or ρ < min(0, 2 − δ−1). We make a variety of contrasts to related work on projections of the simplex and/or cross-polytope. These geometric face-counting results have implications for signal processing, information theory, inverse problems, and optimization. Indeed, face counting is related to conditions for uniqueness of solutions of underdetermine

    Collective excitations of trapped Bose condensates in the energy and time domains

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    A time-dependent method for calculating the collective excitation frequencies and densities of a trapped, inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein condensate with circulation is presented. The results are compared with time-independent solutions of the Bogoliubov-deGennes equations. The method is based on time-dependent linear-response theory combined with spectral analysis of moments of the excitation modes of interest. The technique is straightforward to apply, is extremely efficient in our implementation with parallel FFT methods, and produces highly accurate results. The method is suitable for general trap geometries, condensate flows and condensates permeated with vortex structures.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures small typos fixe

    Spectral method for the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation with a harmonic trap

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    We study the numerical resolution of the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation, a non-linear Schroedinger equation used to simulate the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates. Considering condensates trapped in harmonic potentials, we present an efficient algorithm by making use of a spectral Galerkin method, using a basis set of harmonic oscillator functions, and the Gauss-Hermite quadrature. We apply this algorithm to the simulation of condensate breathing and scissors modes.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure

    Particle motion and gravitational lensing in the metric of a dilaton black hole in a de Sitter universe

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    We consider the metric exterior to a charged dilaton black hole in a de Sitter universe. We study the motion of a test particle in this metric. Conserved quantities are identified and the Hamilton-Jacobi method is employed for the solutions of the equations of motion. At large distances from the black hole the Hubble expansion of the universe modifies the effective potential such that bound orbits could exist up to an upper limit of the angular momentum per mass for the orbiting test particle. We then study the phenomenon of strong field gravitational lensing by these black holes by extending the standard formalism of strong lensing to the non-asymptotically flat dilaton-de Sitter metric. Expressions for the various lensing quantities are obtained in terms of the metric coefficients.Comment: 8 pages, RevTex, 1 eps figures; discussion improved; typos corrected; references adde

    Kondo effect in systems with dynamical symmetries

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    This paper is devoted to a systematic exposure of the Kondo physics in quantum dots for which the low energy spin excitations consist of a few different spin multiplets SiMi>|S_{i}M_{i}>. Under certain conditions (to be explained below) some of the lowest energy levels ESiE_{S_{i}} are nearly degenerate. The dot in its ground state cannot then be regarded as a simple quantum top in the sense that beside its spin operator other dot (vector) operators Rn{\bf R}_{n} are needed (in order to fully determine its quantum states), which have non-zero matrix elements between states of different spin multiplets 0 \ne 0. These "Runge-Lenz" operators do not appear in the isolated dot-Hamiltonian (so in some sense they are "hidden"). Yet, they are exposed when tunneling between dot and leads is switched on. The effective spin Hamiltonian which couples the metallic electron spin s{\bf s} with the operators of the dot then contains new exchange terms, JnsRnJ_{n} {\bf s} \cdot {\bf R}_{n} beside the ubiquitous ones JisSiJ_{i} {\bf s}\cdot {\bf S}_{i}. The operators Si{\bf S}_{i} and Rn{\bf R}_{n} generate a dynamical group (usually SO(n)). Remarkably, the value of nn can be controlled by gate voltages, indicating that abstract concepts such as dynamical symmetry groups are experimentally realizable. Moreover, when an external magnetic field is applied then, under favorable circumstances, the exchange interaction involves solely the Runge-Lenz operators Rn{\bf R}_{n} and the corresponding dynamical symmetry group is SU(n). For example, the celebrated group SU(3) is realized in triple quantum dot with four electrons.Comment: 24 two-column page

    Comparison of some Reduced Representation Approximations

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    In the field of numerical approximation, specialists considering highly complex problems have recently proposed various ways to simplify their underlying problems. In this field, depending on the problem they were tackling and the community that are at work, different approaches have been developed with some success and have even gained some maturity, the applications can now be applied to information analysis or for numerical simulation of PDE's. At this point, a crossed analysis and effort for understanding the similarities and the differences between these approaches that found their starting points in different backgrounds is of interest. It is the purpose of this paper to contribute to this effort by comparing some constructive reduced representations of complex functions. We present here in full details the Adaptive Cross Approximation (ACA) and the Empirical Interpolation Method (EIM) together with other approaches that enter in the same category