1,442 research outputs found

    Delineating adaptive esports involvement from maladaptive gaming: a self-regulation perspective.

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    The last decade has witnessed the rise of electronic sports (esports), yet little is known about how involvement in intensive esports relates to self-regulatory processes, such as executive functioning (EF). In this paper, we review the evidence on EF in problematic and non-problematic video-game use. We also consider research on EF in traditional sports athletes, as well as in 'exercise addiction'. The focus of the review is on two core components of EF, namely response inhibition and cognitive flexibility. The available evidence suggests that EF is a reliable marker for indexing specific types of sport and video-gaming expertise, but does not appear to consistently delineate maladaptive from adaptive video-game involvement. Future research avenues on EF that characterize esport players are suggested to advance this area

    Problematic online gaming and the COVID-19 pandemic.

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    Stay-at-home mandates and quarantines related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic have led to greatly increased participation in online gaming. Initiatives such as #PlayApartTogether that promote gaming for socializing and stress reduction may achieve positive outcomes. Although gaming can be a healthy coping strategy for the majority, it can also pose risks to some vulnerable individuals. Protracted periods of social isolation and technology-based activity pose the danger of solidifying unhealthy lifestyle patterns, leading to difficulties to readaptation when the COVID-19 crisis has passed. Balanced and effective approaches to gaming during the COVID-19 pandemic are needed to support physical and psychological wellbeing

    An exploratory study of public opinions on the use of hydrogen energy in Wales

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    The introduction of hydrogen into the energy market is being pursued by governments around the world in an effort to abate climate change, provide security of supply and reduce air pollution. While technological aspects are well researched, the social aspects of the transition are not. The public's attitude and perception of hydrogen energy will be of great importance as we move closer to the implementation of the technologies. Using two focus groups this exploratory study aims to identify Welsh public opinions on the production and end use of hydrogen energy. Gender differences were apparent, as women were generally more accepting of hydrogen technology. The main concerns were safety (both of use and in production) and cost. Cost remained paramount, even in the light of environmental considerations. The groups' attitude to the development of hydrogen technology was supportive but with the caveat that price and safety should not be compromised

    Potential runoff and erosion comparison of four center pivot sprinklers

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    The operational characteristics of center pivot sprinklers are well documented but few studies have been conducted to evaluate the effects that operating characteristics of a particular sprinkler have on infiltration, runoff, and erosion of specific soil types. The objective of this study was to evaluate potential runoff and erosion from common commercial center pivot sprinklers on three widely distributed, south central Idaho soils. A modified commercial irrigation boom system was used to emulate center pivot irrigation on experimental runoff plots. Sprinklers used in the study were: 1) Nelson R3000 with brown plate, 2) Nelson R3000 with red plate, 3) Nelson S3000 with purple plate, and 4) Senninger I-Wob with standard 9-groove plate. There were significant differences in measured runoff percentages and measured erosion rates between center pivot sprinkler types for the soils tested and experimental conditions. The magnitude of the differences among sprinklers was equal to or greater than the differences between the soils tested. The I-Wob and S3000 sprinklers exhibited the greatest measured runoff percentages and measured erosion rates and the R3000 sprinklers exhibited the least runoff and erosion for the three soils tested. In general, sprinkler types that visually appear to more evenly distribute sprinkler droplets over the wetted area with respect to time exhibited the greatest measured runoff and measured erosion rates. The relative ranking of the sprinklers in terms of measured runoff percentages and measured erosion rates was consistent when four and six irrigation events were used to apply 75 mm of water. The relative differences in runoff between the sprinklers tested were not directly proportional to sprinkler droplet kinetic energy per unit water volume applied. This outcome is in conflict with conventional theory on soil surface sealing from droplet impact. Possible explanations include incorrect representation of sprinkler droplet kinetic energy, conventional soil surface sealing theory does not apply to the soils used in this study, or some unknown factor is dominating the infiltration and runoff process for the study conditions

    Droplet Kinetic Energy of Moving Spray-Plate Center-Pivot Irrigation Sprinklers

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    The kinetic energy of discrete water drops impacting a bare soil surface generally leads to a drastic reduction in water infiltration rate due to formation of a seal on the soil surface. Under center-pivot sprinkler irrigation, kinetic energy transferred to the soil prior to crop canopy development can have a substantial effect on seasonal runoff and soil erosion, especially when the soil is not protected by crop residue cover. Droplet kinetic energy of seven commercial off-center action rotating spray-plate sprinklers was characterized over a range of flow rates and pressures. Sprinkler droplet kinetic energy was characterized using two methods; droplet kinetic energy per unit sprinkler discharge and droplet kinetic energy applied per unit water depth under center-pivot irrigation with 3 m sprinkler spacing. The two methods are correlated but kinetic energy per unit sprinkler discharge does not represent droplet kinetic energy applied to the soil under center pivot irrigation as the correlation is not 1:1. Droplet kinetic energy applied for a given flow rate and operating pressure varied by up to 200% among the sprinklers evaluated. Designing sprinklers that minimize kinetic energy transferred to bare soil will require a monotonic decreasing application rate with radial distance as any peak in application rate at large radial distances will result in a peak in specific power. Kinetic energy per unit drop volume will always increase with radial distance as drops sizes get larger with radial distance. The sprinkler with the lowest droplet kinetic energy applied or lowest average composite specific power may not necessarily be the sprinkler that results in the greatest infiltrated depth or least potential runoff. Thus, droplet kinetic energy is not suitable as a single parameter to select between sprinkler choices

    Potential runoff and erosion comparison of center pivot sprinklers on three Idaho soils

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    The operational characteristics of center pivot sprinklers are well documented but few studies have been conducted to evaluate the effects that operating characteristics of a particular sprinkler have on infiltration, runoff, and erosion of specific soil types. The objective of this study was to evaluate potential runoff and erosion from common commercial center pivot sprinklers on three widely distributed, south central Idaho soils. A modified commercial irrigation boom system was used to emulate center pivot irrigation on experimental runoff plots. Sprinklers used in the study were: 1) Nelson R3000 with brown plate, 2) Nelson R3000 with red plate, 3) Nelson S3000 with purple plate, and 4) Senninger I-Wob with standard 9-groove plate. There were significant differences in runoff and erosion rates between sprinkler types for the soils tested and experimental conditions. The I-Wob exhibited the highest overall runoff and erosion rates and the R3000 sprinklers exhibited the lowest rates for the three soils tested. In general, sprinkler types that visually appear to more uniformly distribute sprinkler droplets over the wetted area with respect to time exhibited the highest runoff and erosion rates. The relative differences in runoff between the sprinklers tested for the three soils were not directly proportional to droplet kinetic energy. This outcome is in conflict with conventional theory on soil surface sealing from droplet impact

    Infiltration characteristics of bare soil under sequential water application events

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    The marked reduction in infiltration rate caused by formation of a soil surface seal is a well known phenomenon but often ignored in infiltration models. The effect sequential water application events have on infiltration rate and soil surface seal formation has rarely been investigated. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect sequential water application events have on the infiltration rate of a Portneuf silt loam soil with and without water droplet impact. The Portneuf silt loam soil developed a soil surface seal that reduced infiltration rate both with and without droplet impact on the bare soil surface. When the soil surface was protected during the first rainfall event, drying the soil did not increase infiltration rate for subsequent rainfall events when the soil surface was protected, but drying did increase infiltration when the soil was unprotected in the first rainfall event. Final infiltration rate was inversely related to specific power of the simulated rainfall. Either with or without water droplet impact, final infiltration rate for the Portneuf silt loam soil decreased to less than 20 mm hr-1 within three rainfall events. Given that the Portneuf silt loam soil is extremely vulnerable to surface seal development with little difference in final infiltration rate, irrigation time must be maximized and peak application rate minimized in order to maximize infiltration depth. These requirements combined with the operating characteristics of center pivot irrigation systems means that sprinklers with maximum wetted diameter need to be selected in order to maximize infiltrated depth

    Center pivot simulator for evaluating system design and management effects on infiltration and erosion

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    A 4-wheeled commercial irrigation boom was modified for use in investigating center pivot design and management effects on infiltration, runoff and erosion of specific soil types. The center pivot simulator used a hydraulic winch attached to the front of a tractor for mobilization and controlled travel speed. A 3 inch diameter 300 ft drag hose is used to supply water to the center pivot simulator. The center pivot simulator was used to conduct two studies to investigate infiltration, runoff and erosion differences of common commercially available center pivot sprinkler types on a Portneuf silt loam soil. Sprinklers used in the first study were: 1) Nelson R3000 with brown plate, 2) Nelson R3000 with red plate, 3) Nelson S3000 with purple plate, and 4) Senninger I-Wob with standard 9-groove plate. Measured runoff was highly variable despite the controlled experimental conditions. Runoff from all sprinkler types increased with number of irrigations indicating that soil surface sealing continued to increase without reaching a maximum after five irrigations. Measured runoff tended to be the highest for the S3000 and I-Wob sprinklers. Sediment loss tended to be highest for these sprinklers as well. The second study investigated differences in runoff and erosion related to kinetic energy of sprinkler droplets from commercial center pivot sprinklers. The sprinklers used in the study were: 1) Senninger I-Wob with standard 9-groove plate, 2) Nelson R3000 with brown plate, 3)Nelson D3000 spray with flat plate and 4) sprinkler 3 with the runoff plot covered with 20-mesh nylon window screen suspended about 1 inch above the soil surface to eliminate sprinkler droplet impact on the bare soil surface. Covering the plot with screen to eliminate sprinkler droplet impact resulted in significantly (p?0.05) less runoff and sediment loss for all four irrigation events. The D3000 and I-Wob sprinklers tended to have the greatest runoff and sediment losses. Sprinkler type and configuration had a significant (p?0.05) effect on runoff and erosion of a Portneuf silt loam soil

    Characterizing droplet kinetic energy applied by moving spray-plate center pivot irrigation sprinklers

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    The kinetic energy of discrete drops impacting a bare soil surface is generally observed to lead to a drastic reduction in water infiltration rate due to soil surface seal formation. Under center pivot sprinkler irrigation, kinetic energy transferred to the soil prior to crop canopy development can have a substantial effect on seasonal runoff and soil erosion. In the design of center pivot irrigation systems, selection of sprinklers with minimum applied kinetic energy could potentially minimize seasonal runoff and erosion hazard. Size and velocity of drops from five common center pivot sprinklers with flow rates of approximately 43 L/min were measured using a laser in the laboratory. The data were used to evaluate various approaches to characterize kinetic energy transferred to the soil by each of the five sprinklers on a center pivot irrigation system lateral with 2.5 m spacing between sprinklers. Specific power, which represents the rate kinetic energy per unit area is transferred to the soil as a function of distance from a sprinkler and analogous to a sprinkler radial water application rate distribution, was used to estimate actual kinetic energy transferred to the soil by overlapping specific power profiles of sprinklers equally spaced along a center pivot lateral. Kinetic energy of irrigation sprinklers has traditionally been characterized using area weighted kinetic energy per unit drop volume. This method of characterization heavily weights the largest drops which travel the farthest from the sprinkler and have the largest kinetic energy. This characterization was not correlated to actual kinetic energy transferred to the soil by the sprinklers. Sprinkler kinetic energy per unit volume of sprinkler discharge was also used to characterize sprinkler kinetic energy calculated but was not correlated to actual kinetic energy transferred to the soil by the sprinklers. However, kinetic energy per unit volume of sprinkler discharge was found to be more representative than kinetic energy per unit drop volume. Measured runoff and sediment yield of the sprinklers from a previous study were compared to time averaged specific power. Runoff and erosion appeared to be more dependent upon sprinkler type than time averaged specific power. The sprinklers with the lowest runoff and sediment yield had the lowest time averaged specific power. However, there was a substantial increase in runoff and sediment yield with little associated increase in time averaged specific power applied for some sprinklers. Visually, the functional difference between sprinklers was the manner in which water drops were distributed over the wetted area with respect to time. Sprinklers that visually appeared to distribute water drops more evenly over the wetted area with respect to time had the highest runoff and sediment yield, and sprinklers that had well defined rotating streams of water drops had the lowest runoff and sediment yield, largely independent of time-averaged specific power applied to the soil