18 research outputs found
Visitor Centres as a Contribution to Improving Urban-Rural Relations: From Primary Needs to Landmarks
Архитектура јавних зграда у руралним срединама, унапређењем вештина, знања, технологија, и материјалa, постају све репрезентативнији последњих деценија, посебно имајући у виду туризам као глобалну тему. Рад се односи на планирање центара за посетиоце у руралним срединама и главни задатак је дефинисан напором за побољшањем квалитета живота на таквим подручјима, односно истицањем главних предности у простору, као што је природно окружење. Циљ истраживања је дефинисан постављањем одређених елемента у планирању центара за посетиоце у оквиру идеје промоције локалних вредности и културне баштине. Први део поглавља дефинисан је као анализа теоријских погледа. Други део студије дефинисан је као анализа центара за посетиоце. Кроз студију случаја, у трећем делу поглавља, рад представља упоредни преглед процеса остварења две појединачне сличне инвестиције у Србији и Босни и Херцеговини.The architecture of public buildings in rural areas, through the advancement of skills, knowledge, technologies, and materials, has become increasingly representative in recent decades, especially considering tourism as a global theme. The work is related to the planning of visitor centers in rural areas and the main task is defined by the effort to improve the quality of life in such areas, that is, highlight the major advantages in space, such as the natural environment. The aim of the research is defined by establishing
certain elements in the planning of the visitor centers within the idea of promoting local values and cultural heritage. The first part of the chapter has been defined as an analysis of the theoretical views. The second part of the study has been defined as an analysis of the visitor centers. Through a case study, in the third part of the chapter, the work presents a comparative overview of the process to achieve two individual similar investments in Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina
Generalized Evidential Processing in Multiple Simultaneous Threat Detection in UNIX
In this paper, a hybrid identity fusion model at decision level is proposed for Simultaneous Threat Detection Systems. The hybrid model is comprised of mathematical and statistical data fusion engines; Dempster Shafer, Extended Dempster and Generalized Evidential Processing (GEP). Simultaneous Threat Detection Systems improve threat detection rate by 39%. In terms of efficiency and performance, the comparison of 3 inference engines of the Simultaneous Threat Detection Systems showed that GEP is the better data fusion model. GEP increased precision of threat detection from 56% to 95%. Furthermore, set cover packing was used as a middle tier data fusion tool to discover the reduced size groups of threat data. Set cover provided significant improvement and reduced threat population from 2272 to 295, which helped in minimizing the processing complexity of evidential processing cost and time in determining the combined probability mass of proposed Multiple Simultaneous Threat Detection System. This technique is particularly relevant to on-line and Internet dependent applications including portals
The Risks of Ranking: Revisiting Graphical Perception to Model Individual Differences in Visualization Performance
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