1,343 research outputs found

    Electroweak Baryogenesis with dimension-6 Higgs interactions

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    We present the computation of the baryon asymmetry in the SM amplified by dimension-6 Higgs interactions using the WKB approximation. Analyzing the one-loop potential it turns out that the phase transition is strongly first order in a wide range of the parameters. It is ensured not to wash out the net baryon number gained previously even for Higgs masses up to at least 170 GeV. In addition dimension-6 operators induce new sources of CP violation. Novel source terms which enhance the generated baryon asymmetry emerge in the transport equations. This model predicts a baryon to entropy ratio close to the observed value for a large part of the parameter space.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, Talk given at the 8th International Moscow School of Physic

    Feasibility of undertaking off-site infant eye-tracking assessments of neuro-cognitive functioning in early-intervention centres

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    Recent work suggests that differences in functional brain development are already identifiable in 6- to 9-month-old infants from low socio-economic status (SES) backgrounds. Investigation of early SES-related differences in neuro-cognitive functioning requires the recruitment of large and diverse samples of infants, yet it is often difficult to persuade low-SES parents to come to a university setting. One solution is to recruit infants through early intervention children’s centres (CCs). These are often located in areas of high relative deprivation to support young children. Given the increasing portability of eye-tracking equipment, assessment of large clusters of infants could be undertaken in centres by suitably trained early intervention staff. Here we report on a study involving 174 infants and their parents, carried out in partnership with CCs, exploring the feasibility of this approach, We report the processes of setting up the project and participant recruitment. We report the diversity of sample obtained on the engagement of CC staff in training and the process of assessment itself. We report the quality of the data obtained, and the levels of engagement of parents, and infants. We conclude that this approach has great potential for recruiting large and diverse samples worldwide, provides sufficiently reliable data, and is engaging to staff, parents and infants

    A Comparison of Arctic Ocean Sea Ice Export Between Nares Strait and the Canadian Arctic Archipelago

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    Nares Strait and the channels of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (CAA) act as conduits for sea ice export from the Arctic Ocean but have never been directly compared. Here, we perform such a comparison for both the sea ice area and volume fluxes from October 2016 to December 2021. Nares Strait provided the largest average seasonal (October through September) ice area flux of 95 ± 8 × 103 km2 followed by the CAA regions of the Queen Elizabeth Islands (QEI) at 41 ± 7 × 103 km2 and M’Clure Strait at 2 ± 8 × 103 km2 with corresponding ice volume fluxes of 177 ± 15 km3, 59 ± 10 km3, and 8 ± 8 km3, respectively. Larger Arctic Ocean ice export at Nares Strait was associated with a shorter ice arch duration (237 days) compared to M’Clure Strait (163 days) and QEI (65 days). Seasonal Arctic Ocean ice export was dominated by Nares Strait in 2017–2019 and 2021 but was remarkably exceeded by the QEI in 2020. Large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns were found to influence the ice area flux in the absence of ice arches but no occurrence of coherent Arctic Ocean ice export events coinciding across all gates were observed. Average net seasonal Arctic Ocean ice area and volume export were 138 × 103 km2 and 245 km3, which represent ∼16% of the area and ∼25% of the volume of sea ice export from Fram Strait. Divergent Arctic Ocean export ice trajectories are apparent for Nares Strait and the QEI when compared to Fram Strait

    The Stromlo Missing Satellites Survey

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    The Stromlo Missing Satellites (SMS) program is a critical endeavor to investigate whether cold dark matter cosmology is flawed in its ability to describe the matter distribution on galaxy scales or proves itself once again as a powerful theory to make observational predictions. The project will deliver unprecedented results on Milky Way satellite numbers, their distribution and physical properties. It is the deepest, most extended survey for optically elusive dwarf satellite galaxies to date, covering the entire 20,000 sq deg of the Southern hemisphere. 150TB of CCD images will be analysed in six photometric bands, 0.5-1.0 mag fainter than SDSS produced by the ANU SkyMapper telescope over the next five years. (For more details see: http://msowww.anu.edu.au/~jerjen/SMS_Survey.html)Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, in "Galaxies in the Local Volume" (Sydney, 8-13 July 2007), eds B. Koribalski and H. Jerjen, Springer Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, p. 18

    Efficiency of scanning and attention to faces in infancy independently predict language development in a multiethnic and bilingual sample of 2-year-olds

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    Efficient visual exploration in infancy is essential for cognitive and language development. It allows infants to participate in social interactions by attending to faces and learning about objects of interest. Visual scanning of scenes depends on a number of factors and early differences in efficiency are likely contributing to differences in learning and language development during subsequent years. Predicting language development in diverse samples is particularly challenging, as additional multiple sources of variability affect infant performance. In this study we tested how the complexity of visual scanning in the presence or absence of a face at 6-7 months of age is related to language development at 2 years of age in a multi-ethnic and predominantly bilingual sample from diverse socio-economic backgrounds. We used Recurrence Quantification Analysis to measure the temporal and spatial distribution of fixations recurring in the same area of a visual scene. We found that in the absence of a face the temporal distribution of re-fixations on selected objects of interest (but not all) significantly predicted both receptive and expressive language scores, explaining 16 - 20% of the variance. Also, lower rate of re-fixations recurring in the presence of a face predicted higher receptive language scores, suggesting larger vocabulary in infants that effectively disengage from faces. Altogether, our results suggest that dynamic measures, which quantify the complexity of visual scanning can reliably and robustly predict language development in highly diverse samples. They suggest that selective attending to objects predicts language independently of attention to faces. As eye-tracking and language assessments were carried out in early intervention centres, our study demonstrates the utility of mobile eye-tracking setups for early detection of risk in attention and language development

    Evaluation of community level interventions to address social and structural determinants of health: a cluster randomised controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In London and the rest of the UK, diseases associated with poor diet, inadequate physical activity and mental illness account for a large proportion of area based health inequality. There is a lack of evidence on interventions promoting healthier behaviours especially in marginalised populations, at a structural or ecological level and utilising a community development approach.</p> <p>The Well London project financed by the Big Lottery 'Wellbeing' Fund and implemented by a consortium of London based agencies led by the Greater London Authority and the London Health Commission is implementing a set of complex interventions across 20 deprived areas of London. The interventions focus on healthy eating, healthy physical activity and mental health and wellbeing and are designed and executed with community participation complementing existing facilities and services.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>The programme will be evaluated through a cluster randomised controlled trial. Forty areas across London were chosen based on deprivation scores. Areas were characterised by high proportion of Black and Minority Ethnic residents, worklessness, ill-health and poor physical environments. Twenty areas were randomly assigned to the intervention arm of Well London project and twenty 'matched' areas assigned as controls. Measures of physical activity, diet and mental health are collected at start and end of the project and compared to assess impact.</p> <p>The quantitative element will be complemented by a longitudinal qualitative study elucidating pathways of influence between intervention activities and health outcomes. A related element of the study investigates the health-related aspects of the structural and ecological characteristics of the project areas. The project 'process' will also be evaluated.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The size of the project and the fact that the interventions are 'complex' in the sense that firstly, there are a number of interacting components with a wide range of groups and organisational levels targeted by the intervention, and secondly, a degree of flexibility or tailoring of the intervention, makes this trial potentially very useful in providing evidence of the types of activities that can be used to address chronic health problems in communities suffering from multiple deprivation.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN68175121</p

    Beyond fixation durations: Recurrence quantification analysis reveals spatiotemporal dynamics of infant visual scanning

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    Standard looking-duration measures in eye-tracking data provide only general quantitative indices, while details of the spatiotemporal structuring of fixation sequences are lost. To overcome this, various tools have been developed to measure the dynamics of fixations. However, these analyses are only useful when stimuli have high perceptual similarity and they require the previous definition of areas of interest (AOIs). Although these methods have been widely applied in adult studies, relatively little is known about the temporal structuring of infant gaze-foraging behaviors such as variability of scanning over time or individual scanning patterns. Thus, to shed more light on the spatiotemporal characteristics of infant fixation sequences we apply for the first time a new methodology for nonlinear time-series analysis—the recurrence quantification analysis (RQA). We present how the dynamics of infant scanning varies depending on the scene content during a "pop-out" search task. Moreover, we show how the normalization of RQA measures with average fixation durations provides a more detailed account of the dynamics of fixation sequences. Finally, we link the RQA measures of temporal dynamics of scanning with the spatial information about the stimuli using heat maps of recurrences without the need for defining a priori AOIs and present how infants’ foraging strategies are driven by the image content. We conclude from our findings that the RQA methodology has potential applications in the analysis of the temporal dynamics of infant visual foraging offering advantages over existing methods
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