12 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of the effect of stimulation with a binaural beat and similar kinds of sounds on the falling asleep process: A brief note

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    Beats are the physical phenomenon appearing when two oscillation processes of close frequencies are superimposed. In acoustics, there is also the concept of binaural beats, a subjective feeling of the listener when acoustic tones of slightly different frequencies are applied separately to each ear. Commercial products based on the effect of binaural beats enjoy steady popularity in the market of the modern technological tools for psycho- and physiotherapy. In particular, they are applied to improve sleep. But it is the objective evaluation of the physiologic effect of binaural beats on the sleep onset process that has very little evidence for support. This paper provides comparative analysis of the time to fall asleep determined by the onset of the second daytime sleep stage (sleep spindle appearance). The subjects listened to a monotonous sound of three similar kinds: a combination of binaural beats with pink noise, a similar sound with a combination of monaural beats, and a similar sound without any beat. Stimulation by the combination of binaural beats is shown to produce the least sleep onset time as compared to the similar sound containing monaural beats and to the similar sound without beats. Further investigation is required to obtain results that are more consistent. © 2017, Allerton Press, Inc

    Процесс засыпания у людей при прослушивании различных видов монотонного звука: пилотное исследование

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    Development of non-invasive sleep-aid tools requires paying attention to techniques reducing and stabilizing fall-asleep time. Otherwise, all attempts to affect posterior sleep make no sense. The aim of current study was to compare effectiveness of listening through stereo earphones to three types of monotonous sound as one of those techniques. Namely, the sound engendering so-called "binaural beats" (BB), the sound containing ordinary ("monaural") beats (MB) and the sound containing pure tones without beats (imitation, IM) were applied. Methods. Data collected by polysomnographic record (EEG and eye movements) of falling asleep process of 14 subjects during listening to those three sound types then were analyzed to compare the fall-asleep time corresponding to each type. Results. The fall-asleep time during BB-stimulation was less than during IM in 10 subjects from 14; during MB-stimulation - in 5 subjects from 14. The fall-asleep time in BB-stimulation series was significantly (p < 0.05) less than in IM-series. MB-stimulation series contained no significant differences in fall-asleep time from IM-series. Conclusion. Binaural beat stimulation gives rise to the least fall-asleep time beside the sound containing ordinary (monaural) beats as well as monotonous beatless sound.При разработке неинвазивных средств улучшения сна человека необходимо уделять внимание методам уменьшения и стабилизации времени засыпания, иначе попытки воздействовать на дальнейший сон теряют смысл. Целью данного исследования было сравнение эффективности, в качестве такого метода, прослушивания через стереонаушники трёх видов монотонного звука, а именно: звука, порождающего так называемые «бинауральные» биения (ББ), звука, содержащего обычные («монауральные») биения (МБ), и звука, состоящего из чистых тонов без биений (имитации, ИМ). Методы. Производился анализ полисомнографических данных (ЭЭГ и движений глаз), полученных в процессе засыпания 14 испытуемых при прослушивании этих трёх видов звука, и сравнивалось соответствующее каждому виду время засыпания. Результаты. При ББ-стимуляции время засыпания по сравнению с ИМ было меньше у 10 испытуемых из 14; при МБ-стимуляции - у 5 испытуемых из 14. Время засыпания в серии с ББ-стимуляцией статистически значимо (p < 0,05) меньше, чем в ИМ-серии. Значимых отличий времени засыпания в серии с МБ-стимуляцией по сравнению с ИМ нет. Вывод. Стимуляция бинауральными биениями даёт наименьшее время засыпания как по сравнению со звуком, содержащим обычные акустические (монауральные) биения, так и по сравнению с монотонным звуком без биений

    Comparative analysis of the effect of stimulation with a binaural beat and similar kinds of sounds on the falling asleep process: A brief note

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    Beats are the physical phenomenon appearing when two oscillation processes of close frequencies are superimposed. In acoustics, there is also the concept of binaural beats, a subjective feeling of the listener when acoustic tones of slightly different frequencies are applied separately to each ear. Commercial products based on the effect of binaural beats enjoy steady popularity in the market of the modern technological tools for psycho- and physiotherapy. In particular, they are applied to improve sleep. But it is the objective evaluation of the physiologic effect of binaural beats on the sleep onset process that has very little evidence for support. This paper provides comparative analysis of the time to fall asleep determined by the onset of the second daytime sleep stage (sleep spindle appearance). The subjects listened to a monotonous sound of three similar kinds: a combination of binaural beats with pink noise, a similar sound with a combination of monaural beats, and a similar sound without any beat. Stimulation by the combination of binaural beats is shown to produce the least sleep onset time as compared to the similar sound containing monaural beats and to the similar sound without beats. Further investigation is required to obtain results that are more consistent. © 2017, Allerton Press, Inc

    Процесс засыпания у людей при прослушивании различных видов монотонного звука: пилотное исследование

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    Development of non-invasive sleep-aid tools requires paying attention to techniques reducing and stabilizing fall-asleep time. Otherwise, all attempts to affect posterior sleep make no sense. The aim of current study was to compare effectiveness of listening through stereo earphones to three types of monotonous sound as one of those techniques. Namely, the sound engendering so-called "binaural beats" (BB), the sound containing ordinary ("monaural") beats (MB) and the sound containing pure tones without beats (imitation, IM) were applied. Methods. Data collected by polysomnographic record (EEG and eye movements) of falling asleep process of 14 subjects during listening to those three sound types then were analyzed to compare the fall-asleep time corresponding to each type. Results. The fall-asleep time during BB-stimulation was less than during IM in 10 subjects from 14; during MB-stimulation - in 5 subjects from 14. The fall-asleep time in BB-stimulation series was significantly (p < 0.05) less than in IM-series. MB-stimulation series contained no significant differences in fall-asleep time from IM-series. Conclusion. Binaural beat stimulation gives rise to the least fall-asleep time beside the sound containing ordinary (monaural) beats as well as monotonous beatless sound.При разработке неинвазивных средств улучшения сна человека необходимо уделять внимание методам уменьшения и стабилизации времени засыпания, иначе попытки воздействовать на дальнейший сон теряют смысл. Целью данного исследования было сравнение эффективности, в качестве такого метода, прослушивания через стереонаушники трёх видов монотонного звука, а именно: звука, порождающего так называемые «бинауральные» биения (ББ), звука, содержащего обычные («монауральные») биения (МБ), и звука, состоящего из чистых тонов без биений (имитации, ИМ). Методы. Производился анализ полисомнографических данных (ЭЭГ и движений глаз), полученных в процессе засыпания 14 испытуемых при прослушивании этих трёх видов звука, и сравнивалось соответствующее каждому виду время засыпания. Результаты. При ББ-стимуляции время засыпания по сравнению с ИМ было меньше у 10 испытуемых из 14; при МБ-стимуляции - у 5 испытуемых из 14. Время засыпания в серии с ББ-стимуляцией статистически значимо (p < 0,05) меньше, чем в ИМ-серии. Значимых отличий времени засыпания в серии с МБ-стимуляцией по сравнению с ИМ нет. Вывод. Стимуляция бинауральными биениями даёт наименьшее время засыпания как по сравнению со звуком, содержащим обычные акустические (монауральные) биения, так и по сравнению с монотонным звуком без биений


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    Binaural beats is acoustical illusion arising when two sound signals of close frequencies are listened through stereo headphones. Using the EEG method, it was proved that sounds containing binaural beats can facilitate sleep onset. The data obtained are important to develop devices for non-invasive treatment of sleep disorders and to develop various objective control tools for vehicle drivers, air traffic controllers as well as a number of other responsible professions.Бинауральные биения представляют собой акустическую иллюзию, возникающее при прослушивании через стереонаушники двух звуковых сигналов, близких по частоте. С помощью метода ЭЭГ установлено, что звуки, содержащие бинауральные биения способны индуцировать сон. Полученные данные имеют важное значение для разработки устройств немедикаментозной коррекции нарушений сна и средств объективного контроля состояния у лиц, управляющих различными транспортными средствами, авиадиспетчеров и ряда других ответственных специальностей


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    Binaural beats is acoustical illusion arising when two sound signals of close frequencies are listened through stereo headphones. Using the EEG method, it was proved that sounds containing binaural beats can facilitate sleep onset. The data obtained are important to develop devices for non-invasive treatment of sleep disorders and to develop various objective control tools for vehicle drivers, air traffic controllers as well as a number of other responsible professions.Бинауральные биения представляют собой акустическую иллюзию, возникающее при прослушивании через стереонаушники двух звуковых сигналов, близких по частоте. С помощью метода ЭЭГ установлено, что звуки, содержащие бинауральные биения способны индуцировать сон. Полученные данные имеют важное значение для разработки устройств немедикаментозной коррекции нарушений сна и средств объективного контроля состояния у лиц, управляющих различными транспортными средствами, авиадиспетчеров и ряда других ответственных специальностей

    The effect of music embedded with binaural beats on heart rate parameters during nap [Vliyanie muzyki s effektom binaural'nykh bienii na parametry serdechnogo ritma cheloveka v protsesse dnevnogo sna]

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    OBJECTIVE: To test hypothesis that music embedded with binaural beats can boost activity of parasympathetic part of autonomic nervous system (PPANS) with the development of nap. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The power of high-frequency component of heart rate variability spectrum computed on successive 2-minute intervals during 20-minute nap was a comparison criterion. The criterion was compared during nap accompanied by music with embedded binaural beats (stimulus condition) and nap in silence (control condition). RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Statistical comparison revealed the increase of PPANS activity during nap in stimulus condition vs. control condition. It is consistent with conclusions of other papers about positive effect of sound stimuli embedded with binaural beats on PPANS.ЦЕЛЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: Проверка гипотезы о том, что музыка с эффектом бинауральных биений (ББ) способна усиливать активацию парасимпатического отдела вегетативной нервной системы (ПОВНС) по мере углубления дневного сна. МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ: Параметром сравнения была мощность высокочастотной составляющей спектра вариабельности сердечного ритма испытуемых, вычисляемая на последовательных 2-минутных интервалах в течение 20-минутного дневного сна. Параметр сравнивали при засыпании на фоне музыки с эффектом ББ (стимул) и при засыпании в тишине (контроль). РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ И ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ: Статистическое сравнение показало более высокую активацию ПОВНС по мере засыпания на фоне стимула по сравнению с контролем. Это согласуется с выводами других публикаций о положительном влиянии звуковых стимулов с эффектом ББ на ПОВНС

    The effect of music containing binaural beats on daytime fall-asleep dynamics

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    Objective. To test the hypothesis that listening to the music with the effect of binaural beats of theta and delta range during nap decreases sleep latency defined by 2nd slow wave sleep stage appearance, as well as improves its stability. Material and methods. The experimental set of 20 min duration was established according to the counterbalanced scheme with 21 subjects. Each subject participated in two attempts: one attempt included sound stimulation (music) and another one was sham (silence).Results and conclusion. The decrease in sleep latency during stimulation is not confirmed reliably. The increase in sleep stability has been confirmed reliably using nonlinear regression model. The findings can be used in the development of non-pharmacologic ways of sleep treatment. © 2020, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved

    The Influence of Music with the Binaural Beat Effect on Heart Rate during Daytime Sleep in Humans

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    Objective. To test the hypothesis that music with a binaural beat (BB) effect can increase activation of the parasympathetic compartment of the autonomic nervous system (PANS) as daytime sleep gets deeper. Materials and methods. Comparison parameters were the power of the high-frequency components of the spectrum of variability of subjects’ heart rate computed in sequentia l 2-min periods during 20-min naps. Parameters were compared on going to sleep on the background of music with the BB effect (stimulus) and going to sleep in the quiet (control). Results and conclusions. Statistical comparison demonstrated a higher level of activation of the PANS on going to sleep on the background of the stimulus as compared with the control. This is consistent with conclusions in other reports on the positive influence of sound stimuli with the BB effect on the PANS. © 2022, Springer Nature Switzerland AG

    Napping between scylla and charybdis of N1 and N3: latency to N2 in a brief afternoon nap can be reduced by binaural beating

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    Afternoon nap is regarded as a potent behavioral strategy minimizing sleepiness and fatigue. The benefits of afternoon naps require the accumulation of, at least, 3 min of stage 2 sleep. However, there are practical disadvantages of nap longer than 10–15 min, such as greater length of time consumed by the nap, appearance of slow wave sleep causing greater sleep inertia right after the nap, and possible detrimental impact of such nap on subsequent nocturnal sleep. We previously found that a binaural beat treatment that is a dichotic presentation of two almost equivalent pure tones with slightly different frequencies led to a reduction of latency to stage 2 sleep. To replicate this result and to examine whether such reduction leads, in turn, to the earlier appearance of slow wave sleep, we asked 23 and 21 healthy volunteers to nap in the afternoon for 30 and 20 min, respectively. Almost half of volunteers showed latency to stage 2 longer than 17 min, but most of them responded to the treatment by its reduction. The following occurrence of slow wave sleep reduced level of alertness self-assessed right after the nap. We concluded that latency to stage 2 sleep might be experimentally challenged by binaural beating. © 2019, © 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group