255 research outputs found

    Quasi-particle Lifetimes in a d_{x^2-y^2} Superconductor

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    We consider the lifetime of quasi-particles in a d-wave superconductor due to scattering from antiferromagnetic spin-fluctuations, and explicitly separate the contribution from Umklapp processes which determines the electrical conductivity. Results for the temperature dependence of the total scattering rate and the Umklapp scattering rate are compared with relaxation rates obtained from thermal and microwave conductivity measurements, respectively.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Electric current circuits in astrophysics

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    Cosmic magnetic structures have in common that they are anchored in a dynamo, that an external driver converts kinetic energy into internal magnetic energy, that this magnetic energy is transported as Poynting fl ux across the magnetically dominated structure, and that the magnetic energy is released in the form of particle acceleration, heating, bulk motion, MHD waves, and radiation. The investigation of the electric current system is particularly illuminating as to the course of events and the physics involved. We demonstrate this for the radio pulsar wind, the solar flare, and terrestrial magnetic storms

    Nucleon Axial Form Factor from Lattice QCD

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    Results for the isovector axial form factors of the proton from a lattice QCD calculation are presented for both point-split and local currents. They are obtained on a quenched 163×2416^{3} \times 24 lattice at β=6.0\beta= 6.0 with Wilson fermions for a range of quark masses from strange to charm. We determine the finite lattice renormalization for both the local and point-split currents of heavy quarks. Results extrapolated to the chiral limit show that the q2q^2 dependence of the axial form factor agrees reasonably well with experiment. The axial coupling constant gAg_A calculated for the local and the point-split currents is about 6\% and 12\% smaller than the experimental value respectively.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures (included in part 2), UK/93-0

    Sum rules and energy scales in the high-temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O6+x

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    The Ferrell-Glover-Tinkham (FGT) sum rule has been applied to the temperature dependence of the in-plane optical conductivity of optimally-doped YBa_2Cu_3O_{6.95} and underdoped YBa_2Cu_3O_{6.60}. Within the accuracy of the experiment, the sum rule is obeyed in both materials. However, the energy scale \omega_c required to recover the full strength of the superfluid \rho_s in the two materials is dramatically different; \omega_c \simeq 800 cm^{-1} in the optimally doped system (close to twice the maximum of the superconducting gap, 2\Delta_0), but \omega_c \gtrsim 5000 cm^{-1} in the underdoped system. In both materials, the normal-state scattering rate close to the critical temperature is small, \Gamma < 2\Delta_0, so that the materials are not in the dirty limit and the relevant energy scale for \rho_s in a BCS material should be twice the energy gap. The FGT sum rule in the optimally-doped material suggests that the majority of the spectral weight of the condensate comes from energies below 2\Delta_0, which is consistent with a BCS material in which the condensate originates from a Fermi liquid normal state. In the underdoped material the larger energy scale may be a result of the non-Fermi liquid nature of the normal state. The dramatically different energy scales suggest that the nature of the normal state creates specific conditions for observing the different aspects of what is presumably a central mechanism for superconductivity in these materials.Comment: RevTeX 4 file, 9 pages with 7 embedded eps figure

    Instantons and Yang-Mills Flows on Coset Spaces

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    We consider the Yang-Mills flow equations on a reductive coset space G/H and the Yang-Mills equations on the manifold R x G/H. On nonsymmetric coset spaces G/H one can introduce geometric fluxes identified with the torsion of the spin connection. The condition of G-equivariance imposed on the gauge fields reduces the Yang-Mills equations to phi^4-kink equations on R. Depending on the boundary conditions and torsion, we obtain solutions to the Yang-Mills equations describing instantons, chains of instanton-anti-instanton pairs or modifications of gauge bundles. For Lorentzian signature on R x G/H, dyon-type configurations are constructed as well. We also present explicit solutions to the Yang-Mills flow equations and compare them with the Yang-Mills solutions on R x G/H.Comment: 1+12 page

    Spin-Charge Separation in the tJt-J Model: Magnetic and Transport Anomalies

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    A real spin-charge separation scheme is found based on a saddle-point state of the tJt-J model. In the one-dimensional (1D) case, such a saddle-point reproduces the correct asymptotic correlations at the strong-coupling fixed-point of the model. In the two-dimensional (2D) case, the transverse gauge field confining spinon and holon is shown to be gapped at {\em finite doping} so that a spin-charge deconfinement is obtained for its first time in 2D. The gap in the gauge fluctuation disappears at half-filling limit, where a long-range antiferromagnetic order is recovered at zero temperature and spinons become confined. The most interesting features of spin dynamics and transport are exhibited at finite doping where exotic {\em residual} couplings between spin and charge degrees of freedom lead to systematic anomalies with regard to a Fermi-liquid system. In spin dynamics, a commensurate antiferromagnetic fluctuation with a small, doping-dependent energy scale is found, which is characterized in momentum space by a Gaussian peak at (π/a\pi/a, π/a \pi/a) with a doping-dependent width (δ\propto \sqrt{\delta}, δ\delta is the doping concentration). This commensurate magnetic fluctuation contributes a non-Korringa behavior for the NMR spin-lattice relaxation rate. There also exits a characteristic temperature scale below which a pseudogap behavior appears in the spin dynamics. Furthermore, an incommensurate magnetic fluctuation is also obtained at a {\em finite} energy regime. In transport, a strong short-range phase interference leads to an effective holon Lagrangian which can give rise to a series of interesting phenomena including linear-TT resistivity and T2T^2 Hall-angle. We discuss the striking similarities of these theoretical features with those found in the high-TcT_c cuprates and give aComment: 70 pages, RevTex, hard copies of 7 figures available upon request; minor revisions in the text and references have been made; To be published in July 1 issue of Phys. Rev. B52, (1995

    Statistical strategies for avoiding false discoveries in metabolomics and related experiments

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    Microwave determination of the quasiparticle scattering time in YBa2Cu3O6.95

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    We report microwave surface resistance (Rs) measurements on two very-high-quality YBa2Cu3O6.95 crystals which exhibit extremely low residual loss at 1.2 K (2-6 μΩ at 2 GHz), a broad, reproducible peak at around 38 K, and a rapid increase in loss, by 4 orders of magnitude, between 80 and 93 K. These data provide one ingredient in the determination of the temperature dependence of the real part of the microwave conductivity, σ1(T), and of the quasiparticle scattering time. The other necessary ingredient is an accurate knowledge of the magnitude and temperature dependence of the London penetration depth, λ(T). This is derived from published data, from microwave data of Anlage, Langley, and co-workers and from, high-quality μSR data. We infer, from a careful analysis of all available data, that λ2(0)/λ2(T) is well approximated by the simple function 1-t2, where t=T/Tc, and that the low-temperature data are incompatible with the existence of an s-wave, BCS-like gap. Combining the Rs and λ(T) data, we find that σ1(T), has a broad peak around 32 K with a value about 20 times that at Tc. Using a generalized two-fluid model, we extract the temperature dependence of the quasiparticle scattering rate which follows an exponential law, exp(T/T0), where T0≊12 K, for T between 15 and 84 K. Such a temperature dependence has previously been observed in measurements of the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate. Both the uncertainties in our analysis and the implications for the mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity are discussed

    Conformational dynamics and internal friction in homopolymer globules: equilibrium vs. non-equilibrium simulations

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    We study the conformational dynamics within homopolymer globules by solvent-implicit Brownian dynamics simulations. A strong dependence of the internal chain dynamics on the Lennard-Jones cohesion strength ε and the globule size N [subscript G] is observed. We find two distinct dynamical regimes: a liquid-like regime (for ε ε[subscript s] with slow internal dynamics. The cohesion strength ε[subscript s] of this freezing transition depends on N G . Equilibrium simulations, where we investigate the diffusional chain dynamics within the globule, are compared with non-equilibrium simulations, where we unfold the globule by pulling the chain ends with prescribed velocity (encompassing low enough velocities so that the linear-response, viscous regime is reached). From both simulation protocols we derive the internal viscosity within the globule. In the liquid-like regime the internal friction increases continuously with ε and scales extensive in N [subscript G] . This suggests an internal friction scenario where the entire chain (or an extensive fraction thereof) takes part in conformational reorganization of the globular structure.American Society for Engineering Education. National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowshi