2,649 research outputs found

    Electrically charged black branes in N=4^+, D=5 gauged supergravity

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    We analyze the properties of asymptotically AdS electrically charged black brane solutions in a consistent truncation of the N=4^+, D=5 Romans' gauged supergravity which contains gravity, SU(2) and U(1) gauge fields, and a dilaton possessing a nontrivial potential approaching a constant negative value at infinity. We find that the U(1)\times U(1) solutions become unstable to forming non-Abelian hair. These configurations emerge as zero modes of the Abelian solutions at critical temperature and a critical (nonvanishing) ratio of the electric charges and can be viewed as holographic p-wave superfluids.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Charged isotropic non-Abelian dyonic black branes

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    We construct black holes with a Ricci flat horizon in Einstein–Yang-Mills theory with a negative cosmological constant, which approach asymptotically an AdS_d spacetime background (with d ≥ 4). These solutions are isotropic, i.e. all space directions in a hypersurface of constant radial and time coordinates are equivalent, and possess both electric and magnetic fields. We find that the basic properties of the non-Abelian solutions are similar to those of the dyonic isotropic branes in Einstein-Maxwell theory (which, however, exist in even spacetime dimensions only). These black branes possess a nonzero magnetic field strength on the flat boundary metric, which leads to a divergent mass of these solutions, as defined in the usual way. However, a different picture is found for odd spacetime dimensions, where a non-Abelian Chern-Simons term can be incorporated in the action. This allows for black brane solutions with a magnetic field which vanishes asymptotically

    Strong electronic correlations in Lix_xZnPc organic metals

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    Nuclear magnetic resonance, electron paramagnetic resonance and magnetization measurements show that bulk Lix_xZnPc are strongly correlated one-dimensional metals. The temperature dependence of the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T11/T_1 and of the static uniform susceptibility χS\chi_S on approaching room temperature are characteristic of a Fermi liquid. Moreover, while for x≃2x\simeq 2 the electrons are delocalized down to low temperature, for x→4x\to 4 a tendency towards localization is noticed upon cooling, yielding an increase both in 1/T11/T_1 and χs\chi_s. The xx-dependence of the effective density of states at the Fermi level D(EF)D(E_F) displays a sharp enhancement for x≃2x\simeq 2, at the half filling of the ZnPc lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals. This suggests that Lix_xZnPc is on the edge of a metal-insulator transition where enhanced superconducting fluctuations could develop.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Magneto-Centrifugal Launching of Jets from Accretion Disks. II: Inner Disk-Driven Winds

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    We follow numerically the time evolution of axisymmetric outflows driven magneto-centrifugally from the inner portion of accretion disks, from their launching surface to large, observable distances. Special attention is paid to the collimation of part of the outflow into a dense, narrow jet around the rotation axis, after a steady state has been reached. For parameters typical of T Tauri stars, we define a fiducial ``jet'' as outlined by the contour of constant density at 10^4 cm^{-3}. We find that the jet, so defined, appears nearly cylindrical well above the disk, in agreement with previous asymptotic analyses. Closer to the equatorial plane, the density contour can either bulge outwards or pinch inwards, depending on the conditions at the launching surface, particularly the mass flux distribution. We find that even though a dense, jet-like feature is always formed around the axis, there is no guarantee that the high-density axial jet would dominate the more tenuous, wide-angle part of the wind. Specifically, on the 100 AU scale, resolvable by HST and ground-based adaptive optics for nearby T Tauri winds, the fraction of the wind mass flux enclosed by the fiducial jet can vary substantially, again depending on the launching conditions. We show two examples in which the fraction is ~20% and ~45%. These dependences may provide a way to constrain the conditions at the launching surface, which are poorly known at present.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ, scheduled for vol. 595, October 1, 200

    A new Comptonization model for low-magnetized accreting neutron stars in low mass X-ray binaries

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    We developed a new model for the X-ray spectral fitting \xspec package which takes into account the effects of both thermal and dynamical (i.e. bulk) Comptonization. The model consists of two components: one is the direct blackbody-like emission due to seed photons which are not subjected to effective Compton scattering, while the other one is a convolution of the Green's function of the energy operator with a blackbody-like seed photon spectrum. When combined thermal and bulk effects are considered, the analytic form of the Green's function may be obtained as a solution of the diffusion Comptonization equation. Using data from the BeppoSAX, INTEGRAL and RXTE satellites, we test our model on the spectra of a sample of six persistently low magnetic field bright neutron star Low Mass X-ray Binaries, covering three different spectral states. Particular attention is given to the transient powerlaw-like hard X-ray (> 30 keV) tails that we interpret in the framework of the bulk motion Comptonization process. We show that the values of the best-fit delta-parameter, which represents the importance of bulk with respect to thermal Comptonization, can be physically meaningful and can at least qualitatively describe the physical conditions of the environment in the innermost part of the system. Moreover, we show that in fitting the thermal Comptonization spectra to the X-ray spectra of these systems, the best-fit parameters of our model are in excellent agreement with those of COMPTT, a broadly used and well established XSPEC model.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Novel Polypyridyl Ruthenium(II) Complexes Containing Oxalamidines as Ligands.

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    The complexes [Ru(bpy)2(H2TPOA)](PF6)2 ⋅ 4H2O, (1); [Ru(Me-bpy)2(H2TPOA)](PF6)2 ⋅ 2H2O, (2); [Ru(bpy)2(H2TTOA)](PF6)2 ⋅ 2H2O, (3); [Ru(Me-bpy)2(H2TTOA)](PF6)2 ⋅ 2H2O, (4) and {[Ru(bpy)2]2(TPOA)}(PF6)2 ⋅ 2H2O, (5) (where bpy is 2,2´bipyridine; Me-bpy is 4,4´- dimethyl-2,2´-bipyridine; H2TPOA is N, N´, N´´, N´´´- tetraphenyloxalamidine; H2TTOA is N, N´, N´´, N´´´- tetratolyloxalamidine) have been synthesized and characterized by 1H-NMR, FAB-MS, infrared spectroscopy and elemental analysis. The X-ray investigation shows the coordination of the still protonated oxalamidine moiety via the 1,2−diimine unit. The dimeric compound (5) could be separated in its diastereoisomers (5´) and (5´´) by repeated recrystallisation. The diastereomeric forms exhibit different 1H-NMR spectra and slightly shifted electronic spectra. Compared with the model compound [Ru(bpy)3]2+, the absorption maxima of (1)–(5) are shifted to lower energies. The mononuclear complexes show Ru(III/II)- couples at about 0.9 V vs SCE, while for the dinuclear complex two well defined metal based redox couples are observed at 0.45 and 0.65 V indicating substantial interaction between the two metal centres

    Inappropriate Antidiuresis: Examples of an Hyponatremic Syndrome Resembling Exogenous Vasopressin Administration in Man

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    We have reviewed some of the features of hyponatremic syndromes, unassociated with sodium retention and edema, but associated with primary water retention. The syndromes were probably caused by excessive vasopressin activity, in the presence of normal circulatory, renal and adreno-cortical function. Underlying diseases, including bronchogenic carcinoma, head injury, and tuberculous meningitis, illustrated the diverse etiologic bases of this condition
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