4,324 research outputs found

    Anatomy of Zero-norm States in String Theory

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    We calculate and identify the counterparts of zero-norm states in the old covariant first quantised (OCFQ) spectrum of open bosonic string in two other quantization schemes of string theory, namely the light-cone DDF zero-norm states and the off-shell BRST zero-norm states (with ghost) in the Witten string field theory (WSFT). In particular, special attention is paid to the inter-particle zero-norm states in all quantization schemes. For the case of the off-shell BRST zero-norm states, we impose the no ghost conditions and recover exactly two types of on-shell zero-norm states in the OCFQ string spectrum for the first few low-lying mass levels. We then show that off-shell gauge transformations of WSFT are identical to the on-shell stringy gauge symmetries generated by two types of zero-norm states in the generalized massive sigma-model approach of string theory. The high energy limit of these stringy gauge symmetries was recently used to calculate the proportionality constants, conjectured by Gross, among high energy scattering amplitudes of different string states. Based on these zero-norm state calculations, we have thus related gauge symmetry of WSFT to the high-energy stringy symmetry of Gross.Comment: 30 page

    Status of Spin Physics - Experimental Summary

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    The current status of spin physics experiments, based on talks presented at the Third Circum-Pan-Pacific Symposium on High Energy Spin Physics held in Beijing, 2001, is summarized in this article. Highlights of recent experimental results at SLAC, JLab, and DESY, as well as future plans at these facilities and at RHIC-spin are discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, Invited talk presented at the Third Circum-Pan-Pacific Symposium on High Energy Spin Physics held in Beijing, October, 200

    Computing Aggregate Properties of Preimages for 2D Cellular Automata

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    Computing properties of the set of precursors of a given configuration is a common problem underlying many important questions about cellular automata. Unfortunately, such computations quickly become intractable in dimension greater than one. This paper presents an algorithm --- incremental aggregation --- that can compute aggregate properties of the set of precursors exponentially faster than na{\"i}ve approaches. The incremental aggregation algorithm is demonstrated on two problems from the two-dimensional binary Game of Life cellular automaton: precursor count distributions and higher-order mean field theory coefficients. In both cases, incremental aggregation allows us to obtain new results that were previously beyond reach

    High-energy zero-norm states and symmetries of string theory

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    High-energy limit of zero-norm states (HZNS) in the old covariant first quantized (OCFQ) spectrum of the 26D open bosonic string, together with the assumption of a smooth behavior of string theory in this limit, are used to derive infinitely many linear relations among the leading high-energy, fixed angle behavior of four point functions of different string states. As a result, ratios among all high-energy scattering amplitudes of four arbitrary string states can be calculated algebraically and the leading order amplitudes can be expressed in terms of that of four tachyons as conjectured by Gross in 1988. A dual calculation can also be performed and equivalent results are obtained by taking the high-energy limit of Virasoro constraints. Finally, as a consistent sample calculation, we compute all high-energy scattering amplitudes of three tachyons and one massive state at the leading order by saddle-point approximation to justify our results.Comment: 10 pages, no figure, modifications of text and reference


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    Irradiation of 20-chloro-chlorophylls of the a-type with visible light produces long-wavelength shifted photoproducts, which transform in the dark to linear tetrapyrroles (bile pigments). The possible significance for chlorophyll degradation is discussed

    Irreducible Characters of General Linear Superalgebra and Super Duality

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    We develop a new method to solve the irreducible character problem for a wide class of modules over the general linear superalgebra, including all the finite-dimensional modules, by directly relating the problem to the classical Kazhdan-Lusztig theory. We further verify a parabolic version of a conjecture of Brundan on the irreducible characters in the BGG category \mc{O} of the general linear superalgebra. We also prove the super duality conjecture

    Iontophoretic device delivery for the localized treatment of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

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    Drug delivery to pancreatic tumors is impaired by a unique desmoplastic response and poor tumor vascularization. A drug delivery device capable of overcoming these barriers could provide substantial benefit for patients with pancreatic cancer. In this study, we show that local iontophoretic delivery of folinic acid (leucovorin), fluorouracil, irinotecan, and oxaliplatin (FOLFIRINOX) resulted in better tumor response and tolerability compared with i.v. FOLFIRINOX. Given the low systemic exposure of FOLFIRINOX using iontophoretic delivery, it may be possible to use in combination with systemic delivery to treat micrometastatic disease. Local iontophoretic delivery of cytotoxic agents should be considered as a neoadjuvant approach to improve resection rates and outcome in patients with localized and locally advanced pancreatic cancer

    Super duality and irreducible characters of ortho-symplectic Lie superalgebras

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    We formulate and establish a super duality which connects parabolic categories OO between the ortho-symplectic Lie superalgebras and classical Lie algebras of BCDBCD types. This provides a complete and conceptual solution of the irreducible character problem for the ortho-symplectic Lie superalgebras in a parabolic category OO, which includes all finite-dimensional irreducible modules, in terms of classical Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials.Comment: 30 pages, Section 5 rewritten and shortene
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