15 research outputs found

    Towards Cross-Layer Monitoring of Multi-Cloud Service-Based Applications

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    Consistent RDF updates with correct dense deltas

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    RDF is widely used in the Semantic Web for representing ontology data. Many real world RDF collections are large and contain complex graph relationships that represent knowledge in a particular domain. Such large RDF collections evolve in consequence of their representation of the changing world. Although this data may be distributed over the Internet, it needs to be managed and updated in the face of such evolutionary changes. In view of the size of typical collections, it is important to derive efficient ways of propagating updates to distributed data stores. The contribution of this paper is a detailed analysis of the performance of RDF change detection techniques. In addition the work describes a new approach to maintaining the consistency of RDF by using knowledge embedded in the structure to generate efficient update transactions. The evaluation of this approach indicates that it reduces the overall update size at the cost of increasing the processing time needed to generate the transactions

    Towards self-adaptation planning for complex service-based systems

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    A complex service-based system (CSBS), which comprises a multi-layer structure possibly spanning multiple organizations, operates in a highly dynamic and heterogeneous environment. At run time the quality of service provided by a CSBS may suddenly change, so that violations of the Service Level Agreements (SLAs) established within and across the boundaries of organizations can occur. Hence, a key management choice is to design the CSBS as a self-adaptive system, so that it can properly plan adaptation decisions to maintain the overall quality defined in the SLAs. However, the challenge in planning the CSBS adaptation is the uncertainty effect of adaptation actions that can variously affect the multiple layers of the CSBS. In a dynamic and constantly evolving environment, there is no guarantee that the adaptation action taken at a given layer can have an overall positive effect. Furthermore, the complexity of the cross-layer interactions makes the decision making process a non-trivial task. In this paper, we address the problem by proposing a multi-layer adaptation planning with local and global adaptation managers. The local manager is associated with a single planning model, while the global manager is associated with a multiple planning model. Both planning models are based on Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) that provide a suitable technique to model decisions under uncertainty. We present an example of scenario to show the practicality of the proposed approach

    Coloring RDF Triples to Capture Provenance

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    Abstract. Recently, the W3C Linking Open Data effort has boosted the publication and inter-linkage of large amounts of RDF datasets on the Semantic Web. Various ontologies and knowledge bases with millions of RDF triples from Wikipedia and other sources, mostly in e-science, have been created and are publicly available. Recording provenance information of RDF triples aggregated from different heterogeneous sources is crucial in order to effectively support trust mechanisms, digital rights and privacy policies. Managing provenance becomes even more important when we consider not only explicitly stated but also implicit triples (through RDFS inference rules) in conjunction with declarative languages for querying and updating RDF graphs. In this paper we rely on colored RDF triples represented as quadruples to capture and manipulate explicit provenance information.

    Semantic Recognition of Ontology Refactoring

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    Ontologies are used for sharing information and are often collaboratively developed. They are adapted for different applications and domains resulting in multiple versions of an ontology that are caused by changes and refactorings. Quite often, ontology versions (or parts of them) are syntactical very different but semantically equivalent. While there is existing work on detecting syntactical and structural changes in ontologies, there is still a need in analyzing and recognizing ontology changes and refactorings by a semantically comparison of ontology versions. In our approach, we start with a classification of model refactorings found in software engineering for identifying such refactorings in OWL ontologies using DL reasoning to recognize these refactorings

    Cloud4SOA: A Semantic-Interoperability PaaS Solution for Multi-cloud Platform Management and Portability

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    Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a novel, rapidly growing segment in the Cloud computing market. However, the diversity and heterogeneity of today's existing PaaS offerings raises several interoperability challenges. This introduces adoption barriers due to the lock-in issues that prevent the portability of data and applications from one PaaS to another, "locking" software developers to the first provider they use. This paper introduces the Cloud4SOA solution, a scalable approach to semantically interconnect heterogeneous PaaS offerings across different Cloud providers that share the same technology. The design of the Cloud4SOA solution, extensively presented in this work, comprises of a set of interlinked collaborating software components and models to provide developers and platform providers with a number of core capabilities: matchmaking, management, monitoring and migration of applications. The paper concludes with the presentation of a proof-of-concept implem entation of the Cloud4SOA system based on real-life business scenarios

    On Computing Deltas of RDF/S Knowledge Bases

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    The ability to compute the differences that exist between two RDF/S Knowledge Bases (KB) is an important step to cope with the evolving nature of the Semantic Web (SW). In particular, RDF/S deltas can be employed to reduce the amount of data that need to be exchanged and managed over the network in order to build SW synchronization and versioning services. By considering deltas as sets of change operations, in this article we introduce various RDF/S differential functions which take into account inferred knowledge from an RDF/S knowledge base. We first study their correctness in transforming a source to a target RDF/S knowledge base in conjunction with the semantics of the employed change operations (i.e., with or without side-effects on inferred knowledge). Then we formally analyze desired properties of RDF/S deltas such as size minimality, semantic identity, redundancy elimination, reversibility, and composability, as well as identify those RDF/S differential functions that satisfy them. Subsequently, we experimentally evaluate the computing time and size of the produced deltas over real and synthetic RDF/S knowledge bases

    Proof explanation for the semantic web using defeasible logic

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    In this work we present the design and implementation of a system for proof explanation in the Semantic Web, based on defeasible reasoning. Trust is a vital feature for Semantic Web. If users (humans and agents) are to use and integrate system answers, they must trust them. Thus, systems should be able to explain their actions, sources, and beliefs. Our system produces automatically proof explanations using a popular logic programming system (XSB), by interpreting the output from the proof's trace and converting it into a meaningful representation. It also supports an XML representation (a RuleML language extension) for agent communication, which is a common scenario in the Semantic Web. The system in essence implements a proof layer for nonmonotonic rules on the Semantic Web