93 research outputs found

    Semi-empirical relationships to assess the seismic performance of slopes from an updated version of the Italian seismic database

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    Funder: Dipartimento della Protezione Civile, Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100012783; Grant(s): ReLUIS research project - Working Pachage 16: Geotechnical Engineering - Task Group 2: Slope stabilityAbstractSeismic performance of slopes can be assessed through displacement-based procedures where earthquake-induced displacements are usually computed following Newmark-type calculations. These can be adopted to perform a parametric integration of earthquake records to evaluate permanent displacements for different slope characteristics and seismic input properties. Several semi-empirical relationships can be obtained for different purposes: obtaining site-specific displacement hazard curves following a fully-probabilistic approach, to assess the seismic risk associated with the slope; providing semi-empirical models within a deterministic framework, where the seismic-induced permanent displacement is compared with threshold values related to different levels of seismic performance; calibrating the seismic coefficient to be used in pseudo-static calculations, where a safety factor against limit conditions is computed. In this paper, semi-empirical relationships are obtained as a result of a parametric integration of an updated version of the Italian strong-motion database, that, in turn, is described and compared to older versions of the database and to well-known ground motion prediction equations. Permanent displacement is expressed as a function of either ground motion parameters, for a given yield seismic coefficient of the slope, or of both ground motion parameters and the seismic coefficient. The first are meant to be used as a tool to develop site-specific displacement hazard curves, while the last can be used to evaluate earthquake-induced slope displacements, as well as to calibrate the seismic coefficient to be used in a pseudo-static analysis. Influence of the vertical component of seismic motion on these semi-empirical relationships is also assessed.</jats:p

    Development of a Vane Swirler for Use in a Low NOx Weak Swirl Burner

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    This paper describes the continuing development of the Weak-Swirl Burner (WSB) for use in low NOx applications. Weak-swirl is a unique method for stabilizing lean-burning, premixed combustion as the flame is stabilized by flow divergence, not through recirculation as is commonly seen in nonpremixed industrial burners. Earlier versions of the WSB used a tangential airjet swirler that offers flexibility for determining the range of operation and evaluating the performance of the WSB. Though common in large applications, air swirler may not be amenable to small and medium-size appliances. To reduce manufacturing costs and burner complexity, we have developed a fixed vane swirler to replace the airjet swirler in the WSB. This paper describes the operating characteristics and key design parameters of the vane swirler. A new expression for determining swirl number intensity is developed. Testing of a laboratory water heater fitted with a WSB with the new vane-swirler shows 0 < NO < 20 ng/J, 10 < CO < 70 ppm, and thermal efficiencies ~ 78% over the lean burning range of 0.70 < <0.90.Thecontinuousfiringrateisrobustfora53mmvane−swirledWSB,withinitialtestsrangingfrom40,000to400,000Btu/hr.for0.60< < 0.90. The continuous firing rate is robust for a 53 mm vane-swirled WSB, with initial tests ranging from 40,000 to 400,000 Btu/hr. for 0.60 < < 1.0. Successful development of the new vane swirler demonstrates that the low emission WSB is adaptable to a wide variety of industrial applications

    Stability Characteristics and Emission Levels of a Laboratory Hot Water Heater Utilizing a Weak-Swirl Burner

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    This paper reports the test results of a collaboration between Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Teledyne Laars to assess the viability of incorporating the Weak-Swirl Burner (WSB) into a 15 kW (50,000 Btu/hour) Telstar spa heater. By stabilizing premixed lean combustion down to equivalence ratios  0.6,theWSBgreatlyreducesNOxlevelsbyminimizingthermallygeneratedNOxthroughtheZeldovichmechanism.ThefirstsetofexperimentsfocusonestablishingtheWSB′sminimumandmaximumswirlrequirement(correspondingtoblowoffandflashback)forvarying ~ 0.6, the WSB greatly reduces NOx levels by minimizing thermally generated NOx through the Zeldovich mechanism. The first set of experiments focus on establishing the WSB's minimum and maximum swirl requirement (corresponding to blowoff and flashback) for varying , power levels, burner size, and enclosure. The second set of experiments evaluates the performance of a laboratory water heater where the WSB is incorporated into a Telstar heat exchanger. I t was found that the laboratory test station achieves "low" « 50 ppm) and "ultra-low" « 25 ppm) NOx emissions without compromising the thermal efficiency. The optimum operating condition is for $ = 0.8 at 18 kW (60,000 Btu/hr) where NOx < 25 ppm and CO < 50 ppm (both corrected to 30/0 02). The results will be used as design guideline for using the low emission WSB in a prototype. The stable operation we found for enclosed WSB demonstrates the potential for its use in other combustion applications as well

    Scaling the Low Swirl Burner from 15 kW to 600 kW

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    The lean premixed low swirl burner (LSB) concept has been successful scaled to input powers of up to 600 kW. Using a constant velocity approach, the design of a large capacity LSB (10.16 cm ID) is a linear scaled-up version of a smaller LSB (5.28 cm ID) developed previously for smaller water heaters of up to 18 kW. The operating regimes of the large burner have been investigated and found to be stable over an input power range from 100 to 600 kW. These tests demonstrate the validity of using the constant velocity approach in scaling the LSB. The non-dimensional swirl number for the larger LSB is constant for the input power range we have investigated. However, it is higher than that of the smaller burner. This is attributed to the fact that the swirl rate does not scale with velocity, instead, it scales with the residence time of the swirl air within the burner's exit tube. The NOx, CO and UHC emissions of the large LSB were investigated in a furnace simulator and compared to those of a small LSB operating in a burner evaluation facility. The test matrix was limited to = 0.8 (25% excess air) at various input powers. The results showed that the NOx emissions of both the large and the small LSBs average about 14 ppm (3% O2) over the entire input power range of 15 to 600 kW. Therefore, NOx emissions from the LSB is independent of burner size and combustion chamber geometry. On the other hand, the CO and UHC emission showed a strong dependence on burner chamber coupling. Both sets of data showed that a minimum input power is needed in order to keep CO emission below 25 ppm (corrected to 3% O2) and UHC concentrations at the undetectable level. When operating above the minimum input power, the performance of the LSB is very encouraging. With NOx at 14 ppm, CO at 25 ppm, and UHC at an undetectable level, the LSB should be a prime candidate for use in natural-gas furnaces and boilers
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