1,035 research outputs found

    The Effects of Foreign Price Uncertainty on Australian Production and Trade

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    This paper provides a framework for the empirical analysis of the role of uncertain international prices for the Australian economy’s production sector and its international trade. We model the movement of traded goods prices via a bivariate GARCH model and embed this within an expected utility maximizing model of the production sector. We find that the empirical results are consistent with expected utility maximization and that the hypothesis of risk neutrality is soundly rejected. Estimates of the effects of changes in expected prices and volatility of traded goods prices upon production decisions and the return to capital are presented and discussed, as are the impacts of changes in output growth of Australia’s major trading partners. The overall conclusion is that price uncertainty matters for the Australian production sector.Price uncertainty, production under risk, expected utility maximization, international trade

    Non-Preferential Trading Clubs

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    This paper examines the welfare implications of non-discriminatory tariff reforms by a subset of countries, which we term a nonpreferential trading club. We show that there exist coordinated tariff reforms, accompanied by appropriate income transfers between these countries, that unambiguously increase the welfare of these member countries while leaving the welfare of non-members unaltered. These tariff reforms are chosen to maintain world prices at their pre-club levels and, in this respect, the trading clubs act in a Kemp-Wan-like manner. In terms of economic policy implications, our results show that there exist regional, MFN-consistent arrangements that lead to Pareto improvements in world welfare. Open regionalism is an example of such trading arrangements.trading clubs, non-preferential tariff reform, open regionalism, Kemp-Wan proposition, customs unions

    Non-Preferential Clubs.

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    This paper examines the welfare implications of non-discriminatory tariff reforms by a subset of countries, which we term a non-preferential trading club. We show that there exist coordinated tariff reforms, accompanied by appropriate income transfers between these countries, that unambiguously increase the welfare of these member countries while leaving the welfare of non-members unaltered. These tariff reforms are chosen to maintain world prices at their pre-club levels and, in this respect, the trading clubs act in a Kemp-Wan-like manner. In terms of economic policy implications, our results show that there exist regional, MFN-consistent arrangements that lead to Pareto improvements in world welfare. Open regionalism is an example of such trading arrangements.

    Steepest Ascent Tariff Reforms

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    This paper introduces the concept of a steepest ascent tariff reform for a small open economy. By construction, it is locally optimal in that it yields the highest gain in utility of any feasible tariff reform vector of the same length. Accordingly, it provides a convenient benchmark for the evaluation of the welfare effectiveness of other well known tariff reform rules, as e.g. the proportional and the concertina rules. We develop the properties of this tariff reform, characterize the sources of the potential welfare gains from tariff reform, use it to establish conditions under which some existing reforms are locally optimal, provide geometric illustrations and compare welfare effectiveness of reforms using numerical examples. Moreover, being a general concept, we apply it to the issue of market access and examine its implications. Overall, the paper’s contribution lies in presenting a theoretical concept where the focus is upon the size of welfare gains accruing from tariff reforms rather than simply with the direction of welfare effects that has been the concern of the literature.steepest ascent tariff reforms, piecemeal tariff policy, welfare, market access, small open economy

    Measuring Tax Efficiency: A Tax Optimality Index

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    This paper introduces an index of tax optimality that measures the distance of a current tax structure from the optimal tax structure in the presence of public goods. In doing so, we derive a [0,1] number that reveals immediately how far the current tax configuration is from the optimal one and, thereby, the degree of efficiency of a tax system. We call this number the Tax Optimality Index. We show how the basic method can be altered in order to derive a revenue equivalent uniform tax, which measures the size of the public sector. A numerical example is used to illustrate the method developed.tax optimality index, excess burden, distance function

    Reciprocity, World Prices and Welfare

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    We examine in detail the circumstances under which reciprocity, as defined in Bagwell and Staiger (1999), leads to fixed world prices. We show that a change of tariffs satisfying reciprocity does not necessarily imply constant world prices in a world of many goods and countries. While it is possible to find tariff reforms that are consistent with both reciprocity and constant world prices, these reforms do not follow from the reciprocity condition, but rather from the requirement of unchanged world prices. We propose an alternative reciprocity rule that is guaranteed to raise the welfare of all countries, independently of whether world prices change and independently of the relative numbers of goods and countries.GATT, reciprocity, fixed world prices

    Growth, expectations and tariffs

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    We study a many-country endogenous growth model in which decisions about innovation and new investment are influenced by growth expectations. Adaptive learning dynamics determine the country-specific short-run transition paths. The countries differ in basic structural parameters and may impose tariffs on imports of capital goods. Numerical experiments illustrate the adjustment dynamics that follow the use of tariffs. We show that countries that limit trade in capital goods can experience dynamic gains both in growth and in utility and that such gains persist longer the larger the structural advantages of the region that applies tariffs. Substantial differences in levels of innovation, consumption, output and utility can appear, and asymmetries in economic outcomes that were present before trade restrictions are made more severe.endogenous growth; expectations; learning; short-run dynamics; tariffs; complementary capital goods

    Growth, Expectations, and Tariffs

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    We study a many country endogenous growth model in which decisions about innovation and new investment are influenced by growth expectations. Adaptive learning dynamics determine country-specific short run transition paths. Countries differ in basic structural parameters and may impose tariffs on imports of capital goods. Numerical experiments illustrate adjustment dynamics that follow the use of tariffs. We show that countries that limit trade in capital goods can experience dynamic gains both in growth and utility and that such gains persist the longer the larger the structural advantages of the region that applies tariffs. Substantial differences in the levels of innovation, consumption, output, and utility can appear, and asymmetries in economic outcomes that were present before trade restrictions are made more severe.endogenous growth, expectations, learning, short run dynamics, tariffs, complementary capital goods

    What is nursing in the 21st century: results of a pilot survey on attitudes towards nursing

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    Nursing is one of the most trusted professions yet is poorly defined. There are many definitions and characterisations of nursing. This study sought to pilot a survey exploring the views of nursing in the 21st century. This study piloted an electronic survey with open and closed questions. Descriptive statistics were collated for closed questions using Excel. Open-ended questions were analysed with LIWC for tone, emotion and criticality. This pilot study recruited 72 participants from professional and non-professional backgrounds. Respondents displayed diversity in their perceptions of nursing, the role of nurses and the role that nurses perform. Nursing is a complex, multifaceted profession. The view of nursing was generally positive and authentic although not easy to define. Nursing was felt to be an inclusive profession; however, it is extremely diverse in nature. Further research is required to explore these concepts in greater depth

    Fishes of Heron Island, Capricorn Group, Great Barrier Reef

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