786 research outputs found

    Generalized Opinion Dynamics from Local Optimization Rules

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    We study generalizations of the Hegselmann-Krause (HK) model for opinion dynamics, incorporating features and parameters that are natural components of observed social systems. The first generalization is one where the strength of influence depends on the distance of the agents' opinions. Under this setup, we identify conditions under which the opinions converge in finite time, and provide a qualitative characterization of the equilibrium. We interpret the HK model opinion update rule as a quadratic cost-minimization rule. This enables a second generalization: a family of update rules which possess different equilibrium properties. Subsequently, we investigate models in which a external force can behave strategically to modulate/influence user updates. We consider cases where this external force can introduce additional agents and cases where they can modify the cost structures for other agents. We describe and analyze some strategies through which such modulation may be possible in an order-optimal manner. Our simulations demonstrate that generalized dynamics differ qualitatively and quantitatively from traditional HK dynamics.Comment: 20 pages, under revie

    Entanglement measurement with discrete multiple coin quantum walks

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    Within a special multi-coin quantum walk scheme we analyze the effect of the entanglement of the initial coin state. For states with a special entanglement structure it is shown that this entanglement can be meausured with the mean value of the walk, which depends on the i-concurrence of the initial coin state. Further on the entanglement evolution is investigated and it is shown that the symmetry of the probability distribution is reflected by the symmetry of the entanglement distribution.Comment: 9 pages, IOP styl

    Doped Mott Insulators in the Triangular Lattice Hubbard Model

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    We investigate the evolution of the Mott insulators in the triangular lattice Hubbard Model, as a function of hole doping δ\delta in both the strong and intermediate coupling limit. Using the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method, at light hole doping δ10%\delta\lesssim 10\%, we find a significant difference between strong and intermediate couplings. Notably, at intermediate coupling an unusual metallic state emerges, with short ranged spin correlations but long ranged spin-chirality order. Moreover, no clear Fermi surface or wave-vector is observed. These features disappear on increasing interaction strength or on further doping. At strong coupling, the 120 degree magnetic order of the insulating magnet persists for light doping, and produces hole pockets with a well defined Fermi surface. On further doping, δ10%20%\delta \approx 10\%\sim 20\% SDW order and coherent hole Fermi pockets are found at both strong and intermediate coupling. At even higher doping δ20%\delta \gtrsim 20\%, the SDW order is suppressed and the spin-singlet Cooper pair correlations are simultaneously enhanced. We interpret this as the onset of superconductivity on suppressing magnetic order. We also briefly comment on the strong particle hole asymmetry of the model, and contrast electron versus hole doping.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

    Prospective study on prescribing pattern of antihypertensive drugs at a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Hypertension is the leading non-communicable disease risk attributing to cardio vascular morbidity and mortality. Various reasons are socio-economic, behavioural, sedentary life style, nutritional, age, obesity and poor health maintenance. A wide range of antihypertensive drugs belonging to different pharmacological classes are available alone or in combinations. Present study was done to evaluate the prescribing pattern of antihypertensive drugs at a tertiary care hospital.Methods: A prospective, observational, non-interventional, hospital-based study was carried out in hypertensive patients attending outpatient department of General Medicine at Medical College Hospital attached to Vijayanagar Institute of Medical Sciences, Ballari. Data was collected from outpatient slip of patients in a predesigned case record form, which was analysed using descriptive statistics.Results: Among 200 patients analysed 95 (47.5%) were males and 105 (52.5%) were females, with maximum number of patients falling in the age group 61-70years. Among antihypertensives prescribed, amlodipine (78.5%) was most frequently prescribed drug. Frequently used drugs for monotherapy - amlodipine (37.5%), for two drug therapy - amlodipine + atenolol (25.5%), and for three drug therapy - amlodipine + atenolol + telmisartan (2.5%). WHO prescribing indicators: Average number of drugs per encounter is 2.38 (±1.19). Percentage of drugs prescribed by generic name is 76.47%. Percentage of drugs prescribed from essential drug list is 97.89%.Conclusions: Present study shows current trends in prescription of antihypertensives in tertiary care hospital and their rational use. Study emphasizes need for preventive and educative measures about hypertension in population

    Prediction of Toric Code Topological Order from Rydberg Blockade

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    The physical realization of Z2\mathbb Z_2 topological order as encountered in the paradigmatic toric code has proven to be an elusive goal. We predict that this phase of matter can be realized in a two-dimensional array of Rydberg atoms placed on the ruby lattice, at specific values of the Rydberg blockade radius. First, we show that the blockade model -- also known as a 'PXP' model -- realizes a monomer-dimer model on the kagome lattice with a single-site kinetic term. This can be interpreted as a Z2\mathbb Z_2 gauge theory whose dynamics is generated by monomer fluctuations. We obtain its phase diagram using the numerical density matrix renormalization group method and find a topological quantum liquid (TQL) as evidenced by multiple measures including (i) a continuous transition between two featureless phases, (ii) a topological entanglement entropy of ln2\ln 2 as measured in various geometries, (iii) degenerate topological ground states and (iv) the expected modular matrix from ground state overlap. Next, we show that the TQL persists upon including realistic, algebraically-decaying van der Waals interactions V(r)1/r6V(r) \sim 1/r^6 for a choice of lattice parameters. Moreover, we can directly access topological loop operators, including the Bricmont-Fr\"ohlich-Fredenhagen-Marcu order parameter. We show how these can be measured experimentally using a dynamic protocol, providing a "smoking gun" experimental signature of the TQL phase. Finally, we show how to trap an emergent anyon and realize different topological boundary conditions, and we discuss the implications for exploring fault-tolerant quantum memories.Comment: Updates include a confirmation that the spin liquid on a ruby lattice (for choice of lattice parameter rho=3) persists upon including long-range Van der Waals interaction

    Two dimensional anisotropic non Fermi-liquid phase of coupled Luttinger liquids

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    We show using bosonization techniques, that strong forward scattering interactions between one dimensional spinless Luttinger liquids (LL) can stabilize a phase where charge-density wave, superconducting and transverse single particle hopping perturbations are irrelevant. This new phase retains its LL like properties in the directions of the chains, but with relations between exponents modified by the transverse interactions, whereas, it is a perfect insulator in the transverse direction. The mechanism that stabilizes this phase are strong transverse charge density wave fluctuations at incommensurate wavevector, which frustrates crystal formation by preventing lock-in of the in-chain density waves.Comment: (4 pages, 2 figures

    Supersolid Order from Disorder: Hard-Core Bosons on the Triangular Lattice

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    We study the interplay of Mott localization, geometric frustration, and superfluidity for hard-core bosons with nearest-neighbor repulsion on the triangular lattice. For this model at half-filling, we demonstrate that superfluidity survives for arbitrarily large repulsion, and that diagonal solid order emerges in the strongly correlated regime from an order-by-disorder mechanism. This is thus an unusual example of a stable supersolid phase of hard-core lattice bosons at a commensurate filling.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; finite-size scaling discussion adde

    Anomalous Aharonov-Bohm conductance oscillations from topological insulator surface states

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    We study transport properties of a topological insulator nanowire when a magnetic field is applied along its length. We predict that with strong surface disorder, a characteristic signature of the band topology is revealed in Aharonov Bohm (AB) oscillations of the conductance. These oscillations have a component with anomalous period Φ0=hc/e\Phi_0=hc/e, and with conductance maxima at odd multiples of 12Φ0\frac12\Phi_0, i.e. when the AB phase for surface electrons is π\pi. This is intimately connected to the band topology and a surface curvature induced Berry phase, special to topological insulator surfaces. We discuss similarities and differences from recent experiments on Bi2_2Se3_3 nanoribbons, and optimal conditions for observing this effect.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure