143 research outputs found

    An amphipathic trans-acting phosphorothioate RNA element delivers an uncharged phosphorodiamidate morpholino sequence in mdx mouse myotube

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    An efficient method for the delivery of uncharged polyA-tailed phosphorodiamidate morpholino sequences (PMO) in mammalian cells consists of employing a synthetic 8-mer amphipathic trans-acting poly-2β€²-O-methyluridylic thiophosphate triester element (2β€²-OMeUtaPS) as a transfection reagent. Unlike the dTtaPS DNA-based element, this RNA element is potent at delivering polyA-tailed PMO sequences to HeLa pLuc 705 cells or to myotube muscle cells. However, much like dTtaPS, the 2β€²-OMeUtaPS-mediated internalization of PMO sequences occurs through an energy-dependent mechanism; macropinocytosis appears to be the predominant endocytic pathway used for cellular uptake. The transfected PMO sequences induce alternate splicing of either the pre-mRNA encoding luciferase in HeLa pLuc 705 cells or the excision of exon 23 from the pre-mRNA encoding dystrophin in myotube muscle cells of the mdx mouse model of muscular dystrophy with an efficiency comparable to that of commercial cationic lipid reagents but without detrimental cytotoxicity

    Trace Levels of Innate Immune Response Modulating Impurities (IIRMIs) Synergize to Break Tolerance to Therapeutic Proteins

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    Therapeutic proteins such as monoclonal antibodies, replacement enzymes and toxins have significantly improved the therapeutic options for multiple diseases, including cancer and inflammatory diseases as well as enzyme deficiencies and inborn errors of metabolism. However, immune responses to these products are frequent and can seriously impact their safety and efficacy. Of the many factors that can impact protein immunogenicity, this study focuses on the role of innate immune response modulating impurities (IIRMIs) that could be present despite product purification and whether these impurities can synergize to facilitate an immunogenic response to therapeutic proteins. Using lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and CpG ODN as IIRMIs we showed that trace levels of these impurities synergized to induce IgM, IFNΞ³, TNFΞ± and IL-6 expression. In vivo, trace levels of these impurities synergized to increase antigen-specific IgG antibodies to ovalbumin. Further, whereas mice treated with human erythropoietin showed a transient increase in hematocrit, those that received human erythropoietin containing low levels of IIRMIs had reduced response to erythropoietin after the 1st dose and developed long-lasting anemia following subsequent doses. This suggests that the presence of IIRMIs facilitated a breach in tolerance to the endogenous mouse erythropoietin. Overall, these studies indicate that the risk of enhancing immunogenicity should be considered when establishing acceptance limits of IIRMIs for therapeutic proteins

    IL-6 Impairs Vaccine Responses in Neonatal Mice

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    The inability of infants to mount proper follicular helper T (TFH) cell response renders this age group susceptible to infectious diseases. Initial instruction of T cells by antigen presenting cells and subsequent differentiation into TFH cells are controlled by T cell receptor signal strength, co-stimulatory molecules and cytokines such as IL-6 and IL-21. In immunized adults, IL-6 promotes TFH development by increasing the expression of CXCR5 and the TFH master transcription factor, B cell lymphoma 6. Underscoring the importance of IL-6 in TFH generation, we found improved antibody responses accompanied by increased TFH cells and decreased follicular regulatory helper T (TFR) cells, a Foxp3 expressing inhibitory CD4+ T cell occupying the germinal center (GC), when a tetanus toxoid conjugated pneumococcal polysaccharide type 14 vaccine was injected in adult mice together with IL-6. Paradoxically, in neonates IL-6 containing PPS14-TT vaccine suppressed the already impaired TFH development and antibody responses in addition to increasing TFR cell population. Supporting the diminished TFH development, we detected lower frequency of phospho-STAT-3+ TFH in immunized neonatal T cells after IL-6 stimulation than adult cells. Moreover, IL-6 induced more phospho-STAT-3+ TFR in neonatal cells than adult cells. We also measured lower expression of IL-6R on TFH cells and higher expression on TFR cells in neonatal cells than adult cells, a possible explanation for the difference in IL-6 induced signaling in different age groups. Supporting the flow cytometry findings, microscopic examination revealed the localization of Treg cells in the splenic interfollicular niches of immunized adult mice compared to splenic follicles in neonatal mice. In addition to the limitations in the formation of IL-21 producing TFH cells, neonatal mice GC B cells also expressed lower levels of IL-21R in comparison to the adult mice cells. These findings point to diminished IL-6 activity on neonatal TFH cells as an underlying mechanism of the increased TFR: TFH ratio in immunized neonatal mice

    Neonatal Zika virus infection causes transient perineuronal net degradation

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    Perineuronal nets (PNNs) form a specialized extracellular matrix that predominantly surrounds parvalbumin (PV)-expressing GABAergic inhibitory interneurons and help regulate neuronal activity. Their formation early in the postnatal period is regulated by neuronal signaling and glial activation raising concerns that part of the long-term effects ascribed to perinatal viral infections could be mediated by altered PNN formation. Previously, we developed a model of neonatal Zika virus (ZIKV) infection where mice have lifelong neurological sequelae that includes motor disfunction and reduced anxiety coupled with a persistent low-grade expression in proinflammatory markers despite resolving the acute infection. Here, we demonstrate that ZIKV infection to P1 neonatal mice results in a reduction of PNN formation during the acute disease with significant reduction in Wisteria floribunda agglutinin (WFA) staining at the peak of infection [15 days post infection (dpi)] that persisted after the symptoms resolved (30 dpi). At 60 dpi, when there is residual inflammation in the CNS, the number of WFA+ cells and the level of WFA staining as well as levels of aggrecan and brevican in the brains of convalescent mice were not different from those in uninfected controls, however, there was increased frequency of PNNs with an immature phenotype. Over time the impact of the perinatal infection became less evident and there were no clear differences in PNN morphology between the groups at 1 year post infection. Of note, the reduction in PNNs during acute ZIKV infection was not associated with decreased mRNA levels of aggrecan or brevican, but increased levels of degraded aggrecan and brevican indicating increased PNN degradation. These changes were associated with increased expression of matrix metalloproteinase 12 (MMP12) and MMP19, but not MMP9, a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 4 (ADAMTS4) or ADAMTS5. Together our findings indicate that infection at the time of PNN development interferes with PNN formation, but the nets can reform once the infection and inflammation subside

    BSL2-compliant lethal mouse model of SARS-CoV-2 and variants of concern to evaluate therapeutics targeting the Spike protein

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    Since first reported in 2019, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is rapidly acquiring mutations, particularly in the spike protein, that can modulate pathogenicity, transmission and antibody evasion leading to successive waves of COVID19 infections despite an unprecedented mass vaccination necessitating continuous adaptation of therapeutics. Small animal models can facilitate understanding host-pathogen interactions, target selection for therapeutic drugs, and vaccine development, but availability and cost of studies in BSL3 facilities hinder progress. To generate a BSL2-compatibl

    Trans-Epithelial Immune Cell Transfer during Suckling Modulates Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity in Recipients as a Function of Gender

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    INTRODUCTION: Breast feeding has long term effects on the developing immune system which outlive passive immunization of the neonate. We have investigated the transfer of milk immune cells and examined the result of transfer once the recipients were adult. METHODS: Non-transgenic mouse pups were foster-nursed by green fluorescent protein (GFP) transgenic dams for 3 weeks and the fate of GFP+ cells was followed by FACS analysis, immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR for GFP and appropriate immune cell markers. Pups suckled by non-transgenic dams served as controls. RESULTS: Despite a preponderance of B cells and macrophages in the stomach contents of the pups, most cells undergoing trans-epithelial migration derived from the 3-4% of milk cells positive for T lymphocyte markers. These cells homed to the spleen and thymus, with maximal accumulation at 3-4 weeks. By sensitizing dams with an antigen which elicits a T cell-mediated delayed-type-hypersensitivity (DTH) response, we determined that nursing by a sensitized dam (compared to a non-sensitized dam) amplified a subsequent DTH response in females and yet suppressed one in males. DISCUSSION: These results suggest that clinical evaluation weighing the pros and cons of nursing male versus female children by mothers with genetically-linked hypersensitivity diseases, such as celiac disease and eczema, or those in regions of the world with endemic DTH-eliciting diseases, such as tuberculosis, may be warranted

    Identification of a Common Lupus Disease-Associated microRNA Expression Pattern in Three Different Murine Models of Lupus

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    Recent reports have shown that microRNAs (miRNAs) regulate vital immunological processes and have emerged as key regulators of immune system development and function. Therefore, it is important to determine miRNA dysregulation and its pathogenic contribution in autoimmune diseases, an aspect not adequately addressed thus far.In this study, we profiled miRNA expressions in splenic lymphocytes from three murine lupus models (MRL-lpr, B6-lpr and NZB/W(F₁)) with different genetic background by miRNA microarray assays and Real-time RT-PCR. Despite the genetic differences among these three lupus stains, a common set of dysregulated miRNAs (miR-182-96-183 cluster, miR-31, and miR-155) was identified in splenocytes when compared with age-matched control mice. The association of these miRNAs with the disease was highlighted by our observation that this miRNA expression pattern was evident in NZB/W mice only at an age when lupus disease is manifested. Further, we have shown that the miRNA dysregulation in MRL-lpr mice was not simply due to the activation of splenocytes. By Real-time RT-PCR, we confirmed that these miRNAs were upregulated in both purified splenic B and T cells from MRL-lpr mice. miR-127 and miR-379, which were greatly upregulated in splenocytes from lpr mice, were moderately increased in diseased NZB/W mice. In addition, Real-time RT-PCR revealed that miR-146a, miR-101a, and miR-17-92 were also markedly upregulated in splenic T, but not B cells from MRL-lpr mice.The identification of common lupus disease-associated miRNAs now forms the basis for the further investigation of the pathogenic contribution of these miRNAs in autoimmune lupus, which will advance our knowledge of the role of miRNAs in autoimmunity. Given that miRNAs are conserved, with regard to both evolution and function, our observation of a common lupus disease-associated miRNA expression pattern in murine lupus models is likely to have significant pathogenic, diagnostic, and/or therapeutic implications in human lupus

    Regulatory T Cells in Ξ³ Irradiation-Induced Immune Suppression

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    Sublethal total body Ξ³ irradiation (TBI) of mammals causes generalized immunosuppression, in part by induction of lymphocyte apoptosis. Here, we provide evidence that a part of this immune suppression may be attributable to dysfunction of immune regulation. We investigated the effects of sublethal TBI on T cell memory responses to gain insight into the potential for loss of vaccine immunity following such exposure. We show that in mice primed to an MHC class I alloantigen, the accelerated graft rejection T memory response is specifically lost several weeks following TBI, whereas identically treated naΓ―ve mice at the same time point had completely recovered normal rejection kinetics. Depletion in vivo with anti-CD4 or anti-CD25 showed that the mechanism involved cells consistent with a regulatory T cell (T reg) phenotype. The loss of the T memory response following TBI was associated with a relative increase of CD4+CD25+ Foxp3+ expressing T regs, as compared to the CD8+ T effector cells requisite for skin graft rejection. The radiation-induced T memory suppression was shown to be antigen-specific in that a third party ipsilateral graft rejected with normal kinetics. Remarkably, following the eventual rejection of the first MHC class I disparate skin graft, the suppressive environment was maintained, with markedly prolonged survival of a second identical allograft. These findings have potential importance as regards the immunologic status of T memory responses in victims of ionizing radiation exposure and apoptosis-inducing therapies

    BSL2-compliant lethal mouse model of SARS-CoV-2 and variants of concern to evaluate therapeutics targeting the Spike protein

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    Since first reported in 2019, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is rapidly acquiring mutations, particularly in the spike protein, that can modulate pathogenicity, transmission and antibody evasion leading to successive waves of COVID19 infections despite an unprecedented mass vaccination necessitating continuous adaptation of therapeutics. Small animal models can facilitate understanding host-pathogen interactions, target selection for therapeutic drugs, and vaccine development, but availability and cost of studies in BSL3 facilities hinder progress. To generate a BSL2-compatible in vivo system that specifically recapitulates spike protein mediated disease we used replication competent, GFP tagged, recombinant Vesicular Stomatitis Virus where the VSV glycoprotein was replaced by the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (rVSV-SARS2-S). We show that infection requires hACE2 and challenge of neonatal but not adult, K18-hACE2 transgenic mice (hACE2tg) leads to productive infection of the lungs and brains. Although disease progression was faster in SARS-CoV-2 infected mice, infection with both viruses resulted in neuronal infection and encephalitis with increased expression of Interferon-stimulated Irf7, Bst2, Ifi294, as well as CxCL10, CCL5, CLC2, and LILRB4, and both models were uniformly lethal. Further, prophylactic treatment targeting the Spike protein (Receptor Binding Domain) with antibodies resulted in similar levels of protection from lethal infection against rVSV-SARS2-S and SARS-CoV-2 viruses. Strikingly, challenge of neonatal hACE2tg mice with SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern (SARS-CoV-2-Ξ±, -Ξ², Ο’, or Ξ”) or the corresponding rVSV-SARS2-S viruses (rVSV-SARS2-Spike-Ξ±, rVSV-SARS2-Spike-Ξ², rVSV-SARS2-Spike-Ο’ or rVSV-SARS2-Spike-Ξ”) resulted in increased lethality, suggesting that the Spike protein plays a key role in determining the virulence of each variant. Thus, we propose that rVSV-SARS2-S virus can be used to understand the effect of changes to SARS-CoV-2 spike protein on infection and to evaluate existing or experimental therapeutics targeting spike protein of current or future VOC of SARS-CoV-2 under BSL-2 conditions
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