3,001 research outputs found

    Thermal broadening of the J-band in disordered linear molecular aggregates: A theoretical study

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    We theoretically study the temperature dependence of the J-band width in disordered linear molecular aggregates, caused by dephasing of the exciton states due to scattering on vibrations of the host matrix. In particular, we consider inelastic one- and two-phonon scattering between different exciton states (energy-relaxation-induced dephasing), as well as elastic two-phonon scattering of the excitons (pure dephasing). The exciton states follow from numerical diagonalization of a Frenkel Hamiltonian with diagonal disorder; the scattering rates between them are obtained using the Fermi Golden Rule. A Debye-like model for the one- and two-phonon spectral densities is used in the calculations. We find that, owing to the disorder, the dephasing rates of the individual exciton states are distributed over a wide range of values. We also demonstrate that the dominant channel of two-phonon scattering is not the elastic one, as is often tacitly assumed, but rather comes from a similar two-phonon inelastic scattering process. In order to study the temperature dependence of the J-band width, we simulate the absorption spectrum, accounting for the dephasing induced broadening of the exciton states. We find a power-law (T^p) temperature scaling of the effective homogeneous width, with an exponent p that depends on the shape of the spectral density of host vibrations. In particular, for a Debye model of vibrations, we find p ~ 4, which is in good agreement with experimental data on J-aggregates of pseudoisocyanine [J. Phys. Chem. A 101, 7977 (1997)].Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    DNA double helices for single molecule electronics

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    The combination of self-assembly and electronic properties as well as its true nanoscale dimensions make DNA a promising candidate for a building block of single molecule electronics. We argue that the intrinsic double helix conformation of the DNA strands provides a possibility to drive the electric current through the DNA by the perpendicular electric (gating) field. The transistor effect in the poly(G)-poly(C) synthetic DNA is demonstrated within a simple model approach. We put forward experimental setups to observe the predicted effect and discuss possible device applications of DNA. In particular, we propose a design of the single molecule analog of the Esaki diode.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figur

    Photon recoil momentum in a Bose-Einstein condensate of a dilute gas

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    We develop a "minimal" microscopic model to describe a two-pulse-Ramsay-interferometer-based scheme of measurement of the photon recoil momentum in a Bose-Einstein condensate of a dilute gas [Campbell et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 170403 (2005)]. We exploit the truncated coupled Maxwell-Schroedinger equations to elaborate the problem. Our approach provides a theoretical tool to reproduce essential features of the experimental results. Additionally, we enable to calculate the quantum-mechanical mean value of the recoil momentum and its statistical distribution that provides a detailed information about the recoil event.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Explicit asymptotic velocity of the boundary between particles and antiparticles

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    On the real line initially there are infinite number of particles on the positive half-line., each having one of KK negative velocities v1(+),...,vK(+)v_{1}^{(+)},...,v_{K}^{(+)}. Similarly, there are infinite number of antiparticles on the negative half-line, each having one of LL positive velocities v1(−),...,vL(−)v_{1}^{(-)},...,v_{L}^{(-)}. Each particle moves with constant speed, initially prescribed to it. When particle and antiparticle collide, they both disappear. It is the only interaction in the system. We find explicitly the large time asymptotics of β(t)\beta(t) - the coordinate of the last collision before tt between particle and antiparticle.Comment: 25 page

    Decoherence of Excitons in Multichromophore Systems: Thermal Line Broadening and Destruction of Superradiant Emission

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    We study the temperature-dependent dephasing rate of excitons in chains of chromophores, accounting for scattering on static disorder as well as acoustic phonons in the host matrix. From this we find a powerlaw temperature dependence of the absorption line width, in excellent quantitative agreement with experiments on dye aggregates. We also propose a relation between the line width and the exciton coherence length imposed by the phonons. The results indicate that the much debated steep rise of the fluorescence lifetime of pseudo-isocyanine aggregates above 40 K results from the fact that this coherence length drops below the localization length imposed by static disorder.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    FPT-algorithms for some problems related to integer programming

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    In this paper, we present FPT-algorithms for special cases of the shortest lattice vector, integer linear programming, and simplex width computation problems, when matrices included in the problems' formulations are near square. The parameter is the maximum absolute value of rank minors of the corresponding matrices. Additionally, we present FPT-algorithms with respect to the same parameter for the problems, when the matrices have no singular rank sub-matrices.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1710.00321 From author: some minor corrections has been don
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