29 research outputs found


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    One of the promising raw materials types for alcoholic beverages production, which have a peculiar aroma and taste, is the ashberry (red), widespread throughout the Russian Federation. The aim of the research was to develop an innovative technology for alcoholic beverages from the red ashberry based on the study of the raw materials biochemical composition transformation during its processing, maceration, fermentation, distillation, as well as its effect on the volatile components composition of distillate and the processing conditions of the finished alcoholic beverage. Fermented pulp of red ashberry, distillates and alcoholic beverage blends from ashberry were used as objects of the study. To determine the organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators in the work, standardized analysis methods and certified methods were used. The effect of various yeast races and fermentation conditions on the change in biochemical composition of the red ashberry pulp was studied. For this raw material type fermentation, recommended Siha 3 yeast race. The positive effect of the Vitamon Combi fermentation activator on the fermentation efficiency and the formation of qualitative characteristics of the fermented pulp, including its amino acid composition, is shown. It was established that the optimal conditions for fermentation is the anaerobic regimen at a temperature of no higher than 22 ºС. The effect of fractional distillation operating parameters in a direct distillation unit on the volatile components’ composition and concentration in ashberry distillate is studied. It is recommended to obtain a high-quality distillate to carry out the selection of the head fraction in the amount of 2.5% of the distilled pulp volume, and the selection of the tail fraction to start when the strength in distillate reaches 45% vol. It is shown that within 30 days of exposure in the distillate, a certain chemical equilibrium is achieved and its taste and aromatic characteristics are harmonized. The blending conditions of the alcoholic beverage are determined and the technological processing modes are established to ensure its high consumer properties. The conducted studies have allowed to develop innovative technology for a new alcoholic beverage from red ashberry.One of the promising raw materials types for alcoholic beverages production, which have a peculiar aroma and taste, is the ashberry (red), widespread throughout the Russian Federation. The aim of the research was to develop an innovative technology for alcoholic beverages from the red ashberry based on the study of the raw materials biochemical composition transformation during its processing, maceration, fermentation, distillation, as well as its effect on the volatile components composition of distillate and the processing conditions of the finished alcoholic beverage. Fermented pulp of red ashberry, distillates and alcoholic beverage blends from ashberry were used as objects of the study. To determine the organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators in the work, standardized analysis methods and certified methods were used. The effect of various yeast races and fermentation conditions on the change in biochemical composition of the red ashberry pulp was studied. For this raw material type fermentation, recommended Siha 3 yeast race. The positive effect of the Vitamon Combi fermentation activator on the fermentation efficiency and the formation of qualitative characteristics of the fermented pulp, including its amino acid composition, is shown. It was established that the optimal conditions for fermentation is the anaerobic regimen at a temperature of no higher than 22 ºС. The effect of fractional distillation operating parameters in a direct distillation unit on the volatile components’ composition and concentration in ashberry distillate is studied. It is recommended to obtain a high-quality distillate to carry out the selection of the head fraction in the amount of 2.5% of the distilled pulp volume, and the selection of the tail fraction to start when the strength in distillate reaches 45% vol. It is shown that within 30 days of exposure in the distillate, a certain chemical equilibrium is achieved and its taste and aromatic characteristics are harmonized. The blending conditions of the alcoholic beverage are determined and the technological processing modes are established to ensure its high consumer properties. The conducted studies have allowed to develop innovative technology for a new alcoholic beverage from red ashberry


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    Goal of the study: to define the design of primers and probes specific to DNA of non-tuberculous mycobacteria and evaluate their diagnostic value in case of simultaneous detection of non-tuberculous mycobacteria and M. tuberculosis complex by real time PCR.Materials and methods. Primer 3, Primer BLAST, Ugene Uni Pro were used to design primers and probes. Preliminary assessment of specificity and sensitivity of detection of non-tuberculous mycobacteria DNA was performed on cultures belonging to 18 types of non-tuberculous mycobacteria, 16 strains of M. tuberculosis complex and 14 types of microorganisms being none Mycobacterum. Analytic sensitivity was tested on 284 cultures of non-tuberculous mycobacteria and diagnostic sensitivity was tested on 124 sputum samples. The kit ofM-Sorb-Tub-Avtomat (ZAO Sintol) was used for DNA isolation. Cultures were subcultured on the liquid medium of Middlebrook 7H9 in Bactec MGIT 960. Cultures were identified with the use of standard microbiological techniques. Analysis of DNA isolated from cultures was performed by the reagent kit of GenoTypeCM/AS (Hain Lifescience, Germany).Results. 100% specificity and sensitivity of PCR was demonstrated in mycobacterial cultures and 100% specificity and 69-70% sensitivity was demonstrated in diagnostic material analysis

    Влияние внешних факторов на стабильность качества игристых вин в процессе их хранения

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    The shelf life of sparkling wine is an indicator that can vary depending on the impact of a large number of external factors on the product. These factors include transportation conditions, storage temperature, humidity, exposure to light, and packaging quality. The current regulatory documentation regulates certain requirements for the storage conditions of sparkling wines, but they are often violated during transportation and storage, which leads to a significant deterioration in the quality of products. This review is devoted to the study of changes in the quality characteristics of wines during their storage and transportation. It is shown that the intensity of physicochemical changes occurring in wine during storage depends on temperature conditions, the presence of vibration and exposure to light. The issue of the influence of temperature storage conditions on the quality characteristics of wine products, including sparkling wines, has been studied in some detail. Most researchers are of the opinion that in order to maintain a stable quality of wine, it is necessary to store and transport it at a constant temperature not exceeding 20 °C. In scientific publications, there are different views on the problem of the influence of bottle color on the change in chemical composition and the preservation of the quality characteristics of both still and sparkling wines during storage. It has been found that bottles made of darker glass allow protecting wine to a greater extent from the effects of light, especially in its ultraviolet and visible short-wave (λ = 400 nm) range, and prevent the appearance of the so-called “taste of light” (gout de lumière) in the wine. It is shown that the causes of the appearance of the “taste of light” in champagne are sulfur-containing compounds formed as a result of photochemical reactions. It has been found that the intensity of these reactions depends on the degree of illumination, as well as the presence of riboflavin and iron (III) ions in the wine. It is concluded that controlling the amount of light to which wines are exposed can prevent deterioration of their quality during storage and extend the shelf life. The possibility of preventing photodegradation of wine through the use of various antioxidants is also considered. Based on the information available in scientific publications, the study of the development of negative changes in wine under the influence of light is an important aspect from the point of view of risk assessment during product storage.Срок годности игристого вина представляет собой показатель, который может изменяться в зависимости от воздействия на продукт большого количества внешних факторов. К таким факторам относятся условия транспортирования, температура хранения, влажность, воздействие света, а также качество упаковки. В действующей нормативной документации регламентируются определенные требования к условиям транспортирования и хранения игристых вин, однако, они часто нарушаются, что приводит к значительному ухудшению качества продукции. Настоящий обзор посвящен вопросам изучения изменений качественных характеристик вин в процессе их хранения и транспортирования. Показано, что интенсивность физико-химических изменений, происходящих в вине при хранении, зависит от температурных режимов, наличия вибрации и воздействия света. Вопрос влияния температурных режимов хранения на качественные характеристики винодельческой продукции, в том числе игристых вин, изучен довольно подробно. Большинство исследователей считают, что для поддержания стабильного качества игристого вина необходимо его хранить и транспортировать при постоянной температуре, не превышающей 20 °C. В научных публикациях существуют различные мнения о проблеме влияния цвета бутылки на изменение химического состава и сохранение качественных характеристик как тихих, так и игристых вин при хранении. Установлено, что бутылки из более темного стекла позволяют в большей степени защитить вино от воздействия света, особенно в его ультрафиолетовом и видимом коротковолновом (λ= 400 нм) диапазонах, и предотвратить появление в вине так называемого «вкуса света» (gout de lumière). Показано, что причинами появления «вкуса света» в шампанском являются серосодержащие соединения, образующиеся в результате фотохимических реакций. Установлено, что интенсивность этих реакций зависит от степени освещенности, а также от присутствия в вине рибофлавина и ионов железа (III). Сделан вывод о том, что контроль за количеством света, воздействию которого подвергаются вина, может предотвратить ухудшение их качества при хранении и продлить срок годности. Рассмотрена также возможность предупреждения фотодеградации вина за счет использования различных антиоксидантов. Исходя из имеющихся в научных публикациях сведений, изучение условий развития негативных изменений в вине под действием света является важным аспектом с точки зрения оценки рисков при хранении продукции

    Разработка идентификационных критериев плодовых водок (Часть 1. Способы пробоподготовки)

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    The  development of reliable identification criteria for various  types of foods,  including fruit  vodkas,  is one  of the top-priority directions of scientific research in the field of quality control. The review examines different approaches to solution to a problem of searching identification criteria for fruit vodkas that will allow differentiating products by a type of fruit  raw materials, their grade  and region of origin.  To this  end, instrumental methods of analysis were used, including spectral, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and gas chromatography coupled to mass  spectrometry (GC–MS) as the  main  method. When  detecting minor  aroma-forming substances using  the  latter method, it is necessary, first  of all, to  carry  out  the  special  sample preparation that includes extraction and  concentration of target substances. The  present review  examines three main  types of sample preparation (liquid  extraction, solid-phase extraction, supercritical fluid extraction) and  modifications of these methods. Their  comparative analysis was carried out  with  respect to  labor  intensity, extraction effectiveness, volatile aroma-forming compounds significantly different by polarity, reproducibility and  sustainability. It has been  shown  that a type of sample preparation affects  reproducibility and sensitivity of an instrumental analytic method, which is especially important for identification of some  minor  compounds, which concentration can be regarded as indicators for identification of fruit  raw materials. It has been  concluded that among  the  examined methods of sample preparation, the most  promising for the development of identification criteria for fruit vodkas is headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) as this  method is highly  effective in terms of extraction of target components including minor.Разработка надежных идентификационных критериев для  различных видов  пищевых продуктов, в том числе  плодовых водок,  является одним из приоритетных направлений научных исследований в области контроля качества. В обзоре рассматриваются различные подходы к решению проблемы поиска идентификационных критериев для  плодовых водок,  позволяющих дифференцировать  продукцию по  виду фруктового сырья, его сорту и региону происхождения. С этой  целью  использовались инструментальные методы анализа, в том числе спектральные, высокоэффективная жидкостная хроматография (ВЭЖХ) и газовая хроматография в сочетании с масс-спектрометрией (ГХ–МС) в качестве основного метода. При использовании последнего, в первую  очередь для обнаружения минорных ароматобразующих соединений, необходимо проводить специальную подготовку пробы анализируемого образца, включающую выделение и концентрирование целевых веществ. В настоящем обзоре рассмотрены 3 основных вида пробоподготовки (жидкостная экстракция, твердофазная экстракция, сверхкритическая флюидная экстракция) и модификации данных методов. Проведен их сравнительный анализ с точки  зрения трудоемкости, эффективности  выделения, значительно различающихся по полярности летучих  ароматобразующих компонентов, воспроизводимости и экологичности. Показано, что вид  пробоподготовки влияет на воспроизводимость и чувствительность инструментального метода анализа, что особенно важно  при определении некоторых минорных соединений, концентрации которых можно рассматривать в качестве показателей для  идентификации вида  фруктового сырья. Сделано заключение о том,  что  среди  рассмотренных методов пробоподготовки наиболее перспективным при разработке идентификационных критериев плодовых водок является твердофазная экстракция из паровой фазы  (HS-SPME), так как этот метод обладает высокой эффективностью извлечения целевых компонентов, в том числе минорных

    Выявление и дифференциация нетуберкулезных микобактерий и микобактерий туберкулезного комплекса методом пцр в режиме реального времени

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    Goal of the study: to define the design of primers and probes specific to DNA of non-tuberculous mycobacteria and evaluate their diagnostic value in case of simultaneous detection of non-tuberculous mycobacteria and M. tuberculosis complex by real time PCR.Materials and methods. Primer 3, Primer BLAST, Ugene Uni Pro were used to design primers and probes. Preliminary assessment of specificity and sensitivity of detection of non-tuberculous mycobacteria DNA was performed on cultures belonging to 18 types of non-tuberculous mycobacteria, 16 strains of M. tuberculosis complex and 14 types of microorganisms being none Mycobacterum. Analytic sensitivity was tested on 284 cultures of non-tuberculous mycobacteria and diagnostic sensitivity was tested on 124 sputum samples. The kit ofM-Sorb-Tub-Avtomat (ZAO Sintol) was used for DNA isolation. Cultures were subcultured on the liquid medium of Middlebrook 7H9 in Bactec MGIT 960. Cultures were identified with the use of standard microbiological techniques. Analysis of DNA isolated from cultures was performed by the reagent kit of GenoTypeCM/AS (Hain Lifescience, Germany).Results. 100% specificity and sensitivity of PCR was demonstrated in mycobacterial cultures and 100% specificity and 69-70% sensitivity was demonstrated in diagnostic material analysis.Цель исследования: определить дизайн праймеров и зондов, специфичных к ДНК нетуберкулезных микобактерий (НТМБ), и оценить их диагностическую значимость при одновременном выявлении НТМБ и M. tuberculosis complex (МБТК) методом ПЦР в режиме реального времени.Материалы и методы. Дизайн праймеров и зондов осуществляли с использованием ПО Primer 3, Primer BLAST, Ugene Uni Pro. Предварительную оценку специфичности и чувствительности выявления ДНК НТМБ проводили на культурах, принадлежащих к 18 видам НТМБ, 16 штаммам МБТК и 14 видам микроорганизмов, не относящихся к роду Mycobacterum. Аналитическую чувствительность оценивали на 284 культурах НТМБ, диагностическую чувствительность - на 124 образцах мокроты. Выделение ДНК проводили набором «М-Сорб-Туб-Автомат» (ЗАО «Синтол»). Культуры подвергали субкультивированию на жидкой среде Middlebrook 7H9 в системе Bactec MGIT 960. Идентификацию культур проводили с использованием стандартных микробиологических методов. Анализ ДНК, выделенной из культур, выполняли c помощью набора реагентов GenoTypeCM/AS (Hain Lifescience, Германия).Результаты. Показаны 100%-ные специфичность и чувствительность ПЦР при работе с культурами микобактерий и 100%-ная специфичность и 69,70%-ная чувствительность при анализе диагностического материала

    Phase relations in the yttria–neodymia system at 1500 °C

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    The phase equilibria in the binary system Nd2O3−Y2O3 at 1500 °C were studied in the overall concentration range by means of X-ray analysis and petrography. The samples of various compositions were derived from nitrate acid solutions (prepared by dissolving neodymia and yttria powders in hot diluted nitric acid) by evaporation, drying and heat treatment at 1100 and 1500 °C. Solid solutions based on different crystalline modifications of the components were obtained. The boundaries of solubility and concentration dependence of the lattice parameters for the phases formed in the system were defined


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    Using the methods of physicochemical analysis (XRD, petrography, SEM, X–ray microprobe analysis) phase equilibria were firstly investigated in the ternary system La2O3–Y2O3–Sm2O3 at 1500 °C.The samples of different compositions have been prepared from nitrate acid solutions by evaporation, drying, and calcinations at 1100 аnd 1500 °C. The XRD used the powder method of sampling at room temperature (CuКa irradiation). The crystal-optic characteristics of the obtained phases were determined under polarized microscope “МІН-8”. The refraction indexes were measured in immersion liquids (solution of arsenic tribromide in methylene iodide or alloys of sulfur with selenium) with accuracy ± 0.02. The solid solutions based on various polymorphous forms of constituent phases and ordered phase with a structure of the perovskite-type of LaYO3 were revealed in the system. The boundaries of mutual solubility and concentration dependences the lattice parameters for all phases have been determined. The isothermal sections of the phase diagrams for the La2O3–Y2O3–Sm2O3 systems at 1500 °C are characterized by the presence of one three-phase (B + C + R), four single-phase (A-La2O3 (Sm2O3), B-La2O3 (Sm2O3), R, C-Y2O3) and two-phase (A + B, B + R, C + R, B + C) regions.С использованием методов физико-химического анализа (рентгенофазового анализа, петрографии, микрорентгеноструктурного анализа) впервые были исследованы фазовые равновесия в тройной системе La2O3–Y2O3–Sm2O3 при 1500°C. Образцы различных составов были получены из растворов нитратов (Лантана, Иттрия, Самария) путем выпаривания, сушки и прокаливания при 1100 и 1500 °С. В системе были обнаружены твердые растворы на основе различных полиморфных форм исходных компонентов и упорядоченной фазы со структурным типом перовскита LaYO3. Определены границы взаимной растворимости и концентрационные зависимости параметров решетки для всех фаз. Изотермическое сечение диаграммы состояния системы La2O3–Y2O3–Sm2O3 при 1500 °C характеризуются наличием одной трехфазной (B + C + R), четырех однофазных (A-La2O3 (Sm2O3), B-La2O3 (Sm2O3), R, C-Y2O3) и двухфазных (A + B, B + R, C + R, B + C) областей.Використовуючи методи фізико-хімічного аналізу (рентгенофазовий аналіз, петрографію, мікрорентгеноструктурний аналіз) вперше вивчено фазові рівноваги у трійній системі La2O3–Y2O3–Sm2O3 при 1500 °С. Зразки різних складів отримані з розчинів азотнокислих солей випарюванням, сушкою і термообробкою при температурах 1100 та 1500 °C. Встановлено, що в системі утворюються тверді розчини на основі різних кристалічних модифікацій вихідних компонентів та упорядкована фаза зі структурою типу перовскиту LaYO3. Визначено границі розчинності та концентраційні залежності періодів кристалічних граток фаз, що утворюються в системі. Ізотермічний переріз діаграми стану системи La2O3–Y2O3–Sm2O3 при 1500 ° С характеризуються наявністю однієї трифазної (B + C + R), чотирьох однофазних (A-La2O3 (Sm2O3), B-La2O3 (Sm2O3), R, C-Y2O3) і двофазних (A + B, B + R, C + R, B + C) областей


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    First, the phase equilibria in the ternary La2О3–Y2O3–Nd2О3 system at 1600 °C were studied by X–ray diffraction and petrography in the overall concentration range. The samples of different compositions have been prepared from nitrate acid solutions by evaporation, drying, and calcinations at 1100, 1500 and 1600 °C. It was established that in the system there exist fields of solid solutions based on cubic (C) modification of Y2O3, hexagonal (А) and monoclinic (В) modifications of La2O3 and Nd2O3. The isothermal section has been developed. The systematic study that covered whole composition range excluded formation of new phases. The isothermal section of the La2О3–Y2O3–Nd2О3 system at 1600 °С is characterized by three homogeneity fields (А, B, С) and two two-phase (A + B, B + С ) fields. The lattice parameters of the unit cells and the boundaries of the homogeneity fields for solid solutions were determined. The homogeneity field of solid solutions based on В-phase extends from 33 tо 44 mol.% Y2O3 along the section Y2О3 – (90 mol % La2О3 – 10 mol% Nd2O3) and from 33 tо 43 mol% Y2O3 along the section Y2О3 – (50 mol % La2О3 – 50 mol % Nd2O3). The homogeneity field of A-phase was revealed to extend from 0 tо 19 mol % Y2O3 along the section Y2О3 – (90 mol% La2О3 – 10 mol % Nd2O3).Вперше за допомогою методів рентгенівського фазового аналізу та петрографії досліджено фазові рівноваги у потрійній системі La2O3–Y2O3–Nd2O3 при 1600 °С у всьому інтервалі концентрацій. Встановлено, що в системі утворюються тверді розчини на основі кубічної (С) модифікації Y2O3, гексагональної (А) та моноклінної (В) модифікацій La2O3 і Nd2O3. Визначено границі розчинності та параметри елементарних комірок твердих розчинів


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    First, the phase equilibria in the ternary La2О3–Y2O3–Nd2О3 system at 1600 °C were studied by X–ray diffraction and petrography in the overall concentration range. The samples of different compositions have been prepared from nitrate acid solutions by evaporation, drying, and calcinations at 1100, 1500 and 1600 °C. It was established that in the system there exist fields of solid solutions based on cubic (C) modification of Y2O3, hexagonal (А) and monoclinic (В) modifications of La2O3 and Nd2O3. The isothermal section has been developed. The systematic study that covered whole composition range excluded formation of new phases. The isothermal section of the La2О3–Y2O3–Nd2О3 system at 1600 °С is characterized by three homogeneity fields (А, B, С) and two two-phase (A + B, B + С ) fields. The lattice parameters of the unit cells and the boundaries of the homogeneity fields for solid solutions were determined. The homogeneity field of solid solutions based on В-phase extends from 33 tо 44 mol.% Y2O3 along the section Y2О3 – (90 mol % La2О3 – 10 mol% Nd2O3) and from 33 tо 43 mol% Y2O3 along the section Y2О3 – (50 mol % La2О3 – 50 mol % Nd2O3). The homogeneity field of A-phase was revealed to extend from 0 tо 19 mol % Y2O3 along the section Y2О3 – (90 mol% La2О3 – 10 mol % Nd2O3)