3 research outputs found

    Preliminary results of official influenza and acute respiratory infection surveillance in two towns of Burkina Faso, 2013-2015

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    Background: In 2010, influenza, influenza-like illness (ILI) and acute respiratory infection (ARI) surveillance was established by the government of Burkina Faso. We provide preliminary descriptive results from this surveillance activity. Methods: The study period was 2013 through 2015. Two primary healthcare facilities in Bobo-Dioulasso district reported ILI in outpatients. Influenza virology, using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR), was available for a proportion of ILI patients. One hospital, in the capital Ouagadougou, reported ARI in both outpatients and inpatients (hospitalized). Inpatients admitted with ARI were considered severe ARI (SARI). We estimated the proportion of primary care outpatient visits that were ILI, and the proportion of those that were due to influenza, by age. We estimated the proportion of hospital outpatient visits that were ARI and the proportion of those that were SARI, by age. Results: Among combined outpatient visits in the Bobo-Dioulasso facilities, 19.6% were for ILI. One half (49.9%) of outpatient visits in infants and 30.9% in 1-4 year-olds were ILI. Among ILI outpatient visits 14.8% were due to influenza virus and, of these, 58.5% were type A and 41.5% type B. At the Ouagadougou hospital, 6.7% of outpatient visits were ARI, and 22.3% of those were SARI. The highest proportions of ARI were among infants (19.8%) and 1-4 year-olds (16.0%). The proportion of ARI that was SARI was highest among ≥15 year-olds (31.5%) followed by 1-4 year-olds (22.4%). Overall, 4.1% of SARI patients died. Conclusions: These preliminary data indicate the importance of respiratory infections among health care attendances in Burkina Faso, and influenza may be an important contributor to these

    Factors associated with owned-dogs' vaccination against rabies: A household survey in Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso

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    Canine vaccination is an effective means for rabies control, a minimum of 70% dog rabies vaccination coverage is required in endemic areas. According to previous investigations, this recommended coverage is always not achieved in Burkina Faso. This study was carried out to investigate reasons for poor vaccination coverage in canine population. Using a structured questionnaires, a cross-sectional survey was conducted in the city of Bobo Dioulasso to capture data on drivers that affect dog owners' individual decision to vaccinate or not their dogs. Through a house-to-house approach, 239 questionnaires were administrated to dog owners during face to face interviews. The results indicated dog rabies vaccination coverage of 25.9%. Dog breed, origin and confinement status had a significant association with vaccination status (p < 0.05). Owners of exotic and cross-bred dogs were more likely to adopt vaccination compared to owners of local-bred dogs. Dogs of bought origin were significantly more likely to be vaccinated among all dogs. Household characteristics including age of owners, level of education, employment status, means of transportation, perception of vaccination cost and level of knowledge about rabies were significantly associated with the vaccination status (p < 0.05). The oldest dog owners, the owners having high level of education, having a car as means of transportation, having good knowledge of rabies and dog rabies vaccination, being employed and perceiving vaccination cost as affordable were more likely to vaccinate their dogs. Combining community awareness and free dog rabies vaccination approaches could improve the vaccination coverage

    Prevalence of bovine brucellosis and related risk behavior in the suburban area of Dakar, Senegal

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and the frequency of risk behaviors in the zoonotic transmission of bovine brucellosis in suburban Dakar. The individual serological status of 300 cattle distributed in thirty farms in this area was determined by the rose Bengal and complement fixation tests. The frequency of risk behaviors toward this zoonosis was determined using two epidemiological surveys that inventoried the known risk factors of brucellosis transmission between animals and humans. Taking into account the sensitivity and specificity of rose Bengal and complement fixation tests used in series, i.e. 85% and 98.75 %, respectively, the true prevalence was estimated to be 36.36%. At least one animal was infected in 96.6% of the herds. Positivity to the complement fixation test was significantly associated with age, breed, abortion and the presence of bursitis in cattle. The risk behaviors the most frequently observed in humans in this area were: assisting during calving and abortion, handling of aborted fetuses without gloves, and consuming unpasteurized raw or curd milk and fresh cheese. These results show that brucellosis is present in dairy cattle farms in suburban Dakar. Since the milk produced in these farms is used to supply the city of Dakar, measures must be developed to promote brucellosis prevention methods aimed at Dakar’s population