9,319 research outputs found

    Electron tunneling time measured by photoluminescence excitation correlation spectroscopy

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    The tunneling time for electrons to escape from the lowest quasibound state in the quantum wells of GaAs/AlAs/GaAs/AlAs/GaAs double-barrier heterostructures with barriers between 16 and 62 Å has been measured at 80 K using photoluminescence excitation correlation spectroscopy. The decay time for samples with barrier thicknesses from 16 Å (≈12 ps) to 34 Å(≈800 ps) depends exponentially on barrier thickness, in good agreement with calculations of electron tunneling time derived from the energy width of the resonance. Electron and heavy hole carrier densities are observed to decay at the same rate, indicating a coupling between the two decay processes

    Calculation of pure dephasing for excitons in quantum dots

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    Pure dephasing of an exciton in a small quantum dot by optical and acoustic phonons is calculated using the ``independent boson model''. Considering the case of zero temperature the dephasing is shown to be only partial which manifests itself in the polarization decaying to a finite value. Typical dephasing times can be assigned even though the spectra exhibits strongly non-Lorentzian line shapes. We show that the dephasing from LO phonon scattering, occurs on a much larger time scale than that of dephasing due to acoustic phonons which for low temperatures are also a more efficient dephasing mechanism. The typical dephasing time is shown to strongly depend on the quantum dot size whereas the electron phonon ``coupling strength'' and external electric fields tend mostly to effect the residual coherence. The relevance of the dephasing times for current quantum information processing implementation schemes in quantum dots is discussed

    Accommodation of lattice mismatch in Ge_(x)Si_(1−x)/Si superlattices

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    We present evidence that the critical thickness for the appearance of misfit defects in a given material and heteroepitaxial structure is not simply a function of lattice mismatch. We report substantial differences in the relaxation of mismatch stress in Ge_(0.5)Si_(0.5)/Si superlattices grown at different temperatures on (100) Si substrates. Samples have been analyzed by x‐ray diffraction, channeled Rutherford backscattering, and transmission electron microscopy. While a superlattice grown at 365 °C demonstrates a high degree of elastic strain, with a dislocation density <10^5 cm^(−2) , structures grown at higher temperatures show increasing numbers of structural defects, with densities reaching 2×10^(10) cm^(−2) at a growth temperature of 530 °C. Our results suggest that it is possible to freeze a lattice‐mismatched structure in a highly strained metastable state. Thus it is not surprising that experimentally observed critical thicknesses are rarely in agreement with those predicted by equilibrium theories

    Exploring a rheonomic system

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    A simple and illustrative rheonomic system is explored in the Lagrangian formalism. The difference between Jacobi's integral and energy is highlighted. A sharp contrast with remarks found in the literature is pointed out. The non-conservative system possess a Lagrangian not explicitly dependent on time and consequently there is a Jacobi's integral. The Lagrange undetermined multiplier method is used as a complement to obtain a few interesting conclusion

    Hyperfine Fields in an Ag/Fe Multilayer Film Investigated with 8Li beta-Detected Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

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    Low energy β\beta-detected nuclear magnetic resonance (β\beta-NMR) was used to investigate the spatial dependence of the hyperfine magnetic fields induced by Fe in the nonmagnetic Ag of an Au(40 \AA)/Ag(200 \AA)/Fe(140 \AA) (001) magnetic multilayer (MML) grown on GaAs. The resonance lineshape in the Ag layer shows dramatic broadening compared to intrinsic Ag. This broadening is attributed to large induced magnetic fields in this layer by the magnetic Fe layer. We find that the induced hyperfine field in the Ag follows a power law decay away from the Ag/Fe interface with power 1.93(8)-1.93(8), and a field extrapolated to 0.23(5)0.23(5) T at the interface.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Quasi--local angular momentum of non--symmetric isolated and dynamical horizons from the conformal decomposition of the metric

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    A new definition of quasi--local angular momentum of non--axisymmetric marginally outer trapped surfaces is proposed. It is based on conformal decomposition of the two--dimensional metric and the action of the group of conformal symmetries. The definition is completely general and agrees with the standard one in axi--symmetric surfaces.Comment: Final version to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravity. One reference adde

    β\beta-NMR of Isolated 8^{8}Li+^{+} Implanted into a Thin Copper Film

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    Depth-controlled β\beta-NMR was used to study highly spin-polarized 8^8Li in a Cu film of thickness 100 nm deposited onto a MgO substrate. The positive Knight Shifts and spin relaxation data show that 8^8Li occupies two sites at low temperatures, assigned to be the substitutional (SS) and octahedral (OO) interstitial sites. Between 50 to 100 K, there is a site change from OO to SS. The temperature dependence of the Knight shifts and spin-lattice relaxation rates at high temperatures, i.e. when all the Li are in the SS site, is consistent with the Korringa Law for a simple metal.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Evolution equations of curvature tensors along the hyperbolic geometric flow

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    We consider the hyperbolic geometric flow 2t2g(t)=2Ricg(t)\frac{\partial^2}{\partial t^2}g(t)=-2Ric_{g(t)} introduced by Kong and Liu [KL]. When the Riemannian metric evolve, then so does its curvature. Using the techniques and ideas of S.Brendle [Br,BS], we derive evolution equations for the Levi-Civita connection and the curvature tensors along the hyperbolic geometric flow. The method and results are computed and written in global tensor form, different from the local normal coordinate method in [DKL1]. In addition, we further show that any solution to the hyperbolic geometric flow that develops a singularity in finite time has unbounded Ricci curvature.Comment: 15 page

    Gradient flows and instantons at a Lifshitz point

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    I provide a broad framework to embed gradient flow equations in non-relativistic field theory models that exhibit anisotropic scaling. The prime example is the heat equation arising from a Lifshitz scalar field theory; other examples include the Allen-Cahn equation that models the evolution of phase boundaries. Then, I review recent results reported in arXiv:1002.0062 describing instantons of Horava-Lifshitz gravity as eternal solutions of certain geometric flow equations on 3-manifolds. These instanton solutions are in general chiral when the anisotropic scaling exponent is z=3. Some general connections with the Onsager-Machlup theory of non-equilibrium processes are also briefly discussed in this context. Thus, theories of Lifshitz type in d+1 dimensions can be used as off-shell toy models for dynamical vacuum selection of relativistic field theories in d dimensions.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure, contribution to conference proceedings (NEB14); minor typos corrected in v