57,874 research outputs found

    LANDSAT 4 investigations of thematic mapper and multispectral scanner applications

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    Digital data analyses suggest the potential for TM data to provide improved land cover information with the mid-IR band being especially useful. Coefficients of variations for major land categories were greater for MSS data channels than for TM channels. Interpretation of black and white images of the six reflective TM bands indicates a strong interpreter preference for bands 5 and 7 for making distinctions in most of the classification categories that were addressed; however, a strong case can be made for a color composite containing visible, near-IR, and mid-IR spectral regions when distinguishing vegetation. A transformation from each red, green, blue color space into hue, intensity, and saturation space has potential for enhanced interpretability of TM color composite images. A perspective view transformation was demonstrated that could be useful for presently registered layers of spatial data in an oblique view format

    A procedure for furnace brazing butt joints in tungsten-uranium dioxide cermet cylinders at 3000 deg C

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    Furnace brazing butt joints in tungsten-uranium dioxide cermet cylinders at 3000 deg

    Phosphorus Immobilization in Poultry Litter and Litter-amended soils with Aluminum, Calcium and Iron amendments

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    Arkansas produces approximately one billion broilers each year. Phosphorous (P) runoff from fields receiving poultry litter is believed to be one of the primary factors affecting water quality in Northwest Arkansas. Poultry litter contains approximately 20 g P kg-1, of which about 2 g P kg-1 is water soluble. Soils that have received repeated heavy applications of litter may have water soluble P contents of as high as 10 mg P Kg-1 soil. The objective of this study was to determine if soluble P levels could be reduced in poultry litter and litter-amended soils with Al,Ca, and/or Fe amendments. Poultry litter was amended with alum, sodium aluminate, quick lime, slaked lime, calcitic limestone, dolomitic limestone, gypsum, ferrous chloride, ferric chloride, ferrous sulfate and ferric sulfate, and incubated in the dark at 25°C for one week. Three soils which had been excessively fertilized with poultry litter were amended with alum, ferrous sulfate, calcitic limestone, gypsum and slaked lime and incubated for 4 weeks at 25 °C. In the litter studies, the Ca treatments were tested with and without CaF2 additions in an attempt to precipitate fluorapatite. At the end of the incubation period, the litter and soils were extracted with deionized water and soluble reactive P (SRP) was determined. SRP levels in the poultry litter were reduced from over 2,000 mg P kg-1 litter to less than 1 mg P kg-1 litter with the addition of alum, quick lime, slaked lime, ferrous chloride, ferric chloride, ferrous sulfate and ferric sulfate under favorable pH conditions. S.RP levels in the soils were reduced from approximately 5 mg P Kg-1 soil to less than 0.05 mg P Kg-1 soil with the addition of alum and ferrous sulfate under favorable pH conditions. Gypsum and sodium aluminate reduced SRP levels in litter by 50 to 60 percent while calcitic and dolomitic limestone were even less effective. In soils, the Ca amendments were less effective than the Al and Fe amendments, although slaked lime was effective at high pH. The results of these studies suggest that treating litter and excessively fertilized soils with some of these compounds, particularly alum, could significantly reduce the amount of SRP in runoff from littered pastures. Therefore, chemical additions to reduce SRP in litter and soil may be a best management practice in situations where eutrophication of adjacent water bodies due to P runoff has been identified. Preliminary calculations indicate that this .p ractice may be economically feasible. However, more research is needed to determine any beneficial and/or detrimental aspects of this practice

    Classical Sphaleron Rate on Fine Lattices

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    We measure the sphaleron rate for hot, classical Yang-Mills theory on the lattice, in order to study its dependence on lattice spacing. By using a topological definition of Chern-Simons number and going to extremely fine lattices (up to beta=32, or lattice spacing a = 1 / (8 g^2 T)) we demonstrate nontrivial scaling. The topological susceptibility, converted to physical units, falls with lattice spacing on fine lattices in a way which is consistent with linear dependence on aa (the Arnold-Son-Yaffe scaling relation) and strongly disfavors a nonzero continuum limit. We also explain some unusual behavior of the rate in small volumes, reported by Ambjorn and Krasnitz.Comment: 14 pages, includes 5 figure

    X-ray absorption branching ratio in actinides: LDA+DMFT approach

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    To investigate the x-ray absorption (XAS) branching ratio from the core 4d to valence 5f states, we set up a theoretical framework by using a combination of density functional theory in the local density approximation and Dynamical Mean Field Theory (LDA+DMFT), and apply it to several actinides. The results of the LDA+DMFT reduces to the band limit for itinerant systems and to the atomic limit for localized f electrons, meaning a spectrum of 5f itinerancy can be investigated. Our results provides a consistent and unified view of the XAS branching ratio for all elemental actinides, and is in good overall agreement with experiments.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Limits on Lorentz Violation from the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays

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    We place several new limits on Lorentz violating effects, which can modify particles' dispersion relations, by considering the highest energy cosmic rays observed. Since these are hadrons, this involves considering the partonic content of such cosmic rays. We get a number of bounds on differences in maximum propagation speeds, which are typically bounded at the 10^{-21} level, and on momentum dependent dispersion corrections of the form v = 1 +- p^2/Lambda^2, which typically bound Lambda > 10^{21} GeV, well above the Planck scale. For (CPT violating) dispersion correction of the form v = 1 + p/Lambda, the bounds are up to 15 orders of magnitude beyond the Planck scale.Comment: 24 pages, no figures. Added references, very slight changes. Version published in Physical Review

    Clustered Star Formation in W75 N

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    We present 2" to 7" resolution 3 mm continuum and CO(J=1-0) line emission and near infrared Ks, H2, and [FeII] images toward the massive star forming region W75 N. The CO emission uncovers a complex morphology of multiple, overlapping outflows. A total flow mass of greater than 255 Msun extends 3 pc from end-to-end and is being driven by at least four late to early-B protostars. More than 10% of the molecular cloud has been accelerated to high velocities by the molecular flows (> 5.2 km/s relative to v{LSR}) and the mechanical energy in the outflowing gas is roughly half the gravitational binding energy of the cloud. The W75 N cluster members represent a range of evolutionary stages, from stars with no apparent circumstellar material to deeply embedded protostars that are actively powering massive outflows. Nine cores of millimeter-wavelength emission highlight the locations of embedded protostars in W75 N. The total mass of gas & dust associated with the millimeter cores ranges from 340 Msun to 11 Msun. The infrared reflection nebula and shocked H2 emission have multiple peaks and extensions which, again, suggests the presence of several outflows. Diffuse H2 emission extends about 0.6 parsecs beyond the outer boundaries of the CO emission while the [FeII] emission is only detected close to the protostars. The infrared line emission morphology suggests that only slow, non-dissociative J-type shocks exist throughout the pc-scale outflows. Fast, dissociative shocks, common in jet-driven low-mass outflows, are absent in W75 N. Thus, the energetics of the outflows from the late to early B protostars in W75 N differ from their low-mass counterparts -- they do not appear to be simply scaled-up versions of low-mass outflows.Comment: Astrophysical Journal, in press. 23 pages plus 10 figures (jpg format). See http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/~dshepher/science.shtml for reprint with full resolution figure