43 research outputs found

    From maps to movies:high-resolution time-varying sensitivity analysis for spatially distributed watershed models

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    Distributed watershed models are now widely used in practice to simulate runoff responses at high spatial and temporal resolutions. Counter to this purpose, diagnostic analyses of distributed models currently aggregate performance measures in space and/or time and are thus disconnected from the models' operational and scientific goals. To address this disconnect, this study contributes a novel approach for computing and visualizing time-varying global sensitivity indices for spatially distributed model parameters. The high-resolution model diagnostics employ the method of Morris to identify evolving patterns in dominant model processes at sub-daily timescales over a six-month period. The method is demonstrated on the United States National Weather Service's Hydrology Laboratory Research Distributed Hydrologic Model (HL-RDHM) in the Blue River watershed, Oklahoma, USA. Three hydrologic events are selected from within the six-month period to investigate the patterns in spatiotemporal sensitivities that emerge as a function of forcing patterns as well as wet-to-dry transitions. Events with similar magnitudes and durations exhibit significantly different performance controls in space and time, indicating that the diagnostic inferences drawn from representative events will be heavily biased by the a priori selection of those events. By contrast, this study demonstrates high-resolution time-varying sensitivity analysis, requiring no assumptions regarding representative events and allowing modelers to identify transitions between sets of dominant parameters or processes a posteriori. The proposed approach details the dynamics of parameter sensitivity in nearly continuous time, providing critical diagnostic insights into the underlying model processes driving predictions. Furthermore, the approach offers the potential to identify transition points between dominant parameters and processes in the absence of observations, such as under nonstationarity

    Technical Note:Method of Morris effectively reduces the computational demands of global sensitivity analysis for distributed watershed models

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    The increase in spatially distributed hydrologic modeling warrants a corresponding increase in diagnostic methods capable of analyzing complex models with large numbers of parameters. Sobol' sensitivity analysis has proven to be a valuable tool for diagnostic analyses of hydrologic models. However, for many spatially distributed models, the Sobol' method requires a prohibitive number of model evaluations to reliably decompose output variance across the full set of parameters. We investigate the potential of the method of Morris, a screening-based sensitivity approach, to provide results sufficiently similar to those of the Sobol' method at a greatly reduced computational expense. The methods are benchmarked on the Hydrology Laboratory Research Distributed Hydrologic Model (HL-RDHM) over a six-month period in the Blue River watershed, Oklahoma, USA. The Sobol' method required over six million model evaluations to ensure reliable sensitivity indices, corresponding to more than 30 000 computing hours and roughly 180 gigabytes of storage space. We find that the method of Morris is able to correctly screen the most and least sensitive parameters with 300 times fewer model evaluations, requiring only 100 computing hours and 1 gigabyte of storage space. The method of Morris proves to be a promising diagnostic approach for global sensitivity analysis of highly parameterized, spatially distributed hydrologic models

    Technical note: Method of Morris effectively reduces the computational demands of global sensitivity analysis for distributed watershed models

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    The increase in spatially distributed hydrologic modeling warrants a corresponding increase in diagnostic methods capable of analyzing complex models with large numbers of parameters. Sobol' sensitivity analysis has proven to be a valuable tool for diagnostic analyses of hydrologic models. However, for many spatially distributed models, the Sobol' method requires a prohibitive number of model evaluations to reliably decompose output variance across the full set of parameters. We investigate the potential of the method of Morris, a screening-based sensitivity approach, to provide results sufficiently similar to those of the Sobol' method at a greatly reduced computational expense. The methods are benchmarked on the Hydrology Laboratory Research Distributed Hydrologic Model (HL-RDHM) over a six-month period in the Blue River watershed, Oklahoma, USA. The Sobol' method required over six million model evaluations to ensure reliable sensitivity indices, corresponding to more than 30 000 computing hours and roughly 180 gigabytes of storage space. We find that the method of Morris is able to correctly screen the most and least sensitive parameters with 300 times fewer model evaluations, requiring only 100 computing hours and 1 gigabyte of storage space. The method of Morris proves to be a promising diagnostic approach for global sensitivity analysis of highly parameterized, spatially distributed hydrologic models