31 research outputs found

    Uticaj tetraciklina na mobilizaciju fluorida

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    The teeth and the bone are the most important sites, of fluoride accumulation in the body. The effect of tetracycline and oxytetracycline on the mobilization of fluoride from these sites was examined. Investigations of chronic exposure to fluoride were carried out on rabbits which received 20 mg of fluoride/kg body weight by oral administration daily for 30 days. The results indicate that tetracyclines induce mobilization of deposited fluoride.Zubi i kosti su najznačajniji depoi fluorida u organizmu. U ovom radu ispitivan je uticaj tetraciklina i oksitetraciklina na mobilizaciju deponovanih fluorida kod kunića hronično izloženih fluoridima. Intoksikacija je ostvarena oralnim unoÅ”enjem 20 mg fluorida/kg telesne mase, svakodnevno, tokom 30 dana. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da tetraciklini izazivaju mobilizaciju deponovanih fluorida

    Predictors of burnout among Belgrade veterinary students: A cross-sectional study

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    Background To the best of our knowledge, studies are lacking on burnout among veterinary students in Serbia, and this is the first study trying to address such a problem. Therefore, the aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the predictors of burnout among Belgrade veterinary students. Methods Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) and anonymous structured questionnaire addressed to personal data, health habits and stressful influence of educational process were applied among 496 respondents from a total of 1113 students from all grades in spring semester 2014 (response rate 44.6%). Results The prevalence of burnout was 43.3%. High scores on depersonalization and emotional exhaustion scales of MBI were found among 79.4% and 45.0% students, respectively; low personal accomplishment was reported by 50.5% students. Female students reported higher levels of emotional exhaustion compared to males (p = 0.012). A low score on personal achievement scale of MBI was least frequent among the freshmen and most frequent among sophomores (41.1% and 65.3%, respectively; p = 0.986). There were more students with burnout who considered their health as a worsened vs. pre-study period compared to students with no burnout, both concerning mental (61.4% vs. 38.6%) and physical health (61.1% vs. 38.9%; both p lt 0.001). There were more smokers among students who suffered from burnout compared to students who did not (52.0% vs. 48.0%; p = 0.013). A multiple regression revealed an independent dose-response effect of perceived stress at exams on the onset of burnout (moderate stress OR = 2.164 and high stress OR = 3.878). Also, students with the moderate and high stressful effect of communication with teaching staff, as well as, those with worse self-perceived physical and mental health had more than two times higher presence of burnout. Conclusions The prevalence of burnout among Belgrade veterinary students is relatively high. Primary prevention should be focused on the revealed predictors of burnout

    Comparison between Carotid Artery Wall Thickness Measured by Multidetector Row Computed Tomography Angiography and Intimae-Media Thickness Measured by Sonography

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    The increased thickness of the carotid wall >1 mm is a significant predictor of coronary and cerebrovascular diseases. The purpose of our study was to assess the agreement between multidetector row computed tomography angiography (MDCTA) in measuring carotid artery wall thickness (CAWT) and color Doppler ultrasound (CD-US) in measuring intimae-media thickness (IMT). Eighty-nine patients (aged 35ā€“81) were prospectively analyzed using a 64-detector MDCTA and a CD-US scanner. Continuous data were described as the mean value Ā± standard deviation, and were compared using the Mannā€“Whitney U test. A p value <0.05 was considered significant. Blandā€“Altman statistics were employed to measure the agreement between MDCTA and CD-US. CAWT ranged from 0.62 to 1.60 mm, with a mean value of 1.09 mm. IMT ranged from 0.60 to 1.55 mm, with a mean value of 1.06 mm. We observed an excellent agreement between CD-US and MDCTA in the evaluation of the common carotid artery thickness, with a bias between methods of 0.029 mm (which is a highly statistically important difference of absolute values [t = 43.289; p < 0.01] obtained by paired T test), and limits of agreement from 0.04 to 0.104. Pearson correlation coefficient was 0.9997 (95% CI 0.9996ā€“0.9998; p < 0.01). We conclude that there is an excellent correlation between CAWT and IMT measurements obtained with the MDCTA and CD-US

    Reaction of a 3-aryilidene-2-thiohydantoin derivative with polymeric trans-[CuCl2(DMSO)(2)](n) complex: unexpected isomerization to dinuclear cis-[{CuCl(DMSO)(2)}(mu-Cl)](2)

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    The 3-arylidene-2-thiohydantoin derivative, 3-[(2-hydroxybenzylidene)amino]-2-thioxoimidazolidin-4-one, was synthesized in a two-step condensation reaction of 2-hydroxybenzaldehyde, thiosemicarbazide and ethyl chloroacetate. The ligand was structurally characterized by NMR and IR spectroscopy, as well as by elemental analysis. In the reaction of the well-known polymeric trans-[CuCl2(DMSO)(2)](n) complex with the polydentate thiohydantoin type ligand, instead of the corresponding copper thiohydantoin complex, unexpectedly, the dinuclear cis-[{CuCl(DMSO)(2)}(mu-Cl)](2) complex (1) was formed predominantly as the final stable product. The structure of the complex 1 was confirmed by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The cis-complex is obtained through assisted isomerization of the trans-form, in which the thiohydantoin derivative has a crucial role

    JoŔ o toksičnosti kadmija - s posebnim osvrtom na nastanak oksidacijskoga stresa i na interakcije s cinkom i magnezijem

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    Discovered in late 1817, cadmium is currently one of the most important occupational and environmental pollutants. It is associated with renal, neurological, skeletal and other toxic effects, including reproductive toxicity, genotoxicity, and carcinogenicity. There is still much to find out about its mechanisms of action, biomarkers of critical effects, and ways to reduce health risks. At present, there is no clinically efficient agent to treat cadmium poisoning due to predominantly intracellular location of cadmium ions. This article gives a brief review of cadmium-induced oxidative stress and its interactions with essential elements zinc and magnesium as relevant mechanisms of cadmium toxicity. It draws on available literature data and our own results, which indicate that dietary supplementation of either essential element has beneficial effect under condition of cadmium exposure. We have also tackled the reasons why magnesium addition prevails over zinc and discussed the protective role of magnesium during cadmium exposure. These findings could help to solve the problem of prophylaxis and therapy of increased cadmium body burden.Iako je otkriven tek 1817. godine, kadmij je trenutačno jedan od najvažnijih onečiŔćivača životne i radne sredine. Å tetno djeluje na bubrege, živčani sustav, kosti, reproduktivni sistem, a ima i genotoksične i karcinogene efekte. Nužna su dalja istraživanja vezana za mehanizme njegove toksičnosti, biomarkere efekata, kao i načine smanjenja rizika za zdravlje. Osim toga, do danas nije otkriven agens efikasan u terapiji trovanja kadmijem s obzirom na to da je kadmij intracelularni kation. U ovom radu dan je sažet pregled važnih mehanizama toksičnosti kadmija, kao Å”to su nastanak oksidativnog stresa i interakcije s esencijalnim elementima, cinkom i magnezijem, na osnovi dostupnih literaturnih podataka, kao i naÅ”ih ispitivanja koja upućuju na to da povećani unos navedenih esencijalnih elemenata pokazuje pozitivne efekte pri ekspoziciji kadmiju. Obrazložena je prednost suplementacije magnezijem pred suplementacijom cinkom i razmatrana preventivna uloga magnezija pri intoksikaciji kadmijem. Ovi su rezultati doprinos rjeÅ”avanju problema profi lakse i terapije trovanja kadmijem

    The influence of blood pH on the stability of fluoroapatite

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    Ispitivana je stabilnost fluoroapatita, u uslovima različitog pH krvi, kod kunića prethodno tretiranih fluoridima dozom 20 mg F-/kg telesne mase tokom 30 dana. Konstatovano je da u uslovima eksperimentalno izazvane acidoze sa amonijum-hloridom, odnosno alkaloze sa natrijum-bikarbonatom, dolazi do pokretanja deponovanih fluorida iz kostiju i zuba, Å”to se odražava signifikantnim povećanjem koncentracije fluorida u plazmi. Mobilizacija fluorida iz depoa je izraženija u uslovima alkaloze.The influence of blood pH on the stability of fluoroapatit

    In vitro cytogenetic analysis of the effects of oxytocin on human peripheral blood lymphocytes

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    The purpose of this study was to determine possible genotoxic and cytotoxic (or mitogenic) effects of high concentrations of oxytocin, active component of Syntocinon(R) in cultures of human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Two test systems were used: (1) analysis of numerical and structural chromosome aberrations, and (2) the in vitro sister chromatid exchange (SCE) test. On the basis of the results obtained it can be concluded that oxytocin does not express any genotoxical properties. Furthermore, the mitotic index did not change significantly