40 research outputs found

    Vapor pressure measurements over supercooled water in the temperature range from −10 1 °C to +10 −2 °C

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    An accurate measurement of saturation vapor pressure of supercooled water is a strong challenge in metrology, mainly due to difficulties concerning keeping water at a liquid state at temperatures well below the melting point; thus few experimental data covering limited temperature ranges (down to about 253 K) are reported in literature. For this reason, an investigation of the water vapor – supercooled water equilibrium along the saturation line is carried out at Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRIM). Measurements cover the temperature range from 261.26 K to 273.25 K, corresponding to a saturation vapor pressure from about 244 Pa to 611 Pa. The experimental apparatus includes a borosilicate glass sample cell, kept in a liquid bath at a constant temperature with millikelvin stability and connected to a manifold where the pressure is measured using a capacitive diaphragm pressure gauge. In this work, the water sample preparation, the measuring method and measurement corrections are reported; moreover, a comparison between experimental and literature data is conducted along with the most used vapor pressure formulations. Measurement results are discussed and uncertainty sources estimated. The resulting expanded relative uncertainty (k = 2) varies from 0.085% at 261.26 K to 0.039% at 273.25 K

    Whispering Gallery Mode Resonators for Precision Temperature Metrology Applications

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    In this work, the authors exploited the whispering gallery mode (WGM) resonator properties as a thermometer. The sensor is made of a cylindrical sapphire microwave resonator in the center of a gold-plated copper cavity. Two coaxial cables act as antennas and excite the WGM standing waves in the cylindrical sapphire at selected resonance frequencies in the microwave range. The system affords a high quality factor that enables temperature measurements with a resolution better than 15 mu K and a measurement standard uncertainty of 1.2 mK, a value approximately three times better than that achieved in previous works. The developed sensor could be a promising alternative to platinum resistance thermometers, both as a transfer standard in industrial applications and as an interpolating instrument for the dissemination of the kelvin

    Application of plate heat exchangers to the development of portable high-pressure humid gas generators

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    Paper presented to the 10th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Florida, 14-16 July 2014.The preliminary design and testing of a portable, high-pressure humidity generator based on a corrugated-plate heat exchanger (PHE) is described. It resulted in a very simple system, consisting of a bubbling pre-saturator followed by the PHE used as a condenser. The PHE does not need to be hosted in a liquid bath, resulting in a very compact design whose operation is largely independent from a specific bath - which may be available on site – used to condition the temperature of a circulating counter-flow fluid. Experimental tests were performed on a prototype in order to demonstrate the principle and validate at an early stage the system operation. The efficiency of the PHE as condenser was assessed over a temperature range from 0 °C to 65 °C by varying input and influence parameters, such as the dew point temperature, the gas flow rate and its pressure up to 0.5 MPa. The saturation temperature of the humid gas flow compared favourably with the dew-point temperature as measured by a chilled-mirror hygrometer calibrated against a primary humidity standard. The temperature deviations were below 0.02 °C, with a maximum deviation of 0.04 °C, over the whole range of investigated temperatures and pressures.cf201

    Development and preliminary investigation of a modular chamber for calibration of relative humidity instruments

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    In the scope of the project HUMEA – Expansion of European research capabilities in humidity measurement within the EURAMET EMPIR program, the modular chamber for calibration of relative humidity instruments was designed, manufactured and characterized. The modular chamber consists of arbitrary numbers of aluminum blocks each of which provides accommodation for the one relative humidity probe and also has the fittings for pressure and temperature probes as well as ports for gas sampling and/or supplying. The gas can be supplied from the dew/frost point generator or the larger climatic chamber. In the latter case, the airflow through the chamber can be enhanced by using an additional fan. The preliminary study was carried out to investigate the improvement in temperature uniformity using a new chamber in combination with two climatic chambers. The investigation results show significant improvement in temperature uniformity thus lowering the uncertainties of the calibration of relative humidity instruments

    Studio pilota per la valutazione di una procedura per la taratura di termometri misuratori della temperatura dell’aria.

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    This EURAMET project includes two main activities: Perform a pilot study (in the form of an interlaboratory comparison) to explore issues around calibration in air of temperature sensors; Feed into a guidance document the findings from the pilot study. Background and need for the project Air temperature is measured for a multitude of purposes. Atmospheric air temperature is the key variable in indoor climatisation, in meteorological observations and climate studies. It is also critical to precision dimensional and mass measurements. Understanding and fully evaluating measurement uncertainty for air temperature measurements is an open scientific and technical issue now motivating research efforts and discussion both at the CIPM CCT and in WMO expert teams. While calibration of temperature sensors in liquid is well characterised, the calibration of thermometers in air still requires definition of procedures and guidelines. The problem of the lack of a guide for the calibration of thermometers in air was underlined at the EURAMET TC-T meeting of 2017 as a result of a specific scientific workshop on the matter. The analysis of the air temperature measurement procedures and uncertainty evaluation, including the aspects and contributions due to the calibration of sensors is also a task of the CCT Working Group on Environment and is included in the strategy roadmap of CCT

    Improving emerging European NMIs’ capabilities in humidity measurement

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    The control and measurement of humidity is important for many industrial applications and to ensure the appropriate storage of materials and products. Humidity measurement techniques are diverse and each presents different challenges for use and calibration for a range of pressures and gases. Over the past few years, the development of humidity sensors and apparatus has matured to a level where traceable calibration is beneficial to all industries in which humidity and moisture measurement and control are important. This paper deals with a European project in which the overall objective is to develop or extend the measurement and research capabilities of the participating emerging NMI/DIs’ countries in the field of humidity measurements, where access to these types of facilities is currently limited

    Providing measurement traceability to wireless sensor networks in museum applications

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    The paper presents a preliminary study performed at the Museum of the Cinema in Torino in order to provide in situ traceability to temperature and humidity wireless sensors. The experimental activities concerned the development of a suitable on site calibration procedure and, subsequently, the calibrations of selected wireless sensors which were belonging to the monitoring and AC control loop network. The work proved to be useful for a validation of the measurement probes as well as for an analysis of different approaches to provide traceability to temperature and humidity sensor networks