352 research outputs found

    Monte Carlo simulation of Ising model on directed Barabasi-Albert network

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    The existence of spontaneous magnetization of Ising spins on directed Barabasi-Albert networks is investigated with seven neighbors, by using Monte Carlo simulations. In large systems we see the magnetization for different temperatures T to decay after a characteristic time tau, which is extrapolated to diverge at zero temperature.Comment: Error corrected, main conclusion unchanged; for Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 16, issue 4 (2005

    Reexamination of scaling in the five-dimensional Ising model

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    In three dimensions, or more generally, below the upper critical dimension, scaling laws for critical phenomena seem well understood, for both infinite and for finite systems. Above the upper critical dimension of four, finite-size scaling is more difficult. Chen and Dohm predicted deviation in the universality of the Binder cumulants for three dimensions and more for the Ising model. This deviation occurs if the critical point T = Tc is approached along lines of constant A = L*L*(T-Tc)/Tc, then different exponents a function of system size L are found depending on whether this constant A is taken as positive, zero, or negative. This effect was confirmed by Monte Carlo simulations with Glauber and Creutz kinetics. Because of the importance of this effect and the unclear situation in the analogous percolation problem, we here reexamine the five-dimensional Glauber kinetics.Comment: 8 pages including 5 figure

    Hierarchy of general invariants for bivariate LPDOs

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    We study invariants under gauge transformations of linear partial differential operators on two variables. Using results of BK-factorization, we construct hierarchy of general invariants for operators of an arbitrary order. Properties of general invariants are studied and some examples are presented. We also show that classical Laplace invariants correspond to some particular cases of general invariants.Comment: to appear in J. "Theor.Math.Phys." in May 200

    Singular solutions of a modified two-component Camassa-Holm equation

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    The Camassa-Holm equation (CH) is a well known integrable equation describing the velocity dynamics of shallow water waves. This equation exhibits spontaneous emergence of singular solutions (peakons) from smooth initial conditions. The CH equation has been recently extended to a two-component integrable system (CH2), which includes both velocity and density variables in the dynamics. Although possessing peakon solutions in the velocity, the CH2 equation does not admit singular solutions in the density profile. We modify the CH2 system to allow dependence on average density as well as pointwise density. The modified CH2 system (MCH2) does admit peakon solutions in velocity and average density. We analytically identify the steepening mechanism that allows the singular solutions to emerge from smooth spatially-confined initial data. Numerical results for MCH2 are given and compared with the pure CH2 case. These numerics show that the modification in MCH2 to introduce average density has little short-time effect on the emergent dynamical properties. However, an analytical and numerical study of pairwise peakon interactions for MCH2 shows a new asymptotic feature. Namely, besides the expected soliton scattering behavior seen in overtaking and head-on peakon collisions, MCH2 also allows the phase shift of the peakon collision to diverge in certain parameter regimes.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figure

    Test of Universality in Anisotropic 3D Ising Model

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    Chen and Dohm predicted theoretically in 2004 that the widely believed universality principle is violated in the Ising model on the simple cubic lattice with more than only six nearest neighbours. Schulte and Drope by Monte Carlo simulations found such violation, but not in the predicted direction. Selke and Shchur tested the square lattice. Here we check only this universality for the susceptibility ratio near the critical point. For this purpose we study first the standard Ising model on a simple cubic lattice with six nearest neighbours, then with six nearest and twelve next-nearest neighbours, and compare the results with the Chen-Dohm lattice of six nearest neighbours and only half of the twelve next-nearest neighbours. We do not confirm the violation of universality found by Schulte and Drope in the susceptibility ratio.Comment: 6 pages including 4 figures, Physica A, in pres

    Integrable discretizations of the sine-Gordon equation

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    The inverse scattering theory for the sine-Gordon equation discretized in space and both in space and time is considered.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX2

    New Shape Invariant Potentials in Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics

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    Quantum mechanical potentials satisfying the property of shape invariance are well known to be algebraically solvable. Using a scaling ansatz for the change of parameters, we obtain a large class of new shape invariant potentials which are reflectionless and possess an infinite number of bound states. They can be viewed as q-deformations of the single soliton solution corresponding to the Rosen-Morse potential. Explicit expressions for energy eigenvalues, eigenfunctions and transmission coefficients are given. Included in our potentials as a special case is the self-similar potential recently discussed by Shabat and Spiridonov.Comment: 8pages, Te

    An Inverse Scattering Transform for the Lattice Potential KdV Equation

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    The lattice potential Korteweg-de Vries equation (LKdV) is a partial difference equation in two independent variables, which possesses many properties that are analogous to those of the celebrated Korteweg-de Vries equation. These include discrete soliton solutions, Backlund transformations and an associated linear problem, called a Lax pair, for which it provides the compatibility condition. In this paper, we solve the initial value problem for the LKdV equation through a discrete implementation of the inverse scattering transform method applied to the Lax pair. The initial value used for the LKdV equation is assumed to be real and decaying to zero as the absolute value of the discrete spatial variable approaches large values. An interesting feature of our approach is the solution of a discrete Gel'fand-Levitan equation. Moreover, we provide a complete characterization of reflectionless potentials and show that this leads to the Cauchy matrix form of N-soliton solutions

    Two-component {CH} system: Inverse Scattering, Peakons and Geometry

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    An inverse scattering transform method corresponding to a Riemann-Hilbert problem is formulated for CH2, the two-component generalization of the Camassa-Holm (CH) equation. As an illustration of the method, the multi - soliton solutions corresponding to the reflectionless potentials are constructed in terms of the scattering data for CH2.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, draft, please send comment

    The lattice Schwarzian KdV equation and its symmetries

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    In this paper we present a set of results on the symmetries of the lattice Schwarzian Korteweg-de Vries (lSKdV) equation. We construct the Lie point symmetries and, using its associated spectral problem, an infinite sequence of generalized symmetries and master symmetries. We finally show that we can use master symmetries of the lSKdV equation to construct non-autonomous non-integrable generalized symmetries.Comment: 11 pages, no figures. Submitted to Jour. Phys. A, Special Issue SIDE VI
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