1,383 research outputs found

    Laboratory observations of slow earthquakes and the spectrum of tectonic fault slip modes

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    Slow earthquakes represent an important conundrum in earthquake physics. While regular earthquakes are catastrophic events with rupture velocities governed by elastic wave speed, the processes that underlie slow fault slip phenomena, including recent discoveries of tremor, slow-slip and low-frequency earthquakes, are less understood. Theoretical models and sparse laboratory observations have provided insights, but the physics of slow fault rupture remain enigmatic. Here we report on laboratory observations that illuminate the mechanics of slow-slip phenomena. We show that a spectrum of slow-slip behaviours arises near the threshold between stable and unstable failure, and is governed by frictional dynamics via the interplay of fault frictional properties, effective normal stress and the elastic stiffness of the surrounding material. This generalizable frictional mechanism may act in concert with other hypothesized processes that damp dynamic ruptures, and is consistent with the broad range of geologic environments where slow earthquakes are observed

    Phenology and Fruit Growth Dynamics of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) in Greenhouse and Open Air in Mediterranean Climate

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    Phenological evolution of shoots and fruit growth of three mango varieties—Keitt, Osteen and Tommy Atkins—were monitored during two reproductive seasons, from full flowering to fruit harvest on trees cultivated in the open air and inside a greenhouse, in the island of Sicily—Italy. The aim of the study was to assess the behavior of mango trees subjected to summer high temperatures under a permanent plastic cover in the Mediterranean climate. Differences between open air and greenhouse emerged in the dates of first record of major phenological stages and in their duration, and in the fruit growth rates. Greenhouse cultivated trees showed a significant anticipation of flowering and ripening of the fruits respect to open air trees, with harvest conducted earlier during the season. On the other hand, open air cultivated trees achieved fruit maturity in a shorter time compared to the greenhouse, with fruits needing between 90 and 110 days after full flowering to reach their final dimensions—while the trees in the greenhouse needed at least 125 days. The study allowed to understand the growth dynamics of mango fruits subjected to extreme high temperatures and provides new information to evaluate the opportunity of greenhouse cultivation of mango in the Mediterranean climate

    Effect of Organic Fertilizers on Avocado Trees (Cvs. Fuerte, Hass, Lamb Hass) in Western Crete, a Cool Subtropical Region

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    The market for avocado is one of the fastest expanding worldwide, inclduing the Mediterranean basin. Organic farming systems cannot make use of synthetic fertilizers and therefore rely on several cultural techniques to maintain vigorous young trees and for quick shoot development, satisfactory yield, and fruit quality. We studied the effect of three different organic products (Terra Insecta (R) (Aeiphoria-Sustainable products of Crete, Chania, Greece), Fruit-Fix (R), and AMINO-16 (R) (both products manufactured by EVYP, Sindos, Thessaloniki, Greece) on avocado plants in the cool subtropical area of southern Greece. Three experiments were carried out, two of them on young avocado trees, and the third one on mature, fully productive trees. The establishment success (ES) (%), plants with shoot induction (SI) (%), plants with shoot growth >= 3 cm (SG) (%), number of sprouted buds >= 3 cm per plant (SB), mean shoot length (cm) per plant (SL), total shoot length (cm) per plant (TSL), mean leaf number per plant (LN), and total leaf number per plant (TLN) were measured in the first and second experiments, while in the third experiment, fruit growth parameters (length, width, fruit weight, fruit weight increase (FWI)) and fruit quality parameters (dry matter, oil concentration, dry matter, and oil concentration increase) were measured. The application of 0.2 K of Terra Insecta (R) to the planting hole did not have any statistically significant effect on plant growth, but when added around the trunk, statistically higher values were observed for SB, SL, LN, TSL, and TLN in the Terra Insecta (R) treatment compared to the control. Fruit-Fix (R) application to Lamb Hass avocado trees resulted in significant differences in ES, SI, SG, SL, TSL, LN, and TLN, and in the Hass variety, in SB. In the AMINO-16 (R) experiment, the fruit dimensions, quality parameters, and yield of the Hass variety were not recorded as significantly different. However, in the Fuerte variety, FW increased by 119.3% in the AMINO-16 (R) treatment. The effect of the organic fertilizers used in this research showed noticeable results requiring studies to be carried out over more seasons, different tree ages, cultivation methods, and stress conditions

    © Author(s) 2008. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences

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    Abstract. A major impediment to an understanding of the links between climate and landscape change, has been the relatively coarse resolution of landscape response measures (rates of weathering, sediment production, erosion and transport) relative to the higher resolution of the climatic signal (precipitation and temperature on hourly to annual time scales). A combination of high temporal and spatial resolution dendroclimatic and dendrogeomorphic approaches were used to study relationships between climatic variability and hillslope and valley floor dynamics in a small drainage basin in the Colorado Plateau of northeastern Arizona, USA Dendrogeomorphic and vegetation evidence from slopes and valley bottoms, including root exposure, bending of trunks, change in plant cover and burial and exhumation of valley bottom trees and shrubs, suggest that the currently observe

    Modified Atmosphere Packaging and low temperature storage extend marketability of cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.)

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    Cherimoya is a subtropical fruit characterized by a delicious, sweet flavor and beneficial health properties, which found suitable growing conditions in the South of Italy. However, the marketing of this product is halted by its high perishability, which limits the shelf-life of the fresh fruit to few days after harvest and does not allow for commercialization beyond local markets. Studies have shown that storage of this fruit in controlled atmosphere, using Modified Atmosphere Packaging technologies, extended the post-harvest life of Cherimoya, but little is still known about the evolution of its sensory, nutraceutical and microbiological characteristics during such storage period. In this paper, we studied the effect of a 4-days long active-MAP (30% CO2 – 10% O2 – 60% N2) storage period, associated with cold temperatures, on the physico-chemical, sensory, nutraceutical and microbiological quality traits of Italian-grown cherimoya fruits, compared with passive-MAP (Air composition, 21% O2 + 1% CO2 + 78% N2) and simple cold storage. Active-MAP proved effective in delaying the reaching of the optimal consumption point until 10 days from harvest, besides showing absence of microbial growth until after 7 days from harvest. Both active- and passive-MAP treatments maintained better nutraceutical values than control until the end of the trial period, and sensory analysis confirmed that active-MAP treated fruits were at the optimal commercial stage after 10 days from harvest

    A vigorous activity cycle mimicking a planetary system in HD200466

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    Stellar activity can be a source of radial velocity (RV) noise and can reproduce periodic RV variations similar to those produced by an exoplanet. We present the vigorous activity cycle in the primary of the visual binary HD200466, a system made of two almost identical solar-type stars with an apparent separation of 4.6 arcsec at a distance of 44+/-2 pc. High precision RV over more than a decade, adaptive optics (AO) images, and abundances have been obtained for both components. A linear trend in the RV is found for the secondary. We assumed that it is due to the binary orbit and once coupled with the astrometric data, it strongly constrains the orbital solution of the binary at high eccentricities (e~0.85) and quite small periastron of ~21 AU. If this orbital motion is subtracted from the primary radial velocity curve, a highly significant (false alarm probability <0.1%) period of about 1300 d is obtained, suggesting in a first analysis the presence of a giant planet, but it turned out to be due to the stellar activity cycle. Since our spectra do not include the Ca~II resonance lines, we measured a chromospheric activity indicator based on the Halpha line to study the correlation between activity cycles and long-term activity variations. While the bisector analysis of the line profile does not show a clear indication of activity, the correlation between the Halpha line indicator and the RV measurements identify the presence of a strong activity cycle.Comment: Accepted on Astronomy and Astrophysics Main Journal 2014, 16 pages, 18 figure

    Solvent free interactions in contact pairs of molecules of biological interest: Laser spectroscopic and electrospray mass spectrometric studies

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    A laser spectroscopic and mass spectrometric study of ionic and molecular clusters of biological interest is reported. The molecules of interest and their aggregates were generated in a supersonic beam and analyzed by mass resolved resonant two photon absorption and ionization (R2PI) and by collision induced mass spectrometry (CID-MS). The absence of the solvent allows to study these systems in the isolated state free of undesired solvent effects which may level off the differences in their properties. The gas phase results have been compared to theoretical estimates of the structure and stability of the systems under investigation

    The Discordance of Mass-Loss Estimates for Galactic O-Type Stars

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    We have determined accurate values of the product of the mass-loss rate and the ion fraction of P^{4+}, Mdot q(P^{4+}), for a sample of 40 Galactic O-type stars by fitting stellar-wind profiles to observations of the P V resonance doublet obtained with FUSE, ORFEUS/BEFS, and Copernicus. When P^{4+} is the dominant ion in the wind, Mdot q(P^{4+}) approximates the mass-loss rate to within a factor of 2. Theory predicts that P^{4+} is the dominant ion in the winds of O7-O9.7 stars, though an empirical estimator suggests that the range from O4-O7 may be more appropriate. However, we find that the mass-loss rates obtained from P V wind profiles are systematically smaller than those obtained from fits to Halpha emission profiles or radio free-free emission by median factors of about 130 (if P^{4+} is dominant between O7 and O9.7) or about 20 (if P^{4+} is dominant between O4 and O7). These discordant measurements can be reconciled if the winds of O stars in the relevant temperature range are strongly clumped on small spatial scales. We use a simplified two-component model to investigate the volume filling factors of the denser regions. This clumping implies that mass-loss rates determined from "density squared" diagnostics have been systematically over-estimated by factors of 10 or more, at least for a subset of O stars. Reductions in the mass-loss rates of this size have important implications for the evolution of massive stars and quantitative estimates of the feedback that hot-star winds provide to their interstellar environments.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication in Ap
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