81 research outputs found

    The special Sm core structure of the U7 snRNP: far-reaching significance of a small nuclear ribonucleoprotein

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    Abstract.: The polypeptide composition of the U7 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) involved in histone messenger RNA (mRNA) 3′ end formation has recently been elucidated. In contrast to spliceosomal snRNPs, which contain a ring-shaped assembly of seven so-called Sm proteins, in the U7 snRNP the Sm proteins D1 and D2 are replaced by U7-specific Sm-like proteins, Lsm10 and Lsm11. This polypeptide composition and the unusual structure of Lsm11, which plays a role in histone RNA processing, represent new themes in the biology of Sm/Lsm proteins. Moreover this structure has important consequences for snRNP assembly that is mediated by two complexes containing the PRMT5 methyltransferase and the SMN (survival of motor neurons) protein, respectively. Finally, the ability to alter this polypeptide composition by a small mutation in U7 snRNA forms the basis for using modified U7 snRNA derivatives to alter specific pre-mRNA splicing events, thereby opening up a new way for antisense gene therap

    U7 snRNAs induce correction of mutated dystrophin pre-mRNA by exon skipping.

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    Most cases of Duchenne muscular dystrophy are caused by dystrophin gene mutations that disrupt the mRNA reading frame. Artificial exclusion (skipping) of a single exon would often restore the reading frame, giving rise to a shorter, but still functional dystrophin protein. Here, we analyzed the ability of antisense U7 small nuclear (sn)RNA derivatives to alter dystrophin pre-mRNA splicing. As a proof of principle, we first targeted the splice sites flanking exon 23 of dystrophin pre-mRNA in the wild-type muscle cell line C2C12 and showed precise exon 23 skipping. The same strategy was then successfully adapted to dystrophic immortalized mdx muscle cells where exon-23-skipped dystrophin mRNA rescued dystrophin protein synthesis. Moreover, we observed a stimulation of antisense U7 snRNA expression by the murine muscle creatine kinase enhancer. These results demonstrate that alteration of dystrophin pre-mRNA splicing could correct dystrophin gene mutations by expression of specific U7 snRNA constructs

    Sm/Lsm Genes Provide a Glimpse into the Early Evolution of the Spliceosome

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    The spliceosome, a sophisticated molecular machine involved in the removal of intervening sequences from the coding sections of eukaryotic genes, appeared and subsequently evolved rapidly during the early stages of eukaryotic evolution. The last eukaryotic common ancestor (LECA) had both complex spliceosomal machinery and some spliceosomal introns, yet little is known about the early stages of evolution of the spliceosomal apparatus. The Sm/Lsm family of proteins has been suggested as one of the earliest components of the emerging spliceosome and hence provides a first in-depth glimpse into the evolving spliceosomal apparatus. An analysis of 335 Sm and Sm-like genes from 80 species across all three kingdoms of life reveals two significant observations. First, the eukaryotic Sm/Lsm family underwent two rapid waves of duplication with subsequent divergence resulting in 14 distinct genes. Each wave resulted in a more sophisticated spliceosome, reflecting a possible jump in the complexity of the evolving eukaryotic cell. Second, an unusually high degree of conservation in intron positions is observed within individual orthologous Sm/Lsm genes and between some of the Sm/Lsm paralogs. This suggests that functional spliceosomal introns existed before the emergence of the complete Sm/Lsm family of proteins; hence, spliceosomal machinery with considerably fewer components than today's spliceosome was already functional

    Structures of four human pseudogenes for U7 small nuclear RNA.

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    Four U7 RNA-related sequences were isolated from a human genomic DNA library. None of the sequences completely match the published human U7 RNA sequence and all of them contain features typical of reverse-transcribed pseudogenes

    3' processing of pre-mRNA plays a major role in proliferation-dependent regulation of histone gene expression.

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    A short histone-like fusion RNA, generated when the RNA 3' processing signal from a mouse histone H4 gene is inserted into a heterologous transcription unit, becomes correctly down-regulated in G1-arrested cells of a temperature-sensitive mouse mastocytoma cell cycle mutant (21-Tb; Stauber et al., EMBO J. 5, 3297-3303 [1986]), due to a specific deficiency in histone RNA processing (Lüscher and Schümperli, EMBO J. 6, 1721-1726 [1987]). In contrast, inhibitors of DNA synthesis, known to stimulate histone mRNA degradation, have little or no effect on the fusion RNA. This RNA can therefore be used to discriminate between regulation by RNA 3' processing and RNA stability, respectively. The fusion RNA is also faithfully regulated in 21-Tb cells arrested in G1 phase by the drug indomethacin or in C127 mouse fibroblasts during a serum starvation experiment. Moreover, nuclear extracts from serum-starved C127 cells show a specific deficiency in a heat-labile component of the histone RNA processing apparatus, similar to that previously observed for temperature-arrested 21-Tb cells. These results suggest that RNA 3' processing is a major determinant for the response of histone mRNA levels to changes in cell proliferation