21,693 research outputs found

    Helium atom diffraction measurements of the surface structure and vibrational dynamics of CH_3-Si(111) and CD_3-Si(111) surfaces

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    The surface structure and vibrational dynamics of CH_3–Si(111) and CD_3–Si(111) surfaces were measured using helium atom scattering. The elastic diffraction patterns exhibited a lattice constant of 3.82 Å, in accordance with the spacing of the silicon underlayer. The excellent quality of the observed diffraction patterns, along with minimal diffuse background, indicated a high degree of long-range ordering and a low defect density for this interface. The vibrational dynamics were investigated by measurement of the Debye–Waller attenuation of the elastic diffraction peaks as the surface temperature was increased. The angular dependence of the specular (θ_i=θ_f) decay revealed perpendicular mean-square displacements of 1.0 x 10^(−5) Å^2 K^(−1) for the CH_3–Si(111) surface and 1.2 x 10^(−5) Å^2 K^(−1) for the CD_3–Si(111) surface, and a He-surface attractive well depth of ~7 meV. The effective surface Debye temperatures were calculated to be 983 K for the CH_3–Si(111) surface and 824 K for the CD_3–Si(111) surface. These relatively large Debye temperatures suggest that collisional energy accommodation at the surface occurs primarily through the Si–C local molecular modes. The parallel mean-square displacements were 7.1 x 10^(−4) and 7.2 x 10^(−4) Å^2 K^(−1) for the CH_3–Si(111) and CD_3–Si(111) surfaces, respectively. The observed increase in thermal motion is consistent with the interaction between the helium atoms and Si–CH_3 bending modes. These experiments have thus yielded detailed information on the dynamical properties of these robust and technologically interesting semiconductor interfaces

    Revisited abundance diagnostics in quasars: Fe II/Mg II ratios

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    Both the Fe II UV emission in the 2000- 3000 A region [Fe II (UV)] and resonance emission line complex of Mg II at 2800 A are prominent features in quasar spectra. The observed Fe II UV/ Mg II emission ratios have been proposed as means to measure the buildup of the Fe abundance relative to that of the alpha-elements C, N, O, Ne and Mg as a function of redshift. The current observed ratios show large scatter and no obvious dependence on redshift. Thus, it remains unresolved whether a dependence on redshift exists and whether the observed Fe II UV/ Mg II ratios represent a real nucleosynthesis diagnostic. We have used our new 830-level model atom for Fe+ in photoionization calculations, reproducing the physical conditions in the broad line regions of quasars. This modeling reveals that interpretations of high values of Fe II UV/ Mg II are sensitive not only to Fe and Mg abundance, but also to other factors such as microturbulence, density, and properties of the radiation field. We find that the Fe II UV/ Mg II ratio combined with Fe II (UV)/ Fe II (Optical) emission ratio, where Fe II (Optical) denotes Fe II emission in 4000 - 6000 A can be used as a reliable nucleosynthesis diagnostic for the Fe/Mg abundance ratios for the physical conditions relevant to the broad-line regions (BLRs) of quasars. This has extreme importance for quasar observations with the Hubble Space Telescope and also with the future James Webb Space Telescope.Comment: kverner.gzip, 9 pages, f1-5.eps; aastex.cls; aastexug.sty, ApJL in pres

    Optical Versus Mid-Infrared Spectroscopic Classification of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies

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    The origin of huge infrared luminosities of ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIGs) is still in question. Recently, Genzel et al. made mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy of a large number of ULIGs and found that the major energy source in them is massive stars formed in the recent starburst activity; i.e., ∼\sim 70% -- 80% of the sample are predominantly powered by the starburst. However, it is known that previous optical spectroscopic observations showed that the majority of ULIGs are classified as Seyferts or LINERs (low-ionization nuclear emission-line regions). In order to reconcile this difference, we compare types of emission-line activity for a sample of ULIGs which have been observed in both optical and MIR. We confirm the results of previous studies that the majority of ULIGs classified as LINERs based on the optical emission-line diagnostics turn to be starburst-dominated galaxies based on the MIR ones. Since the MIR spectroscopy can probe more heavily-reddened, inner parts of the ULIGs, it is quite unlikely that the inner parts are powered by the starburst while the outer parts are powered by non-stellar ionization sources. The most probable resolution of this dilemma is that the optical emission-line nebulae with the LINER properties are powered predominantly by shock heating driven by the superwind activity; i.e., a blast wave driven by a collective effect of a large number of supernovae in the central region of galaxy mergers.Comment: 15 pages, 2 tables, and 3 eps figures. The Astrophysical Journal (Part 1), in pres

    High-growth firms: introduction to the special section

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    High-growth firms (HGFs) have attracted considerable attention recently, as academics and policymakers have increasingly recognized the highly skewed nature of many metrics of firm performance. A small number of HGFs drives a disproportionately large amount of job creation, while the average firm has a limited impact on the economy. This article explores the reasons for this increased interest, summarizes the existing literature, and highlights the methodological considerations that constrain and bias research. This special section draws attention to the importance of HGFs for future industrial performance, explores their unusual growth trajectories and strategies, and highlights the lack of persistence of high growth. Consequently, while HGFs are important for understanding the economy and developing public policy, they are unlikely to be useful vehicles for public policy given the difficulties involved in predicting which firms will grow, the lack of persistence in high growth levels, and the complex and often indirect relationship between firm capability, high growth, and macro-economic performance

    The alpha-gamma transition of Cerium is entropy-driven

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    We emphasize, on the basis of experimental data and theoretical calculations, that the entropic stabilization of the gamma-phase is the main driving force of the alpha-gamma transition of cerium in a wide temperature range below the critical point. Using a formulation of the total energy as a functional of the local density and of the f-orbital local Green's functions, we perform dynamical mean-field theory calculations within a new implementation based on the multiple LMTO method, which allows to include semi-core states. Our results are consistent with the experimental energy differences and with the qualitative picture of an entropy-driven transition, while also confirming the appearance of a stabilization energy of the alpha phase as the quasiparticle Kondo resonance develops.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Is the Mott transition relevant to f-electron metals ?

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    We study how a finite hybridization between a narrow correlated band and a wide conduction band affects the Mott transition. At zero temperature, the hybridization is found to be a relevant perturbation, so that the Mott transition is suppressed by Kondo screening. In contrast, a first-order transition remains at finite temperature, separating a local moment phase and a Kondo- screened phase. The first-order transition line terminates in two critical endpoints. Implications for experiments on f-electron materials such as the Cerium alloy Ce0.8_{0.8}La0.1_{0.1}Th0.1_{0.1} are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    A macro-realism inequality for opto-electro-mechanical systems

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    We show how to apply the Leggett-Garg inequality to opto-electro-mechanical systems near their quantum ground state. We find that by using a dichotomic quantum non-demolition measurement (via, e.g., an additional circuit-QED measurement device) either on the cavity or on the nanomechanical system itself, the Leggett-Garg inequality is violated. We argue that only measurements on the mechanical system itself give a truly unambigous violation of the Leggett-Garg inequality for the mechanical system. In this case, a violation of the Leggett-Garg inequality indicates physics beyond that of "macroscopic realism" is occurring in the mechanical system. Finally, we discuss the difficulties in using unbound non-dichotomic observables with the Leggett-Garg inequality.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. Added additional figure (2b), and associated conten

    Aperiodic tumbling of microrods advected in a microchannel flow

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    We report on an experimental investigation of the tumbling of microrods in the shear flow of a microchannel (40 x 2.5 x 0.4 mm). The rods are 20 to 30 microns long and their diameters are of the order of 1 micron. Images of the centre-of-mass motion and the orientational dynamics of the rods are recorded using a microscope equipped with a CCD camera. A motorised microscope stage is used to track individual rods as they move along the channel. Automated image analysis determines the position and orientation of a tracked rods in each video frame. We find different behaviours, depending on the particle shape, its initial position, and orientation. First, we observe periodic as well as aperiodic tumbling. Second, the data show that different tumbling trajectories exhibit different sensitivities to external perturbations. These observations can be explained by slight asymmetries of the rods. Third we observe that after some time, initially periodic trajectories lose their phase. We attribute this to drift of the centre of mass of the rod from one to another stream line of the channel flow.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, as accepted for publicatio

    Oscillator Strengths and Damping Constants for Atomic Lines in the J and H Bands

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    We have built a line list in the near-infrared J and H bands (1.00-1.34, 1.49-1.80 um) by gathering a series of laboratory and computed line lists. Oscillator strengths and damping constants were computed or obtained by fitting the solar spectrum. The line list presented in this paper is, to our knowledge, the most complete one now available, and supersedes previous lists.Comment: Accepted, Astrophysical Journal Supplement, tentatively scheduled for the Sep. 1999 Vol. 124 #1 issue. Text and tables also available at http://www.iagusp.usp.br/~jorge
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