29 research outputs found

    Secular trends: a ten-year comparison of the amount and type of physical activity and inactivity of random samples of adolescents in the Czech Republic

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    BACKGROUND: An optimal level of physical activity (PA) in adolescence influences the level of PA in adulthood. Although PA declines with age have been demonstrated repeatedly, few studies have been carried out on secular trends. The present study assessed levels, types and secular trends of PA and sedentary behaviour of a sample of adolescents in the Czech Republic. METHODS: The study comprised two cross-sectional cohorts of adolescents ten years apart. The analysis compared data collected through a week-long monitoring of adolescents' PA in 1998-2000 and 2008-2010. Adolescents wore either Yamax SW-701 or Omron HJ-105 pedometer continuously for 7 days (at least 10 hours per day) excluding sleeping, hygiene and bathing. They also recorded their number of steps per day, the type and duration of PA and sedentary behaviour (in minutes) on record sheets. In total, 902 adolescents (410 boys; 492 girls) aged 14-18 were eligible for analysis. RESULTS: Overweight and obesity in Czech adolescents participating in this study increased from 5.5% (older cohort, 1998-2000) to 10.4% (younger cohort, 2008-2010). There were no inter-cohort significant changes in the total amount of sedentary behaviour in boys. However in girls, on weekdays, there was a significant increase in the total duration of sedentary behaviour of the younger cohort (2008-2010) compared with the older one (1998-2000). Studying and screen time (television and computer) were among the main sedentary behaviours in Czech adolescents. The types of sedentary behaviour also changed: watching TV (1998-2000) was replaced by time spent on computers (2008-2010).The Czech health-related criterion (achieving 11,000 steps per day) decreased only in boys from 68% (1998-2000) to 55% (2008-2010). Across both genders, 55%-75% of Czech adolescents met the health-related criterion of recommended steps per day, however less participants in the younger cohort (2008-2010) met this criterion than in the older cohort (1998-2000) ten years ago. Adolescents' PA levels for the monitored periods of 1998-2000 and 2008-2010 suggest a secular decrease in the weekly number of steps achieved by adolescent boys and girls. CONCLUSION: In the younger cohort (2008-2010), every tenth adolescent was either overweight or obese; roughly twice the rate when compared to the older cohort (1998-2000). Sedentary behaviour seems relatively stable across the two cohorts as the increased time that the younger cohort (2008-2010) spent on computers is compensated with an equally decreased time spent watching TV or studying. Across both cohorts about half to three quarters of the adolescents met the health-related criterion for achieved number of steps. The findings show a secular decrease in PA amongst adolescents. The significant interaction effects (cohort × age; and cohort × gender) that this study found suggested that secular trends in PA differ by age and gender

    Dioksini i njihova toksičnost za ljude

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    The term dioxins usually refers to polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs). As 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) has the highest toxic potential, the toxic potentials of other PCDDs and PCDFs are defined in comparison with it. Human exposure to dioxins can be environmental (background), occupational, or accidental pollution. In the human body, dioxins are in part metabolised and eliminated, and the rest is stored in body fat. People vary in their capacity to eliminate TCDD, but it is also dose-dependent; the elimination rate is much faster at higher than lower levels. The liver microsomal P4501A1 enzyme oxygenates lipophilic chemicals such as dioxins. It is encoded by the CYP1A1 gene. Cytosolic aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) mediates their carcinogenic action. It binds to dioxin, translocates to nucleus and together with hydrocarbon nuclear translocator (ARNT) and xenobiotic responsive element (XRE) increases the expression of CYP1A1. Dioxins are classified as known human carcinogens, but they also cause noncancerous effects like atherosclerosis, hypertension, and diabetes. Long-term exposures to dioxins cause disruption of the nervous, immune, reproductive, and endocrine system. Short-term exposure to high levels impairs the liver function and causes chloracne. The most sensitive population to dioxin exposure are the foetuses and infants. A large number of health effects have been documented in the scientific literature, and they all place dioxins among the most toxic chemicals known to man.Dioksini su skupina kemijskih spojeva koji obuhvaćaju poliklorirane dibenzo-dioksine (PCDD) i poliklorirane dibenzo-furane (PCDF). Najveći toksični potencijal (faktor ekvivalentne toksičnosti) ima 2,3,7,8-TCDD, dok su toksični potencijali drugih PCDD i PCDF određeni u odnosu na njega. Izloženost dioksinima može biti izravna: izloženost dioksinima emitiranim u okoliš kao posljedica nesreće, profesionalna izloženost te neizravna, tzv. pozadinska. Nakon ulaska u ljudski organizam dioksini se djelomično metaboliziraju i eliminiraju, a ostatak se pohranjuje u adipozno tkivo. Postoji određena varijabilnost između ljudi u kapacitetu eliminacije TCDD. Eliminacija TCDD ovisna je o dozi – kod veće izloženosti (izloženost višim koncentracijama) brzina eliminacije je viša nego kod manje izloženosti (izloženost nižim koncentracijama). Enzim P4501A1 najvažniji je u oksigenaciji lipofi lnih supstrata poput dioksina. Kodiran je genom CYP1A1. AhR je stanični receptor koji djeluje kao transkripcijski faktor koji posreduje u njihovu karcinogenom učinku. AhR veže dioksin te se premješta u jezgru gdje zajedno s ARNT (engl. aryl hydrocarbon nuclear translocator) i XRE (engl. xenobiotic responsive element), smještenim u promotorskoj regiji gena za CYP1A1, uzrokuje povećani izražaj CYP1A1. Dioksini su karcinogeni spojevi, ali imaju i nekarcinogene učinke poput ateroskleroze, hipertenzije, dijabetesa, poremećaj živčanog, imunosnog, reproduktivnog i endokrinog sustava, posebice kod kronične izloženosti. Akutna izloženost uzrokuje oštećenja jetre i klorakne. Najosjetljivija skupina izloženosti dioksinu je dojenčad u prenatalnom i postnatalnom razdoblju. U znanstvenoj i stručnoj literaturi dokumentirani su brojni zdravstveni učinci kao posljedice izloženosti dioksinima te ih svi ističu kao jedne od najtoksičnijih kemijskih spojeva

    Occupational asthma follow-up — which markers are elevated in exhaled breath condensate and plasma?

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    Objectives: To search for optimal markers in the exhaled breath condensate (EBC), plasma and urine that would reflect the activity/ severity of occupational asthma (OA) after the withdrawal from the exposure to the allergen. Material and Methods: Markers of oxidative stress: 8-iso-prostaglandin F2α (8-isoprostane, 8-ISO), malondialdehyde (MDA), 4-hydroxy-trans-2-nonenale (HNE), cysteinyl leukotrienes (LT) and LTB4 were determined using liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry in 43 subjects with immunological OA (49.3±11.8 years), removed from the exposure to the sensitizing agent 10.5±6.5 years ago; and in 20 healthy subjects (49.0±14.9 years). EBC was harvested both before and after the methacholine challenge test. In parallel, identical markers were collected in plasma and urine. The results were analyzed together with forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), blood eosinophils, immunoglobulin E (IgE) and eosinophilic cationic protein (ECP) and statistically evaluated (Spearman rank correlation rS, two- or one-sample t tests and alternatively Kruskal Wallis or pair Wilcoxon tests). Results: Several parameters of lung functions were lower in the patients (FEV1% predicted, MEF25% and MEF50%, Rtot%, p < 0.001). Shorter time interval since the removal from the allergen exposure correlated with higher ECP (rS = 0.375) and lower FEV1%, MEF25% and MEF50% after methacholine challenge (rS = -0.404, -0.425 and -0.532, respectively). In the patients, IgE (p < 0.001) and ECP (p = 0.009) was increased compared to controls. In EBC, 8-ISO and cysteinyl LTs were elevated in the asthmatics initially and after the challenge. Initial 8-ISO in plasma correlated negatively with FEV1 (rS = -0.409) and with methacholine PD20 (rS = -0.474). 8-ISO in plasma after the challenge correlated with IgE (rS = 0.396). Conclusions: The improvement in OA is very slow and objective impairments persist years after removal from the exposure. Cysteinyl LTs and 8-ISO in EBC and 8-ISO in plasma might enrich the spectrum of useful objective tests for the follow-up of OA

    Silicosis and oxidative stress

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    In this work was studied silicosis and oxidative stress

    10-year monitoring of oxidative stress in people professionally exposed to nanoparticles using non-invasive methods

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    Elemental contents were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM /EDS). The total particle number concentration \nranged from 1.98x104 to 5.4x105/cm3 and the nanoparticle fraction was 40-95%. Panels of oxidative stress biomarkers in the form of lipids, nucleic acids and protein damage were analyzed in exhaled breath condensate (EBC), plasma and urine pre-shift and post-shift using liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS /MS). Markers for oxidation of lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins in EBC and plasma were already elevated in pre-shift samples (p < 0.05) of workers compared to controls and showed additional post-shift elevation. The best time to collect all samples is post-shift at the end of the work week. Then, markers of oxidative stress in all three \nbiological fluids, including urine, reflect both acute (cross-shift) and chronic effects of exposure

    Markers of Oxidative Stress are Elevated in Workers Exposed to Nanoparticles

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    Health-effects of nanoparticles in humans are little understood. Pre-shift and post-shift spirometry, markers in exhaled breath condensate (EBC), and fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) were measured both in 20 workers exposed to TiO2 aerosol and 19 controls. Particle number size distributions were monitored by aerosol spectrometers SMPS and APS, covering the overall size range 15 nm-10 μm. Simultaneously, the spatial distributions of total particle number and mass concentrations were determined using a particle number concentration monitor (P-TRAK) and a monitor of particle mass concentrations (DustTRAK DRX). Total aerosol concentrations in the production plant varied greatly in both space and time; number concentrations 1x104-2x105 particles/cm3 and mass concentrations 0.1-30 mg/m3. In the workshops, 90% of the particles were smaller than 100 nm in diameter and particle concentrations were 10x higher than in the control room

    Oxidative stress in pneumoconiosis

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    Arachidonic acid, its derivatives, 8-izoprostane and some leukotriens were determined in exhaled breath condensate people in pneumoconiosis and control group in aim to reveal the correlation between exposition and some markers

    Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Researches Exposed to Nanoparticles by Inhalation During the Handling of Nanocomposites.

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    At present, little is known about the health effects in the workers processing nanocomposites. In our study, 20 researchers (41.8 +/- 11.4 y/o), handling nanocomposites for 17.8 +/- 10.0 years were examined pre-shift and post-shift, together with 21 controls (42.7 +/- 11.5 y/o). Biomarkers of oxidative stress derived from lipids, nucleic acids, proteins and markers of inflammation were analyzed in the exhaled breath condensate (EBC). Aerosol exposure was monitored during three nanoparticle generation operations: smelting, welding and nanocomposite machining. Mass concentrations during these operations ranged from 0.120 to 1.840 mg/m(3), and median particle number concentrations from 4.8x10(4) to 5.4x10(5) particles/cm(3). Nanoparticles accounted for 40 to 95 % of particles, with Fe and Mn prevailing. Significant elevations were already seen in most oxidative stress markers and in several inflammation markers in the pre-shift samples relative to the controls. Significant associations were found between working in nanocomposite synthesis and the majority of EBC biomarkers. Chronic bronchitis was more frequent in researchers. A minor, but significant post-shift decrease of lung function parameters was found. We conclude that workers in nanocomposite synthesis may be at risk of developing airway disorders with time. From all the markers analyzed in EBC, the following markers were most robust and could be recommended for preventive examinations: 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) and 5-hydroxymethyl uracil (5-OHMeU) from nucleic acids, o-tyrosine (o-Tyr) and 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NOTyr) from proteins, and malondialdehyde and aldehydes C6-C13 from lipids. Among the markers of inflammation, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and leukotriene B4 appeared to be the most useful