289 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of boundary controls in parabolic systems

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    In the paper, an inverse dynamic problem is considered. It consists in reconstructing a priori unknown boundary controls in dynamical systems described by boundary value problems for partial differential equations of parabolic type. The source information for solving the inverse problem is the results of approximate measurements of the states of the observed system's motion. The problem is solved in the static case; i. e., to solve it, we use all the measurement data accumulated during some specified observation interval. The problem under consideration is ill-posed. To solve it, we propose the Tikhonov method with a stabilizer containing the sum of the mean-square norm and total time variation of the control. The use of such nondifferentiable stabilizer allows us to obtain more precise results than the approximation of the desired control in the Lebesgue spaces. In particular, this method provides the pointwise and piecewise uniform convergences of regularized approximations and makes possible the numerical reconstruction of the subtle structure of the desired control. In the paper, the subgradient projection method for obtaining a minimizing sequence for the Tikhonov functional is described and substantiated. Also, we demonstrate the two-stage finitedimensional approximation of the problem and present the results of numerical simulation. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Asymmetric Faraday Effect in a Magnetophotonic Crystal

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    It is widely known that the magneto-optical Faraday effect is linear in magnetization and therefore the Faraday angles for the states with opposite magnetizations are of opposite sign but equal in modulus. Here we experimentally study propagation of light through a one-dimensional all-garnet magnetophotonic crystal to demonstrate an asymmetric Faraday effect (AFE) for which Faraday angles for opposite magnetic states differ not only in sign but in the absolute value as well. AFE appears in the vicinity of the cavity resonance for an oblique incidence of light which plane of polarization is inclined to the incidence plane. Under proper incidence and polarization angles the magnitude of AFE could be very large reaching 30% of the absolute value of the Faraday effect. The effect originates from the difference in Q-factors for p- and s- polarized cavity modes that breaks the symmetry between the two opposite directions of polarization rotation. The discovered AFE is of prime importance for nanoscale magnonics and optomagnetism.Comment: Supplementary information provided after the main tex

    Surfaces, depths and hypercubes: Meyerholdian scenography and the fourth dimension

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    An appreciation of Meyerhold’s engagement with theatrical space is fundamental to understanding his directorial and pedagogic practice. This article begins by establishing Meyerhold’s theoretical and practical engagement with theatre as a fundamentally scenographic process, arguing for a reconceptualisation of the director as ‘director-scenographer’. Focusing on the construction of depth and surface in Meyerholdian theatre, the article goes on to identify trends in the director’s approach to space, with an emphasis on the de-naturalisation of depth on stage. This denaturalisation is seen as taking three forms: the rejection of depth as a prerequisite in theatrical space, the acknowledgement of the two-dimensional surface as surface, and the restructuring of depth space into a series of restricted planes. The combination of these trends indicates a consistent and systematic process of experimentation in Meyerhold’s work. In addition, this emphasis on depth and surface, and the interaction between the two, also highlights the contextualisation of Meyerhold’s practice within the visual, philosophical and scientific culture of the early twentieth century, echoing the innovations in n-dimensional geometry and particularly, the model of the fourth spatial dimension seen in the work of Russian philosopher P. D. Ouspensky


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    All lymphoid cells are referred to as an innate or adaptive immunity unit in terms of the mechanisms of performing immune reactions. The functional activity of natural killer (NK) cells is not associated with pre-activation processes resulting from contact with antigen, rearrangement of antigen-recognition receptor genes, and clonal proliferation. In this regard, NK cells are traditionally referred to as cells of innate immunity. Previously, it was believed that NK cells represent the only population of innate immunity lymphoid cells, but, more recently, there has been increasing evidence in the literature concerning existence of different populations of these cells, thus serving a basis for isolating a common cluster called Innate Lymphoid Cells (ILC). According to the ILC classification, NK cells are classified as the first group of innate lymphoid cells according to their overall functional characteristics, as well as contribution of the T-bet transcription factor to their differentiation. Complexity, multistage and partially nonlinear character of NK cell differentiation are associated with influence of the cellular microenvironment, consistent expression of transcription factors and activation of various intracellular signaling pathways in NK cells. The review considers positioning of NK cells in the ILC classification, the main transcription factors involved in NK cell differentiation. The authors are seeking for generalization of the major routes of intracellular signal transmission in NK cells depending on their activation by cytokines located in the cellular microenvironment and affecting NK cells. The decidual NK cells during pregnancy represent a special object of NK cell differentiation. Stromal cells, trophoblast cells and macrophages are present in the decidua, in addition to NK cells. The review concerns a special case of microenvironmental effects upon expression of transcription factors and activation of NK intracellular messengers, while considering trophoblast cells an example of such influences. The recently discovered variety of NK cells, induced by the microenvironment in the course of their differentiation, requires further study


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    This article describes a new approach to the diagnosis of esthesioneuroblastoma. The classical algorithm examination included the whole body 99mTc-MIBI scans and SPECT/CT of the head. There is no data on this method of diagnosis of esthesioneuroblastoma in the scientific literature. A qualitative visualization of the primary tumor and its recurrence after multimodality treatment was reached. SPECT/CT with 99mTc-MIBI is a promising method for detecting esthesioneuroblastoma, however further studies are required

    Decidual natural killer cells and trophoblast cells: cellular, humoral and molecular mechanisms of interaction

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    Natural killer cells (NK cells) represent a group of lymphocytes of innate immunity. In addition to NK cells of peripheral blood, tissue-resident populations are described. NK cells of the decidual envelope (decidual NK cells) represent one of the local NK cell populations. Decidual NK cells differ in phenotype and function from peripheral blood NK cells. These cells have, mainly, regulatory functions. At the same time they retain the ability to perform cytotoxic effects. In the uterus, NK cells are located closely to the cells of fetal origin, i.e., trophoblast cells, which differentiate from the outer layer of the invading blastocyst. The purpose of the review article was to analyze the literature data on the studies of the molecular interactions between NK cells and trophoblast cells, as well as potential means of regulating these interactions. The review presents currently available data on receptor-mediated effects (due to adhesion molecules and cytotoxic receptors) and distant interactions (involving cytokines, chemokines and growth factors secreted by the both cell types) between NK population and trophoblast cells. The receptors regulating contacts of NK cells and trophoblast cells with extracellular matrix are also considered. The review provides information on activation of signaling pathways in NK cells and trophoblast cells resulting from their interaction with each other and components of the extracellular matrix. Currently, the molecular mechanisms regulating the NK cell functions and their interaction with trophoblast cells have not been studied sufficiently. The authors attempted to consider molecular regulation of the functional activity of NK cells mediated by the molecular complex of RNA polymerase II. We also describe participation of cyclin-dependent CDK8/19 kinases which comprise a part of the mediator complex which provides functioning of immune cells. The data on the participation of CDK8/19 in regulation of intracellular signaling pathways, as well as influence of CDK8/19 on the NK cell functions, are considered. Summarizing the data presented in the literature, one may emphasize that there is an extensive mutual influence of NK cells and trophoblast cells in decidual lining of uterus during pregnancy, thus leading to a changes in phenotype and functions of these cells. Experimental studies are required on the contribution of molecular mechanisms involved in transcription and translation processes to the biology of NK cells, and their role in maintaining interactions between NK cells and trophoblast cells, including the pathways involving CDK8/19

    Algorithm for selecting the winning strategies in the processes of managing the state of the system "supplier - consumer" in the presence of aggressive competitor

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    Algorithm for selecting the winning strategies in the processes of managing the state of the system "supplier - consumer" in the presence of aggressive competitor / O. Domina, D. Lunin, O. Barabash, O. Balynska, Y. Paida, L. Mikhailova, O. Niskhodovska // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2018. – № 6 (3-96). – Р. 48-61. – DOI: https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2018.152793 Domina, O., Lunin, D., Barabash, O., Balynska, O., Paida, Y., Mikhailova, L., & Niskhodovska, O. (2018). Algorithm for selecting the winning strategies in the processes of managing the state of the system "supplier – consumer" in the presence of aggressive competitor. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(3 (96), 48–61. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2018.152793Розглянуто проблему, пов'язану з пошуком оптимальної стратегiї цiноутворення компанiєю-постачальником у разi появи у неї конкурента, що пропонує нижчу цiну продукцiї. Виникнення такої проблеми породжує необхiднiсть пошуку оптимального шляху зниження своєї вiдпускної цiни, з метою не програти в агресивному конкурентному середовищi, що формується новими гравцями, що заходять на ринок зi свiдомо кращими пропозицiями. Для вирiшення цiєї проблеми розроблено алгоритм вибору виграшних стратегiй на основi оцiнювання стратегiчних можливостей конкурента в умовах невизначеностi. Запропоновано для оцiнки вартостi товару в системi «постачальник - споживач» використовувати поняття масштабу l-го рiвня. Показано, що при такому поданнi стає можливою безрозмiрна оцiнка цiноутворення товару, незалежно вiд його виду або натурального грошового вираження. Для формалiзованого опису вiдносин компанiї-постачальника i компанiї-конкурента запропоновано використання теорiї стратегiчних iгор, матриця гри в якiй формується на основi унiверсальних рiвнянь регресiї. Особливiстю запропонованих рiшень є те, що значення виграшу в матрицi гри визначається рiшенням оптимiзацiйної задачi на основi рiвняння регресiї, що описує вплив транспортних витрат, прибутку та податку на додану вартiсть (VAT) на цiну гри. Встановлено, що при такому описi має мiсце гра з сiдловою точкою i чистої цiною гри z=-0,5. На пiдставi математичного моделювання встановлено, що вибiр компанiї-постачальника обмежується стратегiями, в якiй власний прибуток має знаходитися поблизу середнього або мiнiмально можливого значення. Розроблено прогнозна модель стратегiчних можливостей конкурента в системi «постчальник - споживач», що представляє собою унiверсальне рiвняння регресiї. На пiдставi нього може бути зроблено коригування чисельних показникiв компонентiв цiноутворення товару. Показано, що таке коригування допускає наявнiсть декiлькох альтернатив, якi зводять до нуля переваги конкурента. Обґрунтовано обмеження на одержуванi рiшення, пов'язанi з двома обставинами: припущенні про точнiсть визначення компонентiв цiноутворення у конкурента i наявнiстю особливостей оподаткування в мiжнародних вантажоперевезеннях. The issue examined in this work relates to the search for an optimal pricing strategy by an enterprise-supplier in case it faces a new competitor that offers products at a lower price. The emergence of such a problem necessitates looking for a rational way to reduce its selling price, in order to prevent losing in an aggressive competitive environment, formed by new players entering the market with proposals that are obviously better. To resolve this problem, we have developed an algorithm for selecting the winning strategies based on the estimation of strategic capabilities of a competitor under conditions of uncertainty. It has been proposed, in order to assess the cost of a product in the system "supplier-consumer", to apply the concept of the l- level scale. It is shown that, given such a representation, it becomes possible to employ a dimensionless estimation of product pricing, regardless of its type or natural cash value. For a formalized description of relations between an enterprise- supplier and a competing company, it is proposed to use the theory of strategic games, in which a game matrix is built based on universal regression equations. A feature of the proposed solutions is that the value of winning in the game matrix is defined by solving an optimization problem based on the regression equation that describes the impact of transportation costs, profit, and a value-added tax (VAT) on the price of the game. It has been established that, given such a description, the game that is played has a saddle point with the net price of the game z=-0.5. Based on mathematical modelling, it was established that the selection of a supplier company is limited by strategies at which own profit must be close to the average or the minimally possible value. We have constructed a predictive model for strategic opportunities of a competitor in the system "supplier-consumer", representing a universal regression equation. Based on it, an adjustment of numerical indicators for the components in product pricing can be made. It is shown that such an adjustment allows the existence of multiple alternatives, neutralizing competitor's advantages. We have substantiated constraints for the solutions derived, related to two factors: an assumption about the accuracy of determining the pricing components of a competitor, and the presence of taxation specificity in international cargo transportation. Рассмотрена проблема, связанная с поиском оптимальной стратегии ценообразования компанией-поставщиком при появлении у нее конкурента, предлагающего более низкую цену продукции. Возникновение такой проблемы порождает необходимость поиска оптимального пути снижения своей отпускной цены, с целью не проиграть в агрессивной конкурентной среде, формируемой новыми игроками, которые заходят на рынок со заведомо лучшими предложениями. Для решения этой проблемы разработан алгоритм выбора выигрышных стратегий на основе оценки стратегических возможностей конкурента в условиях неопределенности. Предложено для оценки стоимости товара в системе «поставщик - потребитель» использовать понятие масштаба l-го уровня. Показано, что при таком представлении становится возможным безразмерная оценка ценообразования товара, независимо от его вида или натурального денежного выражения. Для формализованного описания отношений компании-поставщика и компании-конкурента предложено использование теории стратегических игр, матрица игры в которой формируется на основе универсальных уравнений регрессии. Особенностью предложенных решений является то, что значение выигрыша в матрице игры определяется решением оптимизационной задачи на основе уравнения регрессии, описывающей влияние транспортных расходов, прибыли и налога на добавленную стоимость (VAT) на цену игры. Установлено, что при таком описании имеет место игра с седельной точкой и чистой ценой игры z=-0,5. На основании математического моделирования установлено, что выбор компании-поставщика ограничивается стратегиями, в которых собственная прибыль должна находиться вблизи от среднего или минимально возможного значения. Разработана прогнозная модель стратегических возможностей конкурента в системе «поставщик – потребитель», представляющая собой универсальное уравнение регрессии. На основании него может быть произведена корректировка численных показателей компонентов ценообразования товара. Показано, что такая корректировка допускает наличие нескольких альтернатив, сводящих к нулю преимущества конкурента. Обоснованы ограничения на получаемые решения, связанные с двумя обстоятельствами: предположение о точности определения компонентов ценообразования у конкурента и наличие особенностей налогообложения в международных грузоперевозках

    Pregnancy, childbirth and perinatal outcomes in isthmic-cervical insufficiency, depending on the method of delivery

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    Introduction. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency (ICI) continues to be one of the main causes of miscarriage and premature birth (PB), contributing to the growth of reproductive losses and directly affecting the indicators of perinatal morbidity and mortality.Objective of the study – to study the features of the course of pregnancy, childbirth and perinatal outcomes in ICI, depending on the method of delivery.Material and methods. A retrospective analysis of birth histories (n = 144) with a diagnosis of Isthmic-cervical insufficiency was carried out, for the period from 2015 to 2020. 102 pregnant women who delivered through the natural birth canal (70.8%) made up group 1, and 42 women whose births ended with cesarean section (29.2%) made up group 2. The control groups included patients with a singleton uncomplicated pregnancy, which ended with an emergency delivery through the natural birth canal (group 3 – n = 96) and by caesarean section (group 4 – n = 58). Anamnestic data, peculiarities of the course of pregnancy, childbirth and perinatal outcomes were studied in detail. Statistical analysis was carried out using the programs Excel MS Office Professional and STATISTICA 7.0.Results and discussion. ICI is more common in repeat-bearing women with a male fetus (p < 0.001), with a burdened obstetric and gynecological history, concomitant extragenital pathology, over the age of 30 years. In PB, conservative management of the birth act prevails against the background of ICI (70.8%) (p >< 0.001). The choice of delivery method in ICI determines the gestation period, fetal condition, the occurrence of urgent obstetric complications and premature rupture of fetal membranes. With ICI, the birth of children in a state of asphyxia prevails (p >< 0.001). With operative delivery, the probability of diagnosing mild asphyxia (1.3 times) and respiratory distress syndrome (2 times) increases. With conservative management of childbirth against the background of ICI in newborns, the frequency of grade I cerebral ischemia increases significantly (by 5 times) (p >< 0.001). Conclusion. The results of the study once again confirmed the significant importance of the ICI in the implementation of PB, which dictates the need for further study of this problem to improve the quality of care for pregnant women and improve perinatal outcomes. >< 0.001), with a burdened obstetric and gynecological history, concomitant extragenital pathology, over the age of 30 years. In PB, conservative management of the birth act prevails against the background of ICI (70.8%) (p < 0.001). The choice of delivery method in ICI determines the gestation period, fetal condition, the occurrence of urgent obstetric complications and premature rupture of fetal membranes. With ICI, the birth of children in a state of asphyxia prevails (p >< 0.001). With operative delivery, the probability of diagnosing mild asphyxia (1.3 times) and respiratory distress syndrome (2 times) increases. With conservative management of childbirth against the background of ICI in newborns, the frequency of grade I cerebral ischemia increases significantly (by 5 times) (p >< 0.001). Conclusion. The results of the study once again confirmed the significant importance of the ICI in the implementation of PB, which dictates the need for further study of this problem to improve the quality of care for pregnant women and improve perinatal outcomes.>< 0.001). The choice of delivery method in ICI determines the gestation period, fetal condition, the occurrence of urgent obstetric complications and premature rupture of fetal membranes. With ICI, the birth of children in a state of asphyxia prevails (p < 0.001). With operative delivery, the probability of diagnosing mild asphyxia (1.3 times) and respiratory distress syndrome (2 times) increases. With conservative management of childbirth against the background of ICI in newborns, the frequency of grade I cerebral ischemia increases significantly (by 5 times) (p >< 0.001). Conclusion. The results of the study once again confirmed the significant importance of the ICI in the implementation of PB, which dictates the need for further study of this problem to improve the quality of care for pregnant women and improve perinatal outcomes.><  0.001). With operative delivery, the probability of diagnosing mild asphyxia (1.3 times) and respiratory distress syndrome (2 times) increases. With conservative management of childbirth against the background of ICI in newborns, the frequency of grade I cerebral ischemia increases significantly (by 5 times) (p < 0.001). Conclusion. The results of the study once again confirmed the significant importance of the ICI in the implementation of PB, which dictates the need for further study of this problem to improve the quality of care for pregnant women and improve perinatal outcomes.>< 0.001).Conclusion. The results of the study once again confirmed the significant importance of the ICI in the implementation of PB, which dictates the need for further study of this problem to improve the quality of care for pregnant women and improve perinatal outcomes

    A rare splice site mutation in the gene encoding glucokinase/hexokinase 4 in a patient with MODY type 2

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    The article presents a variant of maturity onset diabetes of the young type 2, caused by a rare mutation in the GCK gene. Maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY) is a hereditary form of diabetes with an autosomal dominant type of inheritance, an onset at a young age, and a primary defect in pancreatic β-cell function. This type of diabetes is different from classical types of diabetes mellitus (DM1 and DM2) in its clinical course, treatment strategies, and prognosis. Clinical manifestations of MODY are heterogeneous and may vary even among members of the same family, i. e., carriers of identical mutations. This phenotypic variation is due to the interaction of mutations with different genetic backgrounds and the influence of environmental factors (e. g., lifestyle). Using next-generation sequencing technology, the c.580–1G>A substitution (IVS5 –1G>A, rs1554335421) located in an acceptor splice site of intron 5 of the GCK gene was found in a proband. The identified variant cosegregated with a pathological phenotype in the examined family members. The GCK gene encodes glucokinase (hexokinase 4), which catalyzes the first step in a large number of glucose metabolic pathways such as glycolysis. Mutations in this gene are the cause of MODY2. The illness is characterized by an insignificant increase in the fasting glucose level, is a well-controlled disease without medication, and has a low prevalence of micro- and macrovascular complications of diabetes. The presented case of MODY2 reveals the clinical significance of a mutation in the splice site of the GCK gene. When nonclassical diabetes mellitus is being diagnosed in young people and pregnant women, genetic testing is needed to verify the diagnosis and to select the optimal treatment method

    Screening of West Siberian patients with primary congenital glaucoma for CYP1B1 gene mutations

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    Primary congenital glaucoma (PСG) is a visual organ pathology that leads to progressive blindness and poor vision in children. Its main cause is an anomaly of the anterior chamber angle. Most cases of PСG are sporadic, but familial cases with an autosomal recessive (predominantly) and autosomal dominant (rare) type of inheritance have been described. Congenital glaucoma is a rare condition (1 case per 10,000–20,000 newborns), but its prevalence is substantially higher (up to 1 case per 250 newborns) in countries where consanguineous marriages are common. Mutations in the CYP1B1 gene, which encodes cytochrome P450 1B1, are the most common cause of autosomal recessive primary congenital glaucoma. This enzyme is known to be involved in retinoic acid metabolism and is necessary for normal eye development. The aim of this work was to assess the polymorphism of the CYP1B1 gene among West Siberian patients with primary congenital glaucoma. Direct automatic Sanger sequencing of exons and adjacent splicing sites of the CYP1B1 gene was carried out in 28 people with the PCG phenotype from a West Siberian region. As a result, in the sample of the white population we examined, pathogenic variants previously described in other ethnic groups were revealed: E387K (rs55989760), R444* (rs377049098), R444Q (rs72549376), and P437L (rs56175199), as well as novel single-nucleotide deletion p.F114Lfs*38 in the CYP1B1 gene. The latter can cause a frame shift, changed amino acid composition, and a formation of truncated in the protein. None of the detected mutations were found in the control sample of ophthalmologically examined individuals without PCG (100 people). Variants R444* (rs377049098) and R444Q (rs72549376) were not found in the general population sample either (576 randomly selected West Siberia residents). All the detected mutations caused the development of the autosomal recessive form of primary congenital glaucoma. The most severe clinical phenotype was observed in carriers of mutations in codon 444 of the gene. Consequently, in children with signs of increased intraocular pressure, molecular genetic analysis of the CYP1B1 gene is advisable for early diagnosis and timely initiation of PCG therapy