10 research outputs found

    Instantaneous PIV data related to the leakage flow of a low-speed axial-flow fan with rotating shroud

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    The present paper is companion to Large-scale unsteady flow structures in the leakage flow of a low-speed axial fan with rotating shroud, Canepa et al., 2019. Two-dimensional PIV has been used in order to investigate the leakage flow in a low-speed fan with rotating shroud at three operating conditions. The reported data are constituted by about 3000 instantaneous meridional velocity fields, which are statistically independent. Each velocity field contains 41 7 55 velocity values deployed on a rectangular grid. In order to allow taking ensemble averages of the data, each velocity field has been assigned to a 4-deg bin in the rotor reference. The data are particularly valuable, since no data of this kind and detail have been made available to the scientific community yet


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    Nel presente lavoro vengono dapprima descritte le criticit\ue0 esistenti nel progetto di nuovi ventilatori assiali: soddisfacimento delle prestazioni aerodinamiche richieste e dei parametri acustici limite definiti per lo spettro. Vengono poi analizzati i principali contributi al rumore generato: componenti tonali (turbolenza di grande scala all\u2019ingresso e interazione rotore statore), componenti broadband (turbolenza di piccola scala), e loro fluttuazioni durante le rampe di avviamento e di cambio del punto di funzionamento (effetti di propagazione). Infine, viene mostrato come, nella fase progettuale, disegno aerodinamico della pala, metodi di previsione del rumore generato e calcoli CFD debbano alternarsi prima di giungere alla realizzazione di un prototipo da provare in camera anecoica e al banco prova portata. Al fine di realizzare un ventilatore ottimizzato aerodinamicamente e aeroacusticamente, \ue8 necessario introdurre accorgimenti progettuali consistenti in un opportuno disegno aerodinamico delle pale, nella scelta della loro spaziatura circonferenziale ed in un\u2019adeguata disegnazione dei componenti fissi dell\u2019elettroventilatore. Un ventilatore progettato con questo approccio, sommariamente descritto nel presente lavoro, \ue8 attualmente in produzione

    Methods of identification and dosage of thyreostatic substances in bovine aliments

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    Des essais d'identification et de dosage de substances thyrĂ©ostatiques sont effectuĂ©s Ă  partir d'aliments en poudre pour bovins. Parmi les trois mĂ©thodes utilisĂ©es, la chromatographic liquide Ă  haute performance apparaĂźt ĂȘtre la plus appropriĂ©e Ă  la dĂ©tection de telles substances. Dans cette Ă©tude, elle est appliquĂ©e au MĂ©thyl-Thiouracile mais peut aussi ĂȘtre employĂ©e pour les autres composĂ©s thyrĂ©ostatiques suscep tibles d’ĂȘtre introduits en fraude dans les aliments pour bĂ©tail.Trials for identification and quantity determination of thyreostatic compounds are experimented on bovine alimentary powders. Among the three methods considered, the high performance liquid chromatography seems to be the most appropriate to the detection of such substances. In this study, this method is applied to the Methyl-Thioura- cil but is also suitable for the thyreostatics compounds witch may be added by fraud in the cattle's food

    Newly-diagnosed diabetes and admission hyperglycemia predict COVID-19 severity by aggravating respiratory deterioration

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    Aims: We investigated whether pre-existing diabetes, newly-diagnosed diabetes, and admission hyperglycemia were associated with COVID-19 severity independently from confounders. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed data on patients with COVID-19 hospitalized between February and April 2020 in an outbreak hospital in North-East Italy. Pre-existing diabetes was defined by self-reported history, electronic medical records, or ongoing medications. Newly-diagnosed diabetes was defined by HbA1c and fasting glucose. The primary outcome was a composite of ICU admission or death. Results: 413 subjects were included, 107 of whom (25.6%) had diabetes, including 21 newly-diagnosed. Patients with diabetes were older and had greater comorbidity burden. The primary outcome occurred in 37.4% of patients with diabetes compared to 20.3% in those without (RR 1.85; 95%C.I. 1.33\u20132.57; p < 0.001). The association was stronger for newly-diagnosed compared to pre-existing diabetes (RR 3.06 vs 1.55; p = 0.004). Higher glucose level at admission was associated with COVID-19 severity, with a stronger association among patients without as compared to those with pre-existing diabetes (interaction p < 0.001). Admission glucose was correlated with most clinical severity indexes and its association with adverse outcome was mostly mediated by a worse respiratory function. Conclusion: Newly-diagnosed diabetes and admission hyperglycemia are powerful predictors of COVID-19 severity due to rapid respiratory deterioration

    Vicinanze abissali. Ascoltare il presente - riscrivere il passato

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    Il rapporto di un presente dato con la tradizione non Ăš mai innocente; si tratta sempre di una costruzione e quindi la tradizione e il passato di volta in volta vincolanti per un dato presente sono in realtĂ  costruzioni di questo stesso presente. Tale rapporto e un possibile rapporto critico in vista della costruzione di una cultura veramente umana vengono esaminati attraverso l'analisi di alcuni compositori, tra i quali Webern, Stravinskij e Berio