34 research outputs found

    Investigation of nonlinear absorption processes with femtosecond light pulses in lithium niobate crystals

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    The propagation of high-power femtosecond light pulses in lithium niobate crystals (LiNbO3) is investigated experimentally and theoretically in collinear pump-probe transmission experiments. It is found within a wide intensity range that a strong decrease of the pump transmission coefficient at wavelength 388 nm fully complies with the model of two-photon absorption; the corresponding nonlinear absorption coefficient is betap~=3.5 cm/GW. Furthermore, strong pump pulses induce a considerable absorption for the probe at 776 nm. The dependence of the probe transmission coefficient on the time delay Deltat between probe and pump pulses is characterized by a narrow dip (at Deltat~=0) and a long (on the picosecond time scale) lasting plateau. The dip is due to direct two-photon transitions involving pump and probe photons; the corresponding nonlinear absorption coefficient is betar~=0.9 cm/GW. The plateau absorption is caused by the presence of pump-excited charge carriers; the effective absorption cross section at 776 nm is sigmar~=8×10^–18 cm^2. The above nonlinear absorption parameters are not strongly polarization sensitive. No specific manifestations of the relaxation of hot carriers are found for a pulse duration of ~=0.24 ps

    Femtosecond time-resolved absorption processes in lithium niobate crystals

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    emtosecond pump pulses are strongly attenuated in lithium niobate owing to two-photon absorption; the relevant nonlinear coefficient beta_p ranges from ~3.5 cm/GW for lambda_p = 388 nm to ~0.1 cm/GW for 514 nm. In collinear pump-probe experiments the probe transmission at the double pump wavelength 2lambda_p=776 nm is controlled by two different processes: A direct absorption process involving pump and probe photons (beta_r ~ or = 0.9 cm/GW) leads to a pronounced short-duration transmission dip, whereas the probe absorption by pump-excited charge carriers results in a long-duration plateau. Coherent pump-probe interactions are of no importance. Hot-carrier relaxation occurs on the time scale of < or ~0.1 ps

    Untwisting of a cholesteric elastomer by a mechanical field

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    A mechanical strain field applied to a monodomain cholesteric elastomer will unwind the helical director distribution. There is an analogy with the classical problem of an electric field applied to a cholesteric liquid crystal, but with important differences. Frank elasticity is of minor importance unless the gel is very weak. The interplay is between director anchoring to the rubber elastic matrix and the external mechanical field. Stretching perpendicular to the helix axis induces the uniform unwound state via the elimination of sharp, pinned twist walls above a critical strain. Unwinding through conical director states occurs when the elastomer is stretched along the helical axis.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX 3 style, 3 EPS figure

    Investigation of nonlinear absorption processes with femtosecond light pulses in lithium niobate crystals

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    The propagation of high-power femtosecond light pulses in lithium niobate crystals (LiNbO3) is investigated experimentally and theoretically in collinear pump-probe transmission experiments. It is found within a wide intensity range that a strong decrease of the pump transmission coefficient at wavelength 388nm fully complies with the model of two-photon absorption; the corresponding nonlinear absorption coefficient is Ipa3.5cmaGW. Furthermore, strong pump pulses induce a considerable absorption for the probe at 776nm. The dependence of the probe transmission coefficient on the time delay It between probe and pump pulses is characterized by a narrow dip (at Ita0) and a long (on the picosecond time scale) lasting plateau. The dip is due to direct two-photon transitions involving pump and probe photons; the corresponding nonlinear absorption coefficient is Ira0.9cmaGW. The plateau absorption is caused by the presence of pump-excited charge carriers; the effective absorption cross section at 776nm is Ïra8 -10a18cm2. The above nonlinear absorption parameters are not strongly polarization sensitive. No specific manifestations of the relaxation of hot carriers are found for a pulse duration of 0.24ps. © 2005 The American Physical Society

    Femtosecond time-resolved absorption processes in lithium niobate crystals

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    Femtosecond pump pulses are strongly attenuated in lithium niobate owing to two-photon absorption; the relevant nonlinear coefficient beta(p) ranges from similar to 3.5 cm/GW for lambda(p) = 388 nm to similar to 0.1 cm/GW for 514 nm. In collinear pump-probe experiments the probe transmission at the double pump wavelength 2 lambda(p) = 776 nm is controlled by two different processes: A direct absorption process involving pump and probe photons (,8, similar or equal to 0.9 cm/GW) leads to a pronounced short-duration transmission dip, whereas the probe absorption by pump-excited charge carriers results in a long-duration plateau. Coherent pump-probe interactions are of no importance. Hot-carrier relaxation occurs on the time scale of less than or similar to 0.1 ps. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America

    Enhanced temporal resolution in femtosecond dynamic-grating experiments

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    Recording of gratings by interference of two pump pulses and diffraction of a third probe pulse is useful for investigating ultrafast material phenomena. We demonstrate, in theory and experiment, that the temporal resolution in such configurations does not degrade appreciably even for large angular separation between the pump pulses. Transient Kerr gratings are generated inside calcium fluoride (Ca F2) crystals by two interfering femtosecond (pump) pulses at 388 nm and read out by a Bragg-matched probe pulse at 776 nm. The solution to the relevant coupled-mode equations is well corroborated by the experimental results, yielding a value of the Kerr coefficient of ≈4.4× 10-7 cm2 GW for Ca F2. © 2005 American Institute of Physics

    Femtosecond holography in lithium niobate crystals

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    Spatial gratings are recorded holographically by two femtosecond pump pulses at 388 nm in lithium niobate (LiNbO3) crystals and read out by a Bragg-matched, temporally delayed probe pulse at 776 nm. We claim, to our knowledge, the first holographic pump-probe experiments with subpicosecond temporal resolution for LiNbO3. An instantaneous grating that is due mostly to the Kerr effect as well as a long-lasting grating that results mainly from the absorption caused by photoexcited carriers was observed. The Kerr coefficient of LiNbO3 for our experimental conditions, i.e., pumped and probed at different wavelengths, was ≈ 1.0 × 10-5 cm2/GW. © 2005 Optical Society of America