7,136 research outputs found

    Spin-spin Correlation in Some Excited States of Transverse Ising Model

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    We consider the transverse Ising model in one dimension with nearest-neighbour interaction and calculate exactly the longitudinal spin-spin correlation for a class of excited states. These states are known to play an important role in the perturbative treatment of one-dimensional transverse Ising model with frustrated second-neighbour interaction. To calculate the correlation, we follow the earlier procedure of Wu, use Szego's theorem and also use Fisher-Hartwig conjecture. The result is that the correlation decays algebraically with distance (nn) as 1/n1/\surd n and is oscillatory or non-oscillatory depending on the magnitude of the transverse field.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Exact solution of a 2d random Ising model

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    The model considered is a d=2 layered random Ising system on a square lattice with nearest neighbours interaction. It is assumed that all the vertical couplings are equal and take the positive value J while the horizontal couplings are quenched random variables which are equal in the same row but can take the two possible values J and J-K in different rows. The exact solution is obtained in the limit case of infinite K for any distribution of the horizontal couplings. The model which corresponds to this limit can be seen as an ordinary Ising system where the spins of some rows, chosen at random, are frozen in an antiferromagnetic order. No phase transition is found if the horizontal couplings are independent random variables while for correlated disorder one finds a low temperature phase with some glassy properties.Comment: 10 pages, Plain TeX, 3 ps figures, submitted to Europhys. Let

    Boundary correlation function of fixed-to-free bcc operators in square-lattice Ising model

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    We calculate the boundary correlation function of fixed-to-free boundary condition changing operators in the square-lattice Ising model. The correlation function is expressed in four different ways using 2×22\times2 block Toeplitz determinants. We show that these can be transformed into a scalar Toeplitz determinant when the size of the matrix is even. To know the asymptotic behavior of the correlation function at large distance we calculate the asymptotic behavior of this scalar Toeplitz determinant using the Szeg\"o's theorem and the Fisher-Hartwig theorem. At the critical temperature we confirm the power-law behavior of the correlation function predicted by conformal field theory

    Finite Temperature and Dynamical Properties of the Random Transverse-Field Ising Spin Chain

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    We study numerically the paramagnetic phase of the spin-1/2 random transverse-field Ising chain, using a mapping to non-interacting fermions. We extend our earlier work, Phys. Rev. 53, 8486 (1996), to finite temperatures and to dynamical properties. Our results are consistent with the idea that there are ``Griffiths-McCoy'' singularities in the paramagnetic phase described by a continuously varying exponent z(δ)z(\delta), where δ\delta measures the deviation from criticality. There are some discrepancies between the values of z(δ)z(\delta) obtained from different quantities, but this may be due to corrections to scaling. The average on-site time dependent correlation function decays with a power law in the paramagnetic phase, namely τ1/z(δ)\tau^{-1/z(\delta)}, where τ\tau is imaginary time. However, the typical value decays with a stretched exponential behavior, exp(cτ1/μ)\exp(-c\tau^{1/\mu}), where μ\mu may be related to z(δ)z(\delta). We also obtain results for the full probability distribution of time dependent correlation functions at different points in the paramagnetic phase.Comment: 10 pages, 14 postscript files included. The discussion of the typical time dependent correlation function has been greatly expanded. Other papers of APY are available on-line at http://schubert.ucsc.edu/pete

    Exact renormalization of the random transverse-field Ising spin chain in the strongly ordered and strongly disordered Griffiths phases

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    The real-space renormalization group (RG) treatment of random transverse-field Ising spin chains by Fisher ({\it Phys. Rev. B{\bf 51}, 6411 (1995)}) has been extended into the strongly ordered and strongly disordered Griffiths phases and asymptotically exact results are obtained. In the non-critical region the asymmetry of the renormalization of the couplings and the transverse fields is related to a non-linear quantum control parameter, Δ\Delta, which is a natural measure of the distance from the quantum critical point. Δ\Delta, which is found to stay invariant along the RG trajectories and has been expressed by the initial disorder distributions, stands in the singularity exponents of different physical quantities (magnetization, susceptibility, specific heat, etc), which are exactly calculated. In this way we have observed a weak-universality scenario: the Griffiths-McCoy singularities does not depend on the form of the disorder, provided the non-linear quantum control parameter has the same value. The exact scaling function of the magnetization with a small applied magnetic field is calculated and the critical point magnetization singularity is determined in a simple, direct way.Comment: 11 page

    Critical Behavior and Griffiths-McCoy Singularities in the Two-Dimensional Random Quantum Ising Ferromagnet

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    We study the quantum phase transition in the two-dimensional random Ising model in a transverse field by Monte Carlo simulations. We find results similar to those known analytically in one-dimension. At the critical point, the dynamical exponent is infinite and the typical correlation function decays with a stretched exponential dependence on distance. Away from the critical point there are Griffiths-McCoy singularities, characterized by a single, continuously varying exponent, z', which diverges at the critical point, as in one-dimension. Consequently, the zero temperature susceptibility diverges for a RANGE of parameters about the transition.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 3 eps-figures include

    Health system constraints to optimal coverage of the prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission programme in South Africa: lessons from the implementation of the national pilot programme

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    Background: It is three years since the government of South Africa began implementing a PMTCT programme. Over this period of time attempts have been made to scale up this programme across all provinces under routine health service conditions. Objectives: To report on the uptake and performance of South Africa\'s national pilot programme for preventing mother to child HIV transmission (PMTCT) and to identify health system constraints to optimal coverage. Methods: Routine programme data were collected from antenatal records and delivery registers at the pilot sites and interviews were conducted with health workers on site and with provincial programme managers. Results: Routine PMTCT programme data were collected from all 18 pilot sites for the period January to December 2002. During this period, of 84406 women attending the sites for first antenatal visits, 47267 (56%) agreed to an HIV test. 14340 (30%) of the women tested were HIV positive and of these 7853 (55%) were dispensed nevirapine. 7950 (99%) of infants born to women identified as being HIV positive received nevirapine syrup. 58% (4196/7237) of HIV positive women expressed an intention to exclusively formula feed, and 42% (3041/7237) intended to exclusively breastfeed. 1907 infants were due for 12 month HIV testing between January and December 2002, of these 949 (50%) infants were tested. Conclusions: Programme effectiveness was limited by the low rate of HIV test acceptance, poor delivery of nevirapine to mothers and inability to track mother-infant pairs postnatally for 12-month HIV testing of infants. Infant feeding intentions of mothers suggest inadequate counselling and possible negative effects of the provision of free formula milk. The poor perfor- mance of the main components of this programme will seriously reduce its operational effectiveness. There is a need for greater integration of VCT within antenatal care, a review of the current policy of providing free formula milk and an alternative model for mother-infant follow up. African Health Sciences Vol. 5 (3) 2005: pp. 213-21

    Localization transitions in non-Hermitian quantum mechanics

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    We study the localization transitions which arise in both one and two dimensions when quantum mechanical particles described by a random Schr\"odinger equation are subjected to a constant imaginary vector potential. A path-integral formulation relates the transition to flux lines depinned from columnar defects by a transverse magnetic field in superconductors. The theory predicts that the transverse Meissner effect is accompanied by stretched exponential relaxation of the field into the bulk and a diverging penetration depth at the transition.Comment: 4 pages (latex) with 3 figures (epsf) embedded in the text using the style file epsf.st

    Zero--Temperature Quantum Phase Transition of a Two--Dimensional Ising Spin--Glass

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    We study the quantum transition at T=0T=0 in the spin-12\frac12 Ising spin--glass in a transverse field in two dimensions. The world line path integral representation of this model corresponds to an effective classical system in (2+1) dimensions, which we study by Monte Carlo simulations. Values of the critical exponents are estimated by a finite-size scaling analysis. We find that the dynamical exponent, zz, and the correlation length exponent, ν\nu, are given by z=1.5±0.05z = 1.5 \pm 0.05 and ν=1.0±0.1\nu = 1.0 \pm 0.1. Both the linear and non-linear susceptibility are found to diverge at the critical point.Comment: RevTeX 10 pages + 4 figures (appended as uuencoded, compressed tar-file), THP21-9