24 research outputs found

    High field x-ray diffraction study on a magnetic-field-induced valence transition in YbInCu4

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    We report the first high-field x-ray diffraction experiment using synchrotron x-rays and pulsed magnetic fields exceeding 30 T. Lattice deformation due to a magnetic-field-induced valence transition in YbInCu4 is studied. It has been found that the Bragg reflection profile at 32 K changes significantly at around 27 T due to the structural transition. In the vicinity of the transition field the low-field and the high-field phases are observed simultaneously as the two distinct Bragg reflection peaks: This is a direct evidence of the fact that the field-induced valence state transition is the first order phase transition. The field-dependence of the low-field-phase Bragg peak intensity is found to be scaled with the magnetization.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    The effect of elastic deformation on the minor hysteresis loops of low carbon steel

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    The effect of elastic tensile deformations on the magnetic permeability of a structural low-carbon steel 20K (0.23 % C, 0.20 % Si, 0.46 % Mn) at various magnetic states was experimentally studied. To obtain these parameters, the measurements of minor hysteresis loops, which begin in the demagnetized state and in the remanent magnetization state, were carried out. The maximum tensile stress equal to 250 MPa that corresponds to 90 % of the conditional yield strength of studied steel. Stress dependences of the initial and reversible magnetic permeabilities as well as differential magnetic permeability along the descending branch of the minor hysteresis loop, which starts in the remanent magnetization state, are non-monotonic. They have extremums at σ = 50-70 MPa. However, stress dependences of the sums of those parameters are monotonic. The relative changes reach 25 % at tensile stresses of 250 MPa which make the promise of using the sums of magnetic permeabilities as parameters for assessing the magnitude of tensile stresses. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The research was funded by RFBR, project number 20-48-660035. The experiments were carried out with the use of the equipment of the Plastometriya collective use center affiliated to IES UB RAS

    Strong-coupling scenario of a metamagnetic transition

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    We investigate the periodic Anderson model in the presence of an external magnetic field, using dynamical mean-field theory in combination with the modified perturbation theory. A metamagnetic transition is observed which exhibits a massive change in the electronic properties. These are discussed in terms of the quasiparticle weight and densities of states. The results are compared with the experimental results of the metamagnetic transition in CeRu_2Si_2.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to appear in PR

    Ferromagnetic Quantum Critical Endpoint in UCoAl

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    Resistivity and magnetostriction measurements were performed at high magnetic fields and under pressure on UCoAl. At ambient pressure, the 1st order metamagnetic transition at H_m ~ 0.7 T from the paramagnetic ground state to the field-induced ferromagnetic state changes to a crossover at finite temperature T_0 ~11 K. With increasing pressure, H_m linearly increases, while T_0 decreases and is suppressed at the quantum critical endpoint (QCEP, P_QCEP ~ 1.5 GPa, H_m ~ 7 T). At higher pressure, the value of H_m identified as a crossover continuously increases, while a new anomaly appears above P_QCEP at higher field H* in resistivity measurements. The field dependence of the effective mass (m*) obtained by resistivity and specific heat measurements exhibits a step-like drop at H_m at ambient pressure. With increasing pressure, it gradually changes into a peak structure and a sharp enhancement of m* is observed near the QCEP. Above P_QCEP, the enhancement of m* is reduced, and a broad plateau is found between H_m and H*. We compare our results on UCoAl with those of the ferromagnetic superconductor UGe2 and the itinerant metamagnetic ruthenate Sr3Ru2O7.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Medico-socio-psychological technologies of patient support during ophthalmosurgery

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    The article is devoted to improvement of the health care quality technologies. The authors offer a new classification of medico-organizational technologies of patient support in the health facilities, and also present the results of investigation, reflecting the experience of integration of these technologies into the practice of a non-state health facility - the Ivanovo Interregional Ophthalmo-surgical clinic

    The quality of early breast cancer diagnosis in urban women by doctors of adult polyclinics

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    In oncology, one of the leading places belongs to breast cancer. This problem is particularly significant in the current situation, when the issue of reproductive health of the female population is acute lyuped in connection with the unfavourable demographic trends in our country. Early diagnosis of precancerous diseases and initial stages of cancer is possible only with active search of patients among practically healthy people. However, despite the availability of breast for examination in adult clinics, malignant tumors of these locations are often found with considerable delay. The most important factor in the success of early diagnosis of oncopathology is the work of primary health care physicians. However, there have been no studies on the quality of early diagnosis of breast cancer in urban women in modern seffings. Purpose of the study. to study the quality of early diagnosis of breast cancer in urban women by doctors of adult polyclinics. Materials and methods. Adult clinics №.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12 of Ivanovo have been identified as the basis of the study. The study was conducted in 2018. The program of the study included the use of methods: expert, sociological, mathematical and statistical. Surveillance units: a woman with a malignant breast formation living in the city; case of detected and confirmed malignant breast formation. A retrospective analysis of 600 expert opinions was carried out, the survey method on the questionnaire studied women's satisfaction with premorbid prevention in the adult clinic and the availability of early diagnosis of breast cancer (100 patients). The data were processed using applied computer programs. Results. It has been established that the main causes of late diagnosis of breast cancer in urban women are: untimely treatment of the patient in a medical and preventive institution, deviations from the standard of examination of women for oncopathology, errors in diagnosis, features of the course of the disease (lightning or latent form), non-compliance with continuity in the management of the patient.Conclusion. Analysis of expert opinions on advanced cases of breast cancer showed that the bulk of the defects detected are preventable and are associated with low cancer of doctors and failure to fully and properly perform the standard of examination oncopathology


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    Purpose of the stydy. To study the Features of the technological component of the Ivanovo region health system policy in malignant tumors early diagnosisMaterials and methods. The base of the research is the Ivanovo Regional Oncology Dispensery, Department of Health of the Ivanovo Region. Methods: sociological, expert assessment, analytical, documentary. The assessment of the technological component of oncological service policy was carried out in the three areas: a) an assessment of the quality of oncological assistance using the method of correspondence examination of completed cases of assistance with filling out expert assessment cards (600 cases of assistance); b) an assessment of patients' satisfaction with the help provided by the method of a sociological questionnaire survey (600 patients); c) an assessment of the apparent patients' dissatisfaction with the help provided based on the analysis of justified complaints (30 people).Results. The expertize of oncological medical services provided showed that there is a decrease in a number of its properties in modern conditions. The first ranking places in terms of the frequency of violations belong to the following properties of medical services quality: timeliness; adequacy; continuity; performance, availability. In the structure of medical and organizational defects in the quality of care, according to the results of expert evaluation, the leading part of them- 70.5% — is occupied by diagnostic defects (non-compliance by the medical personnel with the oncological screening standard, non-use of instrumental and laboratory research methods).Conclusion. The policy of oncological care quality has signs of decrease (the number of diagnostic and medical-organi­zational defects averages 1.7 for each case of diagnosed cancer), which leads to advanced cases of oncopathology. The results of the study showed that the current system of oncological care in modern conditions is not sufficiently effective and requires improvement, including by increasing the doctors' level of cancer alertness, increasing the efficiency of the regional cancer pathology commissions


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    The new economic policy of Russia is based on innovation and investment. Before choosing innovative changes, it is mandatory to assess the innovative potential of the organization. can distinguish Three main components can be distinguished in the innovative potential of a medical institution: innovative potential of medical personnel, innovation of facilities and resources, technology innovation (medico-institutional, therapeutic and diagnostic technologies). An audit of the innovative potential of a medical organization is a prerequisite for the formation of a competent economic policy, i. e. business strategies, priority investments. However, studies on a comprehensive assessment of the state of innovative potential of oncological medical organizations have not been conducted yet.Objective. To study the state of innovative potential of a medical organization, as part of its economic policy, using the example of cancer care.Materials and methods. The base of the research is the Higher Educational Institution “Ivanovo Regional Oncology Dispensary”, Department of Health, Ivanovo Region. The research program provided for the use of sociological, expert, mathematical-statistical and analytical methods. Units of observation: medical worker (doctor, paramedical worker) and material and technical resources of “Ivanovo Regional Oncology Dispensary”, The study was conducted in 2018. The integral estimation methodology of a medical organization’s innovation potential includes a quantitative assessment of each component of the potential according to the appropriate methodology.Results. Decline of the innovative capacity medical organization oncological profile on all of its components including: a personnel component at 9,0%, logistical component to 11,0%, technological component at 6,8%. Reduced innovative capacity of health workers is associated with low estimation of its parameters such as: the use of information sources for self-development, the ability to adapt to innovation and research activity. A decrease in the innovative potential of an oncological medical organization was noted in all its components, including: the personnel component by 9.0%, the material and technical component by 11.0%, the technological component by 6.8%. The decline in the innovative potential of health workers is associated with a low assessment of its parameters such as the use of information sources for self-development, the ability to adapt to innovation and research activities. The decrease in the innovation of the organization’s facilities and resources is associated with such indicators as: the scientific and technical level of equipment, the coefficient of accumulation of fixed assets, the coefficient of depreciation of equipment, the coefficient of inclusion of equipment in the standard of assistance. The decrease in innovation in the technological component is associated with the incomplete implementation of such quality attributes of medical services as: efficiency, adequacy, interpersonal interaction, uniqueness, convenience.Conclusion. The results of the study showed that a change in the innovative policy of medical organizations is required, its transfer from an extensive to an intensive strategic vector of development, the use of free financial resources for the purchase of new generation equipment, and the training of medical personnel in modern work technologies


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    Introduction. Arterial hypertension is one of the most serious problems of the contemporary health care. Within the qualimetric approach and quantification of “lifestyle” capacity. However, research papers dealing with the relationship impact medical care cardiac profile and complete realization of the potential of the lifestyles of patients, it is not enough. The purpose of the research is to explore the potential lifestyle hypertensive patients and its role in ensuring the effectiveness of the treatment.Materials and methods. The study was conducted on the basis of the medical organizations of the Kostroma region. Research methods: expert, sociological, analytical, statistical. Analysed data on 400 patients a cardiac profile: lifestyle parameters monitoring data of patients using the original automated management factors impact medical care Cardiac profile, data expert evaluation of physician lifestyles of the patient and the patient questionnaire survey, consisting of 8 questions.Results and discussion. Found that in patients with arterial hypertension has reduced the capacity of lifestyle for all its components, including the low level of medical activity, low level of medical awareness, inadequate recreational activity disregard for the principles of a balanced diet, the prevalence of bad habits. There are significant differences in the potential lifestyle of patients with low and high levels of treatment success, proving the importance of lifestyle modification patients, his healing in the practice of primary care physicians health.Conclusions and proposals. It is recommended that the monitoring capacity of the lifestyles of patients with arterial hypertension in the context of district clinics

    Communication culture of medical institutions and patients as the factor of maintenance of efficiency of medical aid

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    Article is devoted communication culture medical establishments and patients as to the factor of maintenance of efficiency of medical aid. Authors on the basis of studying of communication culture of medical institutions and patients a different profile conclusions about necessity of management of this phenomenon on the basis of the complex approach become