2,755 research outputs found

    On some generalized ageing orderings

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    Some partial orderings which compare probability distributions with the expo- nential distribution, are found to be very useful to understand the phenomenon of ageing. Here, we introduce some new generalized partial orderings which de- scribe the same kind of characterization of some generalized ageing classes. We give some equivalent conditions for each of the orderings. Inter-relations among the generalized orderings have also been discussed

    Pembatasan Energi Ransum Pada Sapi Bali Yang Diberi Pelepah Sawit Pada Level Berbeda Terhadap Komposisi Tubuh

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    Nowadays the livestock industries are required to produce a low-fat meat, because fat has a negative effect on the healthof consumers. Efforts to address the accumulation of fat is done by energy restriction in animal feed. If the feed does not meetthe needs of energy, then these requirements will be met by dismantling the body fat stores. Feed given to cows intended toproduce maximum production performance. The productivity of an animal to be seen apart from the weight gain, it can alsobe reflected by the composition of body components. One way to look at the composition of the animal body components withurea space techniques. The aim of this research was to determine the potency of palm frond as a grass field alternative to Balicattle diet. The experimental design used was a randomized complete block design consisted of 4 treatments and 4replications. Feed treatments were : A = 60% field grass + 40% palm cake, B = 40% field grass and 20% palm frond + 40%palm cake, C = 20% field grass and 40% palm frond + 40% palm cake, D = 60% palm frond + 40% palm cake. The resultsshowed that the use of palm frond various levels did not significantly (P>0,05) affect the value of the body composition.Average water body on treatment A, B, C and D were 51.15%, 51.24%, 50.61% and 50.85%, respectively. An average bodyprotein on treatment A, B, C and D were 13.22%, 13.23%; 13.0% and 13.15%, respectively. Average body fat in treatmentA, B, C and D were 30.49 %, 30.37 , 31.19 and 30.88 %, respectively. This study demonstrated that administration palmfrond could be used as grass field alternative to cattle diet

    Breaking the AMSP mould: the increasingly strange case of HETE J1900.1-2455

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    We present ongoing Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) monitoring observations of the 377.3 Hz accretion-powered pulsar, HETE J1900.1-2455 Activity continues in this system more than 3 years after discovery, at a mean luminosity of 4.4e36 erg/s (for d=5 kpc), although pulsations were present only within the first 70 days. X-ray variability has increased each year, notably with a brief interval of nondetection in 2007, during which the luminosity dropped to below 1e-3 of the mean level. A deep search of data from the intervals of nondetection in 2005 revealed evidence for extremely weak pulsations at an amplitude of 0.29% rms, a factor of ten less than the largest amplitude seen early in the outburst. X-ray burst activity continued through 2008, with bursts typically featuring strong radius expansion. Spectral analysis of the most intense burst detected by RXTE early in the outburst revealed unusual variations in the inferred photospheric radius, as well as significant deviations from a blackbody. We obtained much better fits instead with a comptonisation model.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, one table; to appear in the proceedings of the workshop "A Decade of Accreting Millisecond X-ray Pulsars", Amsterdam, April 2008, eds. R. Wijnands et al. (AIP Conf. Proc.

    Rice genotype differences in tolerance of zinc-deficient soils: evidence for the importance of root-induced changes in the rhizosphere

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    The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fpls.2015.01160Zinc (Zn) deficiency is a major constraint to rice production and Zn is also often deficient in humans with rice-based diets. Efforts to breed more Zn-efficient rice are constrained by poor understanding of the mechanisms of tolerance to deficiency. Here we assess the contributions of root growth and root Zn uptake efficiency, and we seek to explain the results in terms of specific mechanisms. We made a field experiment in a highly Zn-deficient rice soil in the Philippines with deficiency-tolerant and -sensitive genotypes, and measured growth, Zn uptake and root development. We also measured the effect of planting density. Tolerant genotypes produced more crown roots per plant and had greater uptake rates per unit root surface area; the latter was at least as important as root number to overall tolerance. Tolerant and sensitive genotypes took up more Zn per plant at greater planting densities. The greater uptake per unit root surface area, and the planting density effect can only be explained by root-induced changes in the rhizosphere, either solubilizing Zn, or neutralizing a toxin that impedes Zn uptake (possibly HCO − 3 HCO3− or Fe2+), or both. Traits for these and crown root number are potential breeding targets.This research was funded by a grant from the UK's Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC, Grant Ref. BB/J011584/1) under the Sustainable Crop Production Research for International Development (SCPRID) programme, a joint multi-national initiative of BBSRC, the UK Government's Department for International Development (DFID) and (through a grant awarded to BBSRC) the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Support to AKN in the form of a fellowship awarded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) is gratefully acknowledged

    Development and Ergonomic Evaluation of Manually Operated Weeder for Dry Land Crops

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    A manually operated weeder for dry land crops was developed and evaluated to find its performance. It was compared with other available weeders namely wheel finger weeder, wheel hoe and conventional weeding by using trench hoe for groundnut crop at four levels of soil moisture content of 13.52, 11.63, 9.52 and 8.04 per cent (db). It was found that the heart rate, oxygen consumption rate and energy consumption rate increases with decrease in soil moisture content for all the treatments. The highest performance index of 3689.74 was obtained with developed weeder at 11.63 per cent moisture content. Lowest plant damage (2.46 to 7.96%) and lower energy consumption rate (8.34 to 40.05 kJ/min) with highest performance index (678.66 to 3689.74) of developed weeder at different soil moisture content proved its superiority over other weeders. Soil moisture of 11.63 per cent was found to be optimum for weeding in groundnut crop and the cost of operation of developed weeder at this soil moisture content was found to be Rupees 244.00 as against Rupees 2450.00 per hectare in conventional method of weeding by using trench hoe

    A Ring Shaped Embedded Young Stellar (Proto)Cluster

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    We present sub-arcsec (FWHM ~ 0.5") J, H, K and L' images of a young stellar cluster associated with a candidate massive protostar IRAS22134+5834. The observations reveal a centrally symmetric, flattened cluster enclosing a central dark region. The central dark region is possibly a cavity within the flattened cluster. It is surrounded by a ring composed of 5 bright stars and the candidate massive protostar IRAS22134+5834. We construct JHKL' color-color and HK color-magnitude diagrams to identify the young stellar objects and estimate their spectral types. All the bright stars in the ring are found to have intrinsic infrared excess emission and are likely to be early to late B type stars. We estimate an average foreground extinction to the cluster of A_v \~ 5mag and individual extinctions to the bright stars in the range A_v ~ 20-40mag indicating possible cocoons surrounding each massive star. This ring of bright stars is devoid of any HII region. It is surrounded by an embedded cluster making this an example of a (proto)cluster that is in one of the dynamically least relaxed states. These observations are consistent with the recent non-axisymmetric calculations of Li & Nakamura, who present a star formation scenario in which a magnetically subcritical cloud fragments into multiple magnetically supercritical cores, leading to the formation of small stellar groups.Comment: 13 pages in preprint format, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Analisis Optimalisasi Pengembangan Sarana Dan Prasarana Terminal Peti Kemas Semarang

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    Tujuan studi penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kinerja dan kapasitas dermaga, kinerja dan kapasitas container yard, dan kapasitas alat yang berada di Terminal Peti Kemas Semarang, yaitu Container Crane (CC), Automatic Rubber Tyred Gantry (ARTG) dan Rubber Tyred Gantry (RTG). Metode yang digunakan untuk mengetahui kinerja dermaga adalah Berth Occupancy Ratio (BOR), yaitu perbandingan antara waktu penggunaan dermaga dengan waktu yang tersedia yang dinyatakan dalam presentase. Sedangkan kinerja dari container yard dapat dianalisis menggunakan metode Yard Occupancy Ratio (YOR), yaitu nilai yang menunjukan persentase dari terminal yang dimanfaatkan untuk penumpukan peti kemas untuk periode tertentu. Kapasitas dermaga dan container yard dihitung menggunakan persamaan kapasitas dermaga terpasang (KDL) dan persamaan luasan container yard (At). Selain itu metode BTP (Berth Throughput) digunakan dalam studi penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkat pemakaian dermaga. Nilai BOR dengan persamaan beberapa tambatan pada tahun 2016 adalah 54,33% dan nilai BOR dengan persamaan tambatan umum 22,87%. Besarnya nilai BTP tahun 2016 adalah 3.696 TEUs/m/tahun dan nilai KDL adalah 1.995.640 TEUs. Jika nilai BTP terpasang dibandingkan dengan nilai BTP terpakai (1.139 TEUs/m/tahun) dan nilai KDL dibandingkan dengan jumlah peti kemas tahun 2016 (615.133 TEUs/tahun), maka disimpulkan pada tahun 2016 TPKS masih mampu melayani kedatangan peti kemas. Luasan kebutuhan Container Yard (CY) dihitung menggunakan persamaan At didapatkan hasil sebesar 17,68 ha. Jika dibandingkan dengan luas terpasang container yard (18,5 ha), maka disimpulkan bahwa container yard TPKS masih mampu melayani penumpukkan peti kemas. Kinerja container yard di TPKS ditunjukkan melalui nilai YOR pada tahun 2015 yaitu sebesar 62,95%, nilai tersebut dipengaruhi oleh dwelling time. Sebaiknya pada studi selanjutnya didasarkan pada kaidah ISPS Code (International Ship and Port Security) dan memperhitungkan tingkat pertumbuhan industri dan angkutan barang

    A high-finesse Fabry-Perot cavity with a frequency-doubled green laser for precision Compton polarimetry at Jefferson Lab

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    A high-finesse Fabry-Perot cavity with a frequency-doubled continuous wave green laser (532~nm) has been built and installed in Hall A of Jefferson Lab for high precision Compton polarimetry. The infrared (1064~nm) beam from a ytterbium-doped fiber amplifier seeded by a Nd:YAG nonplanar ring oscillator laser is frequency doubled in a single-pass periodically poled MgO:LiNbO3_{3} crystal. The maximum achieved green power at 5 W IR pump power is 1.74 W with a total conversion efficiency of 34.8\%. The green beam is injected into the optical resonant cavity and enhanced up to 3.7~kW with a corresponding enhancement of 3800. The polarization transfer function has been measured in order to determine the intra-cavity circular laser polarization within a measurement uncertainty of 0.7\%. The PREx experiment at Jefferson Lab used this system for the first time and achieved 1.0\% precision in polarization measurements of an electron beam with energy and current of 1.0~GeV and 50~μ\muA.Comment: 20 pages, 22 figures, revised version of arXiv:1601.00251v1, submitted to NIM
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