50 research outputs found

    Approximation algorithms and hardness results for the joint replenishment Problepm with constant demands

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    19th Annual European Symposium, Saarbrücken, Germany, September 5-9, 2011. ProceedingsIn the Joint Replenishment Problem (JRP), the goal is to coordinate the replenishments of a collection of goods over time so that continuous demands are satisfied with minimum overall ordering and holding costs. We consider the case when demand rates are constant. Our main contribution is the first hardness result for any variant of JRP with constant demands. When replenishments per commodity are required to be periodic and the time horizon is infinite (which corresponds to the so-called general integer model with correction factor), we show that finding an optimal replenishment policy is at least as hard as integer factorization. This result provides the first theoretical evidence that the JRP with constant demands may have no polynomial-time algorithm and that relaxations and heuristics are called for. We then show that a simple modification of an algorithm by Wildeman et al. (1997) for the JRP gives a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme for the general integer model (without correction factor). We also extend their algorithm to the finite horizon case, achieving an approximation guarantee asymptotically equal to √9/8

    Multi-Echelon and Joint Replenishment Production and Distribution Systems with Non-Stationary Demands

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    Multi-Echelon and Joint Replenishment Production and Distribution Systems with Non-Stationary Demand

    Multi-Item Production Planning with Joint Replenishment and Capacity Constraints: The Trucking Problem

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    Multi-Item Production Planning with Joint Replenishment and Capacity Constraints: The Trucking Proble

    The Joint Replenishment Problem: New Heuristics and Worst Cast Performance Bonds

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    The Joint Replenishment Problem: New Heuristics and Worst Cast Performance Bond

    Lot Sizing in Multi-Echelon Assembly Systems: Heuristics and Worst Case Performance Bounds

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    Lot Sizing in Multi-Echelon Assembly Systems: Heuristics and Worst Case Performance Bound

    A continuous-time network flow problem arising from machine scheduling

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    A continuous-time network flow problem arising from machine schedulin

    Buffer placement in Sequential production lines: Considerations of Processing Time Viability

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    Buffer placement in Sequential production lines: Considerations of Processing Time Viabilit

    Computational Complexity of Uncapacitated Multi-Echelon Production Plannin Problems

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    Computational Complexity of Uncapacitated Multi-Echelon Production Plannin Problem