1,685 research outputs found

    Pressure drop and pumping power for fluid flow through round tubes

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    Program, written for Hewlett-Packard 9100A electronic desk computer provides convenient and immediate solution to problem of calculating pressure drop and fluid pumping power for flow through round tubes. Program was designed specifically for steady-state analysis and assumes laminar flow

    Malaria in Nonimmune Travelers

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    Background: With the current increase of international travel to tropical endemic areas, the incidence of malaria being imported into nonendemic countries has increased significantly. Disagreement concerning malaria chemoprophylaxis and inadequate knowledge of malarious areas, morbidity, and pretravel advise has led to confusion among both health professionals as well as travelers. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate malaria imported into Germany by identifying the high-risk endemic areas, clinical presentations, and chemoprophylactic and therapeutic regimens related to reported cases. Methods: Between 1990 and 1993, the 160 nonimmune travelers, all German nationals or residents for more than 10 years, presenting to our travel clinic with microscopically confirmed malaria were investigated. For each, the travel history, chemoprophylaxis used during travel, symptoms, pathological diagnosis, and treatment efficacy were analyzed. Results: Africa (73%), Asia (21%), and Central South America (6%) were the endemic countries visited by our patients, of whom only 3% used the chemoprophylaxis recommended for their destination. Plasmodium falciparum was the most common pathogen, found in more than half of our patients, and P. vivax (29%), P. ova le (6%), P. malariae(6%), a mixed infection with P.falciparum and P vivax (3%) were also detected. All patients presented with fever and headaches, a majority with profuse night sweats, insomnia, arthralgias, and myalgias, and diarrhea and abdominal cramps were experienced in 13% and 8%, respectively. In falciparum malaria, a recrudescence was observed in all patients who received chloroquine only, whereas quinine, halofantrine, and mefloquine were highly effective. In vivax malaria, a relapse rate of 14% was noted in the patients treated with the currently recommended regimen of chloroquine and primaquine. Conclusions: Visitors to endemic countries, especially to Africa, are of significant risk. Given the low compliance rate of chemoprophylaxis, a high percentage of malaria in our patients could have been avoided by an appropriate prophylaxis regimen and optimal pretravel counseling

    Peer reviews: What can we learn from our students?

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    This paper describes lessons learnt whilst using an online peer review system in an undergraduate unit for pre-service teachers. In this unit students learn to use information technologies as part of their future teaching practice. The unit aims to foster graduates who become life-long reflective educators by providing opportunities to explore and reflect on how they might use technology in authentic learning situations. Whilst peer review is an appropriate activity for supporting critical thinking and reflective practice in this kind of unit, it requires a number of decisions to be made in relation to student preparation and support, implementation strategy, and technological infrastructure to make it work in specific contexts. Much research has been conducted in recent years to inform educators in making these decisions. However, there are still gaps in the research, particularly in how to improve the quality and consistency of feedback that students give to each other in their feedback. This paper describes the experiences of implementing an online peer review system aiming to improve quality and consistency of feedback. This exploration has revealed that we can learn much about ways to improve our teaching practices by giving students an opportunity to review each other’s work and give each other feedback

    Cutaneos larva migrans in travelers

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    The symptoms, medical history, and treatment of 98 patients with cutaneous larva migrans (creeping eruption) who attended a travel-related-disease clinic during a period of 4 years are reviewed. This condition is caused by skin-penetrating larvae of nematodes, mainly of the hookworm Ancylostoma braziliense and other nematodes of the family Ancylostomidae. Despite the ubiquitous distribution of these nematodes, in the investigated group only travelers to tropical and subtropical countries were affected; 28.9% of the patients had symptoms for > 1 month, and for 24.5% the probable incubation period was > 2 weeks. The efflorescences typically were on the lower extremities (73.4% of all locations). The buttocks and anogenital region were affected in 12.6% of all locations, and the trunk and upper extremities each were affected in 7.1%. Only a minority of patients presented with eosinophilia or an elevated serum level of IgE. No other laboratory data appeared to be related to the disease. Therapy with topical thiabendazole was successful for 98% of the patients. Systemic antihelmintic therapy was necessary in two cases because of disseminated, extensive infection

    Reconstruction of linearly parameterized models from single images with a camera of unknown focal length

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    Follow-up of X-ray transients detected by SWIFT with COLORES using the BOOTES network

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    The Burst Observer and Optical Transient Exploring System (BOOTES) is a network of telescopes that allows the continuous monitoring of transient astrophysical sources. It was originally devoted to the study of the optical emission from gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) that occur in the Universe. In this paper we show the initial results obtained using the spectrograph COLORES (mounted on BOOTES-2), when observing compact objects of diverse nature.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figues, to appear in "Swift: 10 years of discovery", Proceedings of Scienc
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