4,286 research outputs found

    Ionized Gas Kinematics and Morphology in Sgr B2 Main on 1000 AU Scales

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    We have imaged the Sgr B2 Main region with the Very Large Array in the BnA configuration (θbeam\theta_{beam} = 0\farcs13) in both the H52α\alpha (45.453 GHz) radio recombination line (RRL) and 7 mm continuum emission. At a distance of 8500 pc, this spatial resolution corresponds to a physical scale of 0.005 pc (\sim1100 AU). The current observations detect H52α\alpha emission in 12 individual ultracompact (UC) and hypercompact (HC) HII regions. Two of the sources with detected H52 α\alpha emission have broad (Δ\DeltaVFWHM_{FWHM}\sim50 \kms) recombination lines, and two of the sources show lines with peaks at more than one velocity. We use line parameters from the H52α\alpha lines and our previous H66α\alpha line observations to determine the relative contribution of thermal, pressure and kinematic broadening, and electron density. These new observations suggest that pressure broadening can account for the broad lines in some of the sources, but that gas motions (e.g. turbulence, accretion or outflow) contribute significantly to the broad lines in at least one of the sources (Sgr B2 F3).Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Seeding the Galactic Centre gas stream: gravitational instabilities set the initial conditions for the formation of protocluster clouds

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    Star formation within the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ) may be intimately linked to the orbital dynamics of the gas. Recent models suggest that star formation within the dust ridge molecular clouds (from G0.253+0.016 to Sgr B2) follows an evolutionary time sequence, triggered by tidal compression during their preceding pericentre passage. Given that these clouds are the most likely precursors to a generation of massive stars and extreme star clusters, this scenario would have profound implications for constraining the time-evolution of star formation. In this Letter, we search for the initial conditions of the protocluster clouds, focusing on the kinematics of gas situated upstream from pericentre. We observe a highly-regular corrugated velocity field in {l,vLSR}\{l,\,v_{\rm LSR}\} space, with amplitude and wavelength A=3.7±0.1A=3.7\,\pm\,0.1 kms1^{-1} and λvel,i=22.5±0.1\lambda_{\rm vel, i}=22.5\,\pm\,0.1 pc, respectively. The extremes in velocity correlate with a series of massive (104\sim10^{4}M_{\odot}) and compact (Req2R_{\rm eq}\sim2 pc), quasi-regularly spaced (8\sim8 pc), molecular clouds. The corrugation wavelength and cloud separation closely agree with the predicted Toomre (17\sim17 pc) and Jeans (6\sim6 pc) lengths, respectively. We conclude that gravitational instabilities are driving the condensation of molecular clouds within the Galactic Centre gas stream. Furthermore, we speculate these seeds are the historical analogue of the dust-ridge molecular clouds, representing the initial conditions of star and cluster formation in the CMZ

    Broad Recombination Line Objects in W49N on 600 AU Scales

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    High resolution 7 mm observations of the W49N massive star forming region have detected recombination line emission from the individual ultracompact (UC) HII regions on 50 milliarcsecond (600 AU) scales. These line observations, combined with multifrequency, high-resolution continuum imaging of the region at 7 mm (VLA) and at 3 mm and 1 mm (BIMA), indicate that five to seven of the eighteen ultracompact sources in W49N are broad recombination line objects (BRLOs) as described by Jaffe & Martin-Pintado (1999). BRLOs have both broad radio recombination lines (Δ\DeltaV>>60 \kms) and rising spectra (Sννα_{\nu}\sim\nu^{\alpha}), with α\alpha values greater than 0.4. The broad line widths of the H52α\alpha line are probably related to motions in the ionized gas rather than pressure broadening. A number of models have been proposed to explain the long lifetime of UC HII regions, including the photoevaporated disk model proposed by Hollenbach et al. (1994). This model can also explain the broad lines, rising spectra and bipolar morphologies of some sources. We suggest-based on line and continuum observations as well as source morphology-that in a subset of the W49N ultracompact sources we may be observing ionized winds that arise from circumstellar disks.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, to appear in The Astrophysical Journal (v. 600, no. 1), 1 January 200

    Flickering of 1.3 cm Sources in Sgr B2: Towards a Solution to the Ultracompact HII Region Lifetime Problem

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    Accretion flows onto massive stars must transfer mass so quickly that they are themselves gravitationally unstable, forming dense clumps and filaments. These density perturbations interact with young massive stars, emitting ionizing radiation, alternately exposing and confining their HII regions. As a result, the HII regions are predicted to flicker in flux density over periods of decades to centuries rather than increasing monotonically in size as predicted by simple Spitzer solutions. We have recently observed the Sgr B2 region at 1.3 cm with the VLA in its three hybrid configurations (DnC, CnB and BnA) at a resolution of 0.25''. These observations were made to compare in detail with matched continuum observations from 1989. At 0.25'' resolution, Sgr B2 contains 41 UC HII regions, 6 of which are hypercompact. The new observations of Sgr B2 allow comparison of relative peak flux densites for the HII regions in Sgr B2 over a 23 year time baseline (1989-2012) in one of the most source-rich massive star forming regions in the Milky Way. The new 1.3 cm continuum images indicate that four of the 41 UC HII regions exhibit significant changes in their peak flux density, with one source (K3) dropping in peak flux density, and the other 3 sources (F10.303, F1 and F3) increasing in peak flux density. The results are consistent with statistical predictions from simulations of high mass star formation, suggesting that they offer a solution to the lifetime problem for ultracompact HII regions.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Morphologies of Ultracompact HII Regions in W49A and Sgr B2: Prevalence of Shells and a Modified Classification Scheme

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    We have used Very Large Array (VLA) observations of the massive star forming regions W49A and Sgr B2, obtained with resolutions from 2\farcs0 to 0\farcs04, to classify the morphologies of nearly 100 ultracompact HII regions. These high resolution, multi-frequency, multi-configuration VLA observations motivate several modifications of the existing morphological classification scheme for UC HII regions. In this work, we describe the modified morphology scheme and the criteria used in source classification. In particular, we drop the ``core-halo'' classification, add a ``bipolar'' classification, and change the shell classification to ``shell-like''. We tally the percentage of each morphology found in the Sgr B2 and W49A regions and find broad agreement with the Galactic plane surveys in the distribution of morphologies for most types. However, we find that nearly a third of the sources in these regions are shell-like, which is a higher percentage by nearly a factor of ten than found in the surveys of Galactic plane star forming regions by Wood & Churchwell (1989a) and Kurtz et al. (1994). This difference may be due to physical differences in the environments of these two extreme star forming regions. Alternatively, differences in observational technique may be responsible.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, to appear in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    NGC 3576 and NGC 3603: Two Luminous Southern HII Regions Observed at High Resolution with the Australia Telescope Compact Array

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    NGC 3576 (G291.28-0.71; l=291.3o, b=-0.7o) and NGC 3603 (G291.58-0.43; l=291.6o, b=-0.5o) are optically visible, luminous HII regions located at distances of 3.0 kpc and 6.1 kpc, respectively. We present 3.4 cm Australian Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) observations of these two sources in the continuum and the H90a, He90a, C90a and H113b recombination lines with an angular resolution of 7" and a velocity resolution of 2.6 km/s. All four recombination lines are detected in the integrated profiles of the two sources. Broad radio recombination lines are detected in both NGC 3576 (DV_{FWHM}>= 50 km/s) and NGC 3603 (DV_{FWHM}>=70 km/s). In NGC 3576 a prominent N-S velocity gradient (~30 km/s/pc) is observed, and a clear temperature gradient (6000 K to 8000 K) is found from east to west, consistent with a known IR color gradient in the source. In NGC 3603, the H90a, He90a and the H113b lines are detected from 13 individual sources. The Y^+ (He/H) ratios in the two sources range from 0.08+/-0.04 to 0.26+/-0.10. We compare the morphology and kinematics of the ionized gas at 3.4 cm with the distribution of stars, 10 micron emission and H_2O, OH, and CH_3OH maser emission. These comparisons suggest that both NGC 3576 and NGC 3603 have undergone sequential star formation.Comment: 24 pages, 12 Postscript figure

    An 8.5 GHz Arecibo survey of Carbon Recombination Lines toward Ultra-compact \HII regions: Physical properties of dense molecular material

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    We report here on a survey of carbon recombination lines (RLs) near 8.5 GHz toward 17 ultra-compact \HII regions (\UCHII s). Carbon RLs are detected in 11 directions, indicating the presence of dense photodissociation regions (PDRs) associated with the \UCHII s. In this paper, we show that the carbon RLs provide important, complementary information on the kinematics and physical properties of the ambient medium near \UCHII s. Non-LTE models for the carbon line forming region are developed, assuming that the PDRs surround the \UCHII s, and we constrained the model parameters by multi-frequency RL data. Modeling shows that carbon RL emission near 8.5 GHz is dominated by stimulated emission and hence we preferentially observe the PDR material that is in front of the \UCHII continuum. We find that the relative motion between ionized gas and the associated PDR is about half that estimated earlier, and has an RMS velocity difference of 3.3 \kms. Our models also give estimates for the PDR density and pressure. We found that the neutral density of PDRs is typically >> 5 ×\times 105^5 \cmthree and \UCHII s can be embedded in regions with high ambient pressure. Our results are consistent with a pressure confined \HII region model where the stars are moving relative to the cloud core. Other models cannot be ruled out, however. Interestingly, in most cases, the PDR pressure is an order of magnitude larger than the pressure of the ionized gas. Further investigation is needed to understand this large pressure difference.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures, 5 tables (accepted for publication in ApJ

    Radio Continuum and Recombination Line Study of UC HII Regions with Extended Envelopes

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    We have carried out 21 cm radio continuum observations of 16 UC HII regions using the VLA (D-array) in search of associated extended emission. We have also observed H76α_\alpha recombination line towards all the sources and He76α_\alpha line at the positions with strong H76α_\alpha line emission. The UC HII regions have simple morphologies and large (>10) ratios of single-dish to VLA fluxes. Extended emission was detected towards all the sources. The extended emission consists of one to several compact components and a diffuse extended envelope. All the UC HII regions but two are located in the compact components, where the UC HII regions always correspond to their peaks. The compact components with UC HII regions are usually smaller and denser than those without UC HII regions. Our recombination line observations indicate that the ultracompact, compact, and extended components are physically associated. The UC HII regions and their associated compact components are likely to be ionized by the same sources on the basis of the morphological relations mentioned above. This suggests that almost all of the observed UC HII regions are not `real' UC HII regions and that their actual ages are much greater than their dynamical age (<10000 yr). We find that most of simple UC HII regions previously known have large ratios of single-dish to VLA fluxes, similar to our sources. Therefore, the `age problem' of UC HII regions does not seem to be as serious as earlier studies argued. We present a simple model that explains extended emission around UC HII regions. Some individual sources are discussed.Comment: 29 pages, 28 postscript figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Interpretation of radio continuum and molecular line observations of Sgr B2: free-free and synchrotron emission, and implications for cosmic rays

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    Recent ammonia (1,1) inversion line data on the Galactic star forming region Sgr B2 show that the column density is consistent with a radial Gaussian density profile with a standard deviation of 2.75 pc. Deriving a formula for the virial mass of spherical Gaussian clouds, we obtain a virial mass of 1.9 million solar masses for Sgr B2. For this matter distribution, a reasonable magnetic field and an impinging flux of cosmic rays of solar neighbourhood intensity, we predict the expected synchrotron emission from the Sgr B2 giant molecular cloud due to secondary electrons and positrons resulting from cosmic ray interactions, including effects of losses due to pion production collisions during diffusive propagation into the cloud complex. We assemble radio continuum data at frequencies between 330 MHz and 230 GHz. From the spectral energy distribution the emission appears to be thermal at all frequencies. Before using these data to constrain the predicted synchrotron flux, we first model the spectrum as free-free emission from the known ultra compact HII regions plus emission from an envelope or wind with a radial density gradient. This severely constrains the possible synchrotron emission by secondary electrons to quite low flux levels. The absence of a significant contribution by secondary electrons is almost certainly due to multi-GeV energy cosmic rays being unable to penetrate far into giant molecular clouds. This would also explain why 100 MeV--GeV gamma-rays (from neutral pion decay or bremsstrahlung by secondary electrons) were not observed from Sgr B2 by EGRET, while TeV energy gamma-rays were observed, being produced by higher energy cosmic rays which more readily penetrate giant molecular clouds.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures. New section on diffusion of primary and secondary cosmic ray electrons into and within the Sgr B2 Giant Molecular Cloud added. Main corrections to proofs made in this versio

    Two massive star-forming regions at early evolutionary stages

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    We report sensitive ATCA radio-continuum observations toward IRAS 15596-5301 and 16272-4837, two luminous objects (> 2x10^4 Lsun) thought to represent massive star-forming regions in early stages of evolution (due to previously undetected radio emission at the 1-sigma level of 2 mJy per beam). Also reported are 1.2-millimeter continuum and a series of molecular-line observations made with the SEST telescope. For IRAS 15596-5301, the observations reveal the presence of three distinct compact radio-continuum sources associated with a dense molecular core. We suggest that this core contains a cluster of B stars which are exciting compact HII regions that are in pressure equilibrium with the dense molecular surroundings. No radio continuum emission was detected from IRAS 16272-4837 (3-sigma limit of 0.2 mJy). However, a dense molecular core has been detected. The high luminosity and lack of radio emission from this massive core suggests that it hosts an embedded young massive protostar that is still undergoing an intense accretion phase. This scenario is supported by the observed characteristics of the line profiles and the presence of a bipolar outflow detected from observations of the SiO emission. We suggest that IRAS 16272-4837 is a bona fide massive star- forming region in a very early evolutionary stage, being the precursor of an ultra compact HII region.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa